[APAC-Discuss] Note from Holly Raiche

ICANN At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Fri Aug 23 20:27:30 UTC 2013

Dear All,

Please see below a note from Holly Raiche, Chair of APRALO, who was not able to send the note due to technical difficulties in her current location:



I am afraid I will be an apology for the August APRALO meeting.  I was planning to attend, but when I checked what 0500 UTC is where I am holidaying, I realised it would mean the call would be at 1.00am.  It is not a time particularly good for me, and because the call would also disturb others here, I must be an apology - so Siranush - would you please chair the meeting. (and Olivier, I am also an apology for the ALAC meeting later in the day since I will be travelling to visit friends)

So my suggested agenda (apart from the normal items):

First, Satish and the spotlight on his ALS (Satish, thank you for volunteering to be first in our spotlight series)
Second - Satish, could you then please summarise outcomes from the Meeting Strategy discussion
Third: My report from our first cross RALO meeting and discussion (notes below plus an action item for all of you)
Fourth: some action items for everyone;
- please check the ALS page for APRALO.  Silvia has updated it, but there are several ALSs listed, with no information about them on the page, and some are out of date (including my ALS - which I will correct after holidays)
- there was a call for a webinar.  My suggestion is that we identify one or two policy issues that this group would like to follow and ask for a briefing/webinar on those issues.  Thoughts?

Cross-RALO meeting on 22 August
We spent most of our time on the relationship between RALOs and their RIR.  AFRALO has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  with their RIR, that sets out general principles govering their relationship, and then has individual agreements relating to particular activities and events.  Part of their relationship is for funding, as well as participation in events, and capacity building.  We talked a bit about the benefits for the RIRs of establishing such a relationship, including the RIR's realisation that they need a broader focus than just a purely technical one. A copy of that MoU will be sent to RALO chairs and I will forward it on to all of you, for your information.

On that theme, in Durban, I did have a quick word with the APNIC GM for external relations (contact details not here - in Sydney), and he was very interested in having a closer relationship with APRALO.

What I would like is feedback from all of you is what you think our relationship with APNIC should include.  Should we also have an MoU and what should it cover.  Please all check their site.  they have a lot of training courses and do workshops throughout the area.  Do we want to participate?  Do we want to suggest sites for training?  What else?

Topics that were not covered, but are being addressed by email include APRALO processes and whether they are in line with the revised ALAC Rules of Procedure.  Do we want to form a small working group to check.  Another issue is the role of Vice Chairs.  My suggestion is that, aside from supporting me when I cannot attend meetings, maybe heading up specific working groups.  Again - your thoughts.

So again, my apologies for not being at this meeting.  I'd really like to have been there, but Siranush, I know you will chair the meeting well and please, report back to me on meeting outcomes.



Kind regards,


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org%3cmailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org>>

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