[APAC-Discuss] Fwd: [ALAC-Announce] ICANN74 Pandemic Internet Access Reimbursement Program

Shreedeep Rayamajhi shreedeep at rayznews.com
Wed May 11 08:38:14 UTC 2022


Dear All,

ICANN launched the ICANN74 Pandemic Internet Access Reimbursement Program
on 02 May 2022 (announcement

The ICANN Pandemic Internet Access Reimbursement Program aims to facilitate
the active participation in ICANN Public Meetings Meeting for certain
community members with limited Internet capacity by offering financial
assistance to increase their Internet bandwidth during the meeting.

 The deadline to apply is *27 May 2022 by 23:59 UTC*.


Please note: *As ICANN74 will be a hybrid meeting, only applicants who
attend virtually are eligible for this program.*


Application Form Opens - 02 May 2022

Application Deadline - 27 May 2022

Receipt Submission Deadline - 01 July 2022

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

At-Large Staff

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