[ALAC-Announce] At-Large wiki migration to Confluence - update

ICANN At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Sat Sep 25 01:16:38 UTC 2010

Dear All, 


The migration of the At-Large wiki pages from Social Text to Confluence is
nearly complete.  Staff have been working closely with the ALAC Chair,
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, over the last several weeks to ensure that the migration
meets all of the requested elements in terms of content and format. 


To allow IT to staff to fully migrate all At-Large pages as well as to give
all members of the At-Large community the opportunity to participate in two
At-Large Confluence training sessions scheduled for Wednesday, 29 September
and Thursday, 30 September, the official ‘go-live’ date of the At-Large
Confluence wiki will now be Friday, 1 October.  


During the next week, we encourage you to browse the At-Large Confluence
site. To access this page, log in to your Confluence account by going to:
http://community.icann.org <http://community.icann.org/>  and clicking on
the ‘Log In’ link on the right hand side of the page. Once you have
logged-in, the At-Large Community tab is located on the upper left hand side
of the page.  We look forward to your comments! 


Please feel free to write to At-Large staff at staff at atlarge.icann.org if
you have any questions regarding the migration of the At-Large wiki pages to



Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White,
Marilyn Vernon, Kristina Nordström
ICANN At-Large Staff





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