[APAC-Discuss] Acceptance of nomination for APRALO Chair

Holly Raiche h.raiche at internode.on.net
Fri May 6 10:26:31 UTC 2022

Candidate Statement.

  My connection with APRALO and ICANN goes back about 13 years when I joined APRALO, becoming Vice Chair under Charles Mok, then Chair when he resigned.  I have been involved in many of the important policy issues of ICANN, starting as a member of the RAA drafting team, then the privacy proxy providers discussions, the WHOIS work and the IRTP-D Working Group.  I regularly contribute to the policy discussions of the CPWG, and this past year, become Acting Chair of the Operations and Finance Working Group, leading the team developing comments on both the IANA budget and the ICANN budget.  I have a law degree, have taught telecommunications law and policy and now teach Internet Governance.  I would welcome the opportunity to continue to serve the APRALO community.

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