[AFRI-Discuss] AFRALO Newsletter

Patricia Akello ekisesta at gmail.com
Tue May 5 10:23:24 UTC 2020

Thanks Staff and newsletter team for putting this together and sharing with
the community.
it helps us keep abreast with whats going on :)
Esther Patricia

On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 10:09 PM ICANN At-Large <staff at atlarge.icann.org>

> April 2020
> Volume 2 | April 2020
> The latest news from the African At-Large Regional Organization (AFRALO)
> Visit our Website
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsXs9v7JCv0-qxJMhBu_ZlPz12tGrbIhX8DKQR1TV_9OgtBHhZ-zIKOM60jeCuzH2GRwqUYi72u7FR4EkOkhNxYsLjr6myRcndKNopwrdHdd-&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> From the Chair's Desk
> Seun Ojedeji, AFRALO Chair
> Welcome to 2020
> On behalf of the AFRALO Leadership (Aziz, Sarah and myself), I wish the
> members of the AFRALO, At-Large, and the entire ICANN community a happy
> 2020. Its an honour to welcome you to the second edition of our newsletter
> as Chair of AFRALO and I would like to once again thank the AFRALO
> community for giving me the opportunity to serve in this capacity. Many
> thanks also goes to the past leadership of AFRALO, most especially the
> immediate past Chair, Mohamed Elbashir and Vice Chair, Fatimata Seye Sylla.
> During the coronavirus outbreak, many in our region and around the world
> are facing this challenge with resilience and bravery. I would like to
> express our appreciation to all the AFRALO membership for keeping engaged
> and enthusiastic.
> I like to commend all AFRALO members who actively participated (remotely
> and physically) during the ATLAS III in Montreal (November 2019). The Third
> At-Large Summit (ATLAS III) event has become a great resource for At-Large
> to further improve our participation in ICANN processes. ATLAS III was
> quite unique in its own way through the various capacity building and
> engagement sessions. Many thanks to everyone involved in the planning of
> the event which was a success and as part of the post ATLAS III discussions
> our RALO committed to 3 things which i will like to remind us all about:
>    - Improve our engagement and participating in Working Groups
>    - Provide feedback to our RALO about our participation and
>    engagement
>    - Reviewing our rules with the intention of finding ways to improve
>    participation
> We have witnessed some of our members taking up responsibilities and we
> hope that more of this will continue to happen. In order to improve our
> participation, we have submitted a number of additional budget requests for
> FY21 one of which will introduce French translation of discussions on our
> mailing list.
> We have reactivated our Rules of Procedure (RoP) working group which will
> be reviewing the Individual Membership section of our rules to determine
> and propose any required changes. Let’s not forget the history behind this;
> the individual membership rules were approved by AFRALO members over 2
> years ago and as per the rules, we are required to review them after 2
> years. This is therefore an activity that is long overdue which rightly
> falls within our focus areas for the year.
> I commend members who have provided updates on their activities to us in
> this newsletter edition and I would like to once again encourage us all to
> keep us informed about your participation within the ICANN community, send
> us a mail on the Afridiscuss list (afri-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org)
> and let us know what current ICANN process you are contributing towards and
> how we may support you. Our monthly meetings will continue all through the
> year and I encourage us all to join the meeting to make our opinion and
> voice heard. Our meetings are open to everyone so feel free to join and
> contribute to the discussions.
> Finally, ICANN67 was held virtually and I hope you all joined remotely. As
> usual, we held a Joint AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting, discussion on the topic
> around Domain Name System (DNS) abuse; the session was the first session
> during the historic ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum, and provided us the
> opportunity to read from our Global Stakeholders Engagement (GSE) team,
> ALAC leadership and ICANN Board members. See more information below about
> AFRALO and ALAC/At-Large activity during ICANN67.
> Here is to a hopeful 2020!
> See At-Large 2020 Priorities
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFDXxGz5EXx85TbnRdGJrzyOWn5gzoWSJyTyqPPg4py6Jku4RgnaOU9pXPQzBZPb_V4DWvOHtN-UtE15q7AFTYhQEiIUin9zGgDLo3aMuzQYDn_w5ju16lk2P_gN_sOLOHA1tlawhHj979p6Va7QJPuGoSdi9ZL3sZoiAg7JPp6qw=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> Editorial Team
> Editor-in-Chief: Seun OJEDEJI
> Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Aziz HILALI
> Managing Editor | Secretariat: Sarah KIDEN
> Editor (English): Remmy NWEKE
> Co-Editor (French): Olévié KOUAMI
> Adetokunbo Abiola
> Aisha Hamid
> Bram Fudzulani
> Bukola Oronti
> Dave Kissoondoyal
> Hadia El Miniawi
> Haroun Mahamat
> Adam Ahmat
> Brahim Mustapha
> Cedric Kinanga
> Christine Anaky
> Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne
> Ines Hfaiedh
> Minata Zong-Naba
> Full list of team members
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsevry9NbG7OJfW8Q8nqqXAq5f9yGtXe-5UivO7wTFHXihOhmmo3gpqTlQbEdU5jSTqDgm_qYZL-yfY__5WHn2x8WBpeiOu8jcGHSUpVPECDLRFuIhF82hv8gDoAj-QDuLLP6QBeWCeF_WKCURveucw8=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> ICANN At-Large Staff
> staff at atlarge.icann.org
> About AFRALO
> African Regional At-Large Organization: Engaging Africa for Development
> AFRALO is the home of the individual Internet user community for the
> African region. It provides news, key resources and interactive information
> sharing tools for individuals and end-user groups in the African region who
> are interested in ICANN and in shaping the future of the Internet.
> AFRALO aims to:
>    - Strengthen users’ participation in ICANN decision-making structures
>    - Help ensure that its members will actively encourage more direct
>    participation by end users
>    - Build Internet policy making capacity in the region
>    - Reach out to Internet users on the issues in the scope of ICANN
>    - Represent users’ interests and defining public interest aspects of
>    Internet governance with specific focus on the areas of privacy,
>    transparency, and accountability
>    - Strengthen consumer protection in ICANN policies
>    - Identify social impacts of technical infrastructure design
>    - Take cultural diversity into account when formulating technical
>    standards (e.g. IDN implementation)
> AFRALO currently consist of 62 ALSes
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsXs9v7JCv0-qxVocM_9hsNkO_uA6rkeFtIVNC4i4F26DuJZRxxh0GUhGvrXsULqUh6raakDPH4V5g4yFUnWJMyI7uIhVQwxyOUoLe6ddgAHAND90M_EtjcY=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> located in 32 countries and territories, as well as 14 Individual members
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFFt_MgJm7vnyU8Gszp4Y5rf4Zhyf81WQW0EtsNUIoTWSpxxd6LC9qZUfULO8zZFlmm1icEFbd2wHv96WKXvLH4hYNYH1ZUjkvkeWv2Z8-W8w=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> and 3 Observers.
> To learn more about the ongoing work of AFRALO, you are welcome to check
> out the AFRALO workspace
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsXs9v7JCv0-qwWGStIR6_URThBKEkL6oG7BpJYBR9HhTwmlLMpY5B20O29rWOuEj52j3WmwVR-Y1Hjqzqcda1eqZfQlQ9bSzY6yU8ZUT5du2RV00X_JfgpQ=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> AFRALO Secretariat Update: Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement for ICANN67
> The AFRALO community once again organised the Joint AFRALO-AfriCANN
> Statement for ICANN67. The session was virtual because ICANN had made the
> decision to hold the first ever virtual session due to the coronavirus
> outbreak.
> The session was attended by at least 117 participants. The statement
> focused on DNS Abuse and the following recommendations were made:
> We recommend the following key steps to assist in the mitigation of DNS
> abuse:
>    1. We call upon the ICANN Org to set aside adequate resources as the
>    Steward of the Global Domain Name System, geared towards creating more
>    awareness on DNS Abuse in its global multistakeholder community and how the
>    same can be mitigated.
>    2. Fighting the DNS Abuse shouldn’t turn in a content regulation which
>    is out of the ICANN remit. In fact, what is considered as content abuse in
>    a country may be a freedom of expression in another. AFRALO would not
>    accept any effort to fight DNS Abuse that becomes a content regulation. In
>    view of this, we call upon the ICANN organization to facilitate more
>    discussions on DNS Abuse at Regional Level through the coordination of
>    Policy, GSE and ICANN Learn teams with African community leadership to
>    ensure effective deliberation.
>    3. We call upon the ICANN Org through the office of the Chief
>    Technical Officer to embrace reporting on DNS abuse in clear and simple
>    language geared towards end users who are major consumers of DNS Products
>    and services.
> Please see the full statement here
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMF6ZfY3G0pCKgMm4HUSv7traUnCRbprWecALFyoo9N-yrK5I3vdBNpKwVCE9Ln00UqiXz-hqwBpkEJqv3G8-pp2xU9DGyfYDu3UzKrZSicHk0wUVPcMdSocOw6aVB08Yrmaa3mjpD7uFLFimX1anScRr_auBSDlb8UnwahCSPPS88kADyUXfTrVyX1nfAcLxd7aq05S_BRyvQeym9czZEZUm4eDxuGe6_oQPZcjzwsqeh42jYiIwnZ4JU2IBlJkiaLVqu2xSBr1ddd3raGmqN9Ft4cHpRA3EH7CRmCPJtg_oCf7jD9clowawR89ZhFRZ0o&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum Update
> This March, ICANN held the ICANN67 Community Forum via remote
> participation
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02pUEyLlgmDnjCEn_5nBHloiuFzdJMV_AdJH-cLa78E07GWp0ZbVHIW6wVh4pI2NZ6ZE3Wo9V8PCfgP5ED-rb4p0qubcVzGjFIugNqG_RlaAp4x6wlSh3oPHszIp2tlT9ynMYtT3P2O-OF4UgyiO-D84MUbOsn4TxaP2JZKtbeDSTQJj0Bpo9Z130-MHVUFvIUszMnaFlWwFg0pIn8vpP1MehXvG0ofGLHxIYB9THoPW2aMYhRNHCsThrgnqmujfI9wn05ig5hHo6jTlCqZTxeKVuC7kGqO8rJZBPkwtPpWGVtKnMEjFgYpKd2bOXFyMuWZxTsuKIGnx0FUmVq5cAyNqYlw-QCh7oZ9Np2W0KcXJ2sJoulbfe5RFD_AAlwFd7cO3lv_RbiOAxcQ33o8p9ECqLmJBIw1GFg5GBdnqKGWcCHu6CcRsccGsj9gcK3Ui6RfI_VKzPGttUe4qgY106Yg9JuYut_BRU33gdQV8Cb77YAFy77OXQX_ghLbDyEtzG64tM7KHPQMIpto6oi8Af42aF57ZcK4Rx-uxz6-6vO7efvL4TP9yRu8qBjfEEOl-nmHG_QVTnzpcPISfit0DYmSjn4nZCUnsMGclYLjXGw-U8=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==> due
> to the coronavirus outbreak. The first ICANN Virtual Community Forum
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02cjHL4rOTMyAhlhlrYhnem5bqR1q0LJ636RwDvfvgSemEffPqxykypBxcEBbowS5Lx85rn98d2Ch8GtQBpz6E60dGbxLda3zONSpqGa5dl1z7S3cor-JbyMGnXOkEXdyA226lFHhOaZOYAIW35T7-cJc-cTC9AhKFeNONm8aRytsdsEKC48LHOcYGx_mYD84flSS70KOAb3tCbveJHuQgNFOGwRDH71XuP_q6KdeMVWsUNokyOV3iMU4rgQ527G-qCv3v-nMQzveJ5Z77RzEsPu1Tle5Drht_ABewKt_6g7IvCYd6QTButZafO6vyZTeVtbQMR7gNJ9kBAQ2hQLU9a-xvW8HKrHbMzZGcH-WOgBugktMDNa7BUlGxYCl4mr7fTGH5XrjtkNZtNc7eXgjvQZimfEktJUlO9ptkMLm-qZKnfHGeHaCDa-TQRVhCDwLVmrlYn53k3iXblhjd0bQySxHZUjp3ppky55DSi1HfoMuFcyEhmb4WqdIE9JczfqmTOMb1PHi0HOU5YXPnOKNWq88_LFr4HKEWb8lRBUQxM2tk2LUQTiJd4wasnoU3NuaclxIp7VaOFAhRMl6nBh5qTRF7KncsQZpS19w_ia-7uZyhod-BungDHo-M7Z5d32cgt5RWZ6UUGZPARtfPrQroWR9f6GcOKy3b&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==> had
> 65 sessions and was attended by 1,752 unique participants from 130
> countries. There were 9 At-Large sessions, including several engaging
> At-Large policy sessions. See all At-Large sessions and recordings on the At-Large
> ICANN67 workspace
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02P9YP7tp5xT0keRbhvFWF6j5nYnEFuEhb7DtYocYPFeTrlPcC4J6D04N6pz6GW2ktoeSgpDBTwdo7IeiqFtvBJrWOJSljlxKftyPX4_ATRwbF2YR08VGvm3_wP7fYgApw7yXGUMY2WAkl61GAzrtw48bYUzKH8klL6iYHFlETg83iyAb_IUHUHdk5IlhcBncs2aDTbeqYReimdRbNuBIZTmCJ_T1FiBsn8aLjujFGQLCGAbU-pHrz98IYKqeEJJLxN4CmazXVSz3Ink4SiXpNwqtDc-phHCRD1z6x-1gDAAZQ8BrWdi7nPW92Fxy1XOCZ9N9qUP1eVxncivvaQ_vESal9YYzQe6H87Zs2Bh14r4KR26Nz65d7WlD0TVSPzbp7cKCi-RM88fftyLLR-v41OIP9IrmWnF9e43PwNfrooH6lXE4EnASyU4R03QMFZ6g_QHfyJ44su0LQztLJM42AmQeIwZNwGwvY0b82V22GtY6iAjRSGZUCiLoykcnpjdIIBgMT1kr-Qu4_SNv-kUuSF4R0q_nFhVZuHYnWgkL2ODcFpLFpWDMMold3PSpYwhNjf4l7GbqcqHiranZ6Z_xCzA==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Communique for this meeting is
> available here
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde023T3dMV7B3QCFz00gJne4gFZpjubVuyPjHqksR4ZS7QDcTfOTnm_yLNsdYwv3DAQBj4cyDt4wLd_p0kS4F2vmL7LpKhJDlq0lPOy_wWsORmbPAbmLi1HoH1Ph0M5Pe4T2iu1vQd6Il5Jp9b91lnAvnbWqVkMECj4NS-8jUzsGUZpPpU-vLeXouCQKP5IRkYP391rNyBs3CK9zqTk1EtbxBv6X_eRIxIDFL6dJnCAyRTMi5zNdBaYnfLExMqsbCoPBxKthemeBPaAFKK6Ci3PZkd5KLTjWvpv9LXGhNCToCTlqHC2Hwrnncwyh7P165NgUOMhMlNMaUNQ9nPilqkC20keXDTwUnHu3E9QMTnV_F3h-uo4uSgeqsoyX15Y9xb1-w3WK0Mi0wXFnFkiJRmpXrSOeE7WN7_C-Oivs7ORBRmZNjLWX-exLBmQBJOmYaUYEVO-rqBRxGP-O53deLaaI3L1hr7t7_p051z9fnSgdw-uHSreyLiiC9mcu0nvd7bnUXhfmbOo5xCuHNHZC2V7fNV0Fyvqak-q9ZW09SIgmW_nFSnB2pOP3OMkD_TriyGC_hA_nVK9pe7sTNtsa48xDTDqwm8Pux0wvNcgle5o-zeY=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>.
> A post meeting survey
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02cjHL4rOTMyAhlhlrYhnem5bqR1q0LJ636RwDvfvgSemEffPqxykypBxcEBbowS5Lx85rn98d2Ch8GtQBpz6E60dGbxLda3zONSpqGa5dl1z7S3cor-JbyMGnXOkEXdyA226lFHhOaZOYAIW35T7-cJc-cTC9AhKFeNONm8aRytsdsEKC48LHOcYGx_mYD84flSS70KOAb3tCbveJHuQgNFOGwRDH71XuP_q6KdeMVWsUNokyOV3iMU4rgQ527G-qCv3v-nMQzveJ5Z77RzEsPu1Tle5Drht_ABewKt_6g7IvCYd6QTButZafO6vyZTeVtbQMR7gNJ9kBAQ2hQLU9a-xvW8HKrHbMzZGcH-WOgBugktMDNa7BUlGxYCl4mr7fTGH5XrjtkNZtNc7eXgjvQZimfEktJUlO9ptkMLm-qZKnfHGeHaCDa-TQRVhCDwLVmrlYn53k3iXblhjd0bQySxHZUjp3ppky55DSi1HfoMuFcyEhmb4WqdIE9JczfqmTOMb1PHi0HOU5YXPnOKNWq88_LFr4HKEWb8lRBUQxM2tk2LUQTiJd4wasnoU3NuaclxIp7VaOFAhRMl6nBh5qTRF7KncsQZpS19w_ia-7uZyhod-BungDHo-M7Z5d32cgt5RWZ6UUGZPARtfPrQroWR9f6GcOKy3b&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==> was
> also conducted to collect the feedback of the meeting.
> The Post-ICANN67 Policy Report is now available! Click here to access the
> report >> https://go.icann.org/post67
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02Usp3umpHVbEdJVB6kuQQomz4F86-yHF75S3IopfKxyHmFaqpct2Xr10IEuo-f9CVQRqsco7r3k4bf_OnjrXVUEcPX_aufsK23dumd2n4RcvN6aAehL3PCbzWZjGI1CkLez5NtrpMhsbz2sv0XU8MerEJDVjEkwFLL8BiXjWEXQLH0LOqzKYyEeykb5UAz1j4GcWanPgwYwF8xTd_6MkMswTKK3wzDqpZZl4_aRHG9letAio-YjxSNm0v7p9afH8YgeN-dyDszJD6hVbROaS-b61BXqDPPAab1SQ3E5kf7aBkv03LVkzw1s23VE40dTymeXvZYCXXH2ai-myeA0u-lp3b7t8M1V8gNH0t9aSYxeJYkPTOlHeg3L81um5-AZDzofPmYJ1RoltSBLheftBxIXV_l4aIIuxqedr0btwyQkc_C9zHuOV7W0BKS9AV6dLhCthaXYpd5Cx23D3PW3ClQ7CBcenyTVgQ9VgT_5zwlFCwKvijWaw3r-DUkF0nzvDcJ6kZriJclrKD7inscga1v9V5WF3Ue_sDLNrLbOVhREKnROZI0V0T6hRglkW_juuykFEP1Fy18t8=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> Congratulations to Sarah Kiden, AFRALO Secretariat, for winning first
> place for the At-Large Social Media Working Group (SMWG)
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsRLmc0r8765oM5K60fw6x0GtiEiEsZgj527oXEOvEUZy0tvcoId1TJ05PtHibofdHFjupaLGj9xA8nQc4_QDCmC3IHf3Lb9j0xRlgP4WLAoW&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> ICANN67 Twitter Competition!
> ALAC Update
> The ALAC held their Monthly Calls over the past quarter. During the most
> recent ALAC Monthly call, on 28 April
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsXoao1cd8EVtOjH7ag7mlg7ufzET6LBYH8UfVEqWvf6jtVOVHQySd7R6sONUsfV-U3WRgTwwGnQw-nY8P3DzACaU6JOevufiaQItyWLBVFQn&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>,
> there was an identification of At-Large Priority Activities
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02Ao2zK9R2_7n3ZjyBKeTJHlu5QKCbpvMW6ch9nVEvzlKsFWpknI7ffGjjV7YycRrF73dN7iz_TrHbjlOwO1-2tavVspe5MsdxvrW5Y9qkd04KYGgTLkErhFbLMRnOBr9u_YtX63OldtJrxVzsSPGkHAxs7Qfe08teACyYszXSIp5x9BGENtIHrgzDF6gJfGyRBkeEuqODIcOgIpbDCbzFJrZDhOl3Pq2ayFWllWHiww2U9wmrF-HcDHk-xMTBU644VdbbOXipof6hvJEvSUQVJ2eWS2dB1vIJ-FhTPxBbpFy0Uw721LrOej6RVm1OIz5PjmAhbWuN16o7ReAXzNYGfOKJZ9pRLxN3YjOwKGDKkP0E7hzZevAzWYR67fymb76pgvZaEp8-2QglZe-oarmCdBWRD8YiHV7AqJfVRswhRiL_R8jhjDsfDzPXi-jYQ0YE4ZDMadTaASzesGMIrQgrzpaUjEaNlJUSnhVtWHdhhrhUhBJXJTYae3yvRuYADk_lE_5Fy8Lk-xwdYRW8Gu5vsz47HpEGsi6KFuHoGfzqnaFiVC6MAb7G727JDZnXz3mHjoyGAZ-OPXrGnP1k2e576Q==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>,
> which the ALAC Chair, Maureen Hilyard, noted were crucial to identify
> during the coronavirus outbreak.
> In addition, the ALAC discussed the At-Large Review Implementation
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde027Y0apFxXN8ao98oD5HKZbM9__CHwprFi0UaZh71VUOO8-xb00ZgUmbq1Ojp6jmyb3IKdXRHB8yeLQ0AfZ1mg8R6fA-0WAPGRDmXmiEOq_7vr6MgO1JxDCSE2aIDfAE6kAFjRomXLYBS3tXKlb72oedSbL5LJ6EN32_cZCuZF-zaU3MSGHQid0gOVYD6bnC32vb2hOtCEKQvG6q0K0j4gAl-eYyTrpBfpnhVyL5lu4vUnzWFnTLTZqtviFrV0e3EagX4INVVjhkRn0H7VyAbl3y1cqNq9vIXkYGWh5SlUzVevDKobJJkUKCfncmTnnvW4gSOcZeXqzu7dvznUdVxPQKLDFffDu-8jlfSABgcKUWTUoeinj9xLSL7pkTgFt7IvDVRZMMxhdaY6WomkeUIr0dfHaOuTI0akMnJH0MgIQsUTulT2Sa5JZ7GJcjzdHrNf8_MX2MOTdl0QRnWh2wr9PzDIaKmatKFdOVguKNJp2Iv_Rbmxm8SdS4UMlSNu8xOY23U7ehuHUaHi9WPJHmjZ0ajBw1Wq-Z4OctgdfozVfhCOh9EnGM_ay6_cg7Xbxb4yglTLC3jygUdcXTjwFl__Hg==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==> and
> next steps, take aways from the feedback provided on ICANN67, and planning
> for ICANN68. See the At-Large workspace for ICANN68 here
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFwYoyDUEsAitVZfVkkiirIDHauIM6o_DjK99DpdhRzGQMuAQbLhFKLdjLC0ZLBRV9CA7so9m0a6HPPGa0G1O4GyY9ZZ1XFJBb&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> ALAC / At-Large Policy Comments & Advice
> All of AFRALO and the At-Large community are invited to contribute to
> ICANN public comment proceedings. For more information, please visit the At-Large
> Policy Advice Development Page
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscB6Dk1gkmcJDTbvt4sxktmrsZTixKJcPKs7Opy6OUFB0-5M7CxKqigSo8xgFhKdOZJOlt-fnVdtJuITLWrAQTiMBM1X9homl5VpSakPhMar&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==> or
> contact At-Large staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>.
> The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is currently developing (3)
> responses to public comment proceedings, and AFRALO is developing (1)
> statement:
> Comment Phase 1 Initial Report of the Review of All Rights Protection
> Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02Ypc73n723VU9QaGjhs1JFI9v7gECtpL6rQXLtME8ETTMEl7Fz4IbQgBZE55JU---G1lSwHGt_cisf3oZ5kRGs1psbokOjYOgWZ5TWWmYlfELPp6SHRepgriubS5lTdYvPxkPmPi-sGxoHGhLk5i4qG9-OgfNRpr1fs5eiw5Wzh2iR5Arn2cmaRQMEl1ZGFqrQBA8ifp_68lJ05IF7TsiIXEVbOxjCnHDaPuZ3YRvLxKW-8aw3WQ9-yLjazzMRTrn8qlclAkAfzhdB9s9ij_HNp-UqkBBh4Iq3t_Bdoyr-b_eG8T38OQxPNmSMR7fd77rzpli5O2E4iby4uAuTQw7I15jRe_SphUzTSpUs3OtXXu12lo3KSq_JugGke_BMF6pwP57g-0FuTCVnb-MZq7UcM2S_aM-gQ22UnjkvpQEs4axTw2cVf2i2cvIpy9dOraVK38ynY3s-O19hehGjtMGOuGqTIOfw8z-ho_ChqNwckkzngtTM9WEl3Xy8sFr2shSvTqWbAsW85T5KwpU3PaaiT7kbqf1H_0xATpCGRM6nD9J3Cslzy0G1RbOmlZ2S3oa4ydcyz4bQdS9xCl98B0mkr2kQ9GXB75so9aelCia7hFK7_29VuJZhttGjnYfGNOuZ0yGtweKln5OPfxuGeWkNj6vyohQZwn5AWvDAAdLkVv24tFJpOsb48FMkae3UZfDrumGMerFU0KdYLkg71aeJPGoAdf0L9d0A8fPzrYxo088OFIjFvvsiordcg1AlQjPPSfMBGi6UHtrXg5NpZj4PfBcovhPS05jGUkA0cyxyltk8XZBOdjcs3n2XT4cytvhXqJvLfzNkAsBm7IzAMsqeIckA8I70ZSGRW6lfJ2bSEW6tBud0BPl2Cuy7RChLIbM1EzXDsJll7X0amiYC0WpPQ==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==> 04
> May 2020
> Comment Addendum to the Initial Report of the Expedited Policy
> Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD
> Registration Data Team – Phase 2
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFAcMGP6hJV8tCvWVZ6Wknz6NWQUFfzpl3bYVyCfMD_6l6CtV1q92XT6xSxrswT8r9sZeOv6FjlXhFSR8j2wzSNg0ki4BRdsIgviBQOiyXZ1VYzQpdSq9VvKIW_ovNewAe1bqMhoP7on66wKqW31w1Ag==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> 05 May 2020
> Comment ICANN Africa Regional Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-2025
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMF8UauYOcmIQTDpPZuG1zNZd5Cl_pMZlhUPLrPQXSl1-t2DJM8r5pEN5_t4bnfJjyIG4KWrB9nH2d5CaZgHVFyACXqxw5UPjGbqeFlu9TyWdQ6jANjR7xWaymVXcjOhvXsKe5Jzw9BRk9nUAzKNGHH8u3yk5yUhBi_7NQ6xM3p7BJsqFy0WUKbfqcus1GJHuFkk82E7kSmNn35Hc8No0gSpFb7oJmOhNhZfOeFQt0S2MY-3SBiO9UEOA==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> 27 May 2020 AFRALO Statement
> AFRALO commends the team that worked on the development of the
> AFRALO-APRALO statement on ICANN MEAC Strategy, and is also drafting a
> response to the public comment on the ICANN Africa Strategy.
> Drafting Draft PTI FY21-24 Strategic Plan
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFO-meT_NbPiZZDCC5RF8w_Ak3cmiUHtV3Ja3bCukxEYoqWawCtHIYW-9aaMbFVqQWDQM3-w7HkyTcXIo-MIqx4RzmNnHbBEKvGnQemi6mbS6bnfizshVnM88IHo5a5LMjiuWstGlu6QqwCN4fEGOeLxU6qpo-gpAwjdqWHzFp3QdgRs6sxMzvTtnTTrbJQbTyQIH83TiwuQywdbfW6aPArA==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==> 01
> June 2020
> In addition, there are an ongoing workspaces regarding CPWG SubPro Comment
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsWhWo23oRQ_WPf5jhMAHaz9huud7Q_F4_Q29PAYcbpUYTU8OoqUVfz3RZfz4Ld8dx2cxcLnRMcj2YrX5p_PuR5PceZdwbVQC75ayWkfqyNZ7y1yjJzPf_QPrPa8c0Zjku8-bRSCOD3zQaJvSLTOHBlwr2uQqGwTz-n-VvCgDCzt0CLwzwtzCkuMAJeNjzYPMt_M0Xb5V4kUurJVbDWmKVLNe5ZZlvnm2pOfoOWOI5Gh5oh-pYM2YLh5-9GUKHQwetrJyl9JLkgKzfXJni9fJvgjg6ovTZdPGXhmeXnxqfm7_0Olu3Q1yvWrO29qKyTU6y89B7CgJqn6Y5yJDFAyZUnxSkaRp6NZ9zDYgXugrCVEXIW8Kgt56FzSutOL04J7drl9x6ygKBCpvOOb8e4sv32RTWthScKyMDWkJVLSXSmooVZD8Xoq1pSf4Xw_WtPvsbXXuupH9_lCBeGlz1xPcDAjKG9eTuO9ohiUByWTu8Ds4sz7oXoqN0SdW238VnCxVvaj2QMkVq29lBF68i52rDh8e1bUNCRoFOLKsJCDrZGWjJ7DmPDE8czakf6TMoSHW47D4po_RVke6b8coR1aKFp_mh2Jw6FQdNT7sVnjqKs5jdq3-UYczU0xAiWFGlWiUbLtzktsgMMzR6wdrHt0aPKI9oXTkqRDYusj_94R-WQ6mrhQWk9Lj3N5NKrHWiYC1cgtXCb328YJuAmqKbutv4YM=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> and PDP 3.0
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02y8RMX6_NyLYZbUbxiZJ9qiVtLpe-sxRdMncpEYE9fvjF5YiXBCustTmWiGwBhDoFpG2fX0n5ih0DzZ1tE94johMTLqZkBKAz&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> Have your say! To contribute to ALAC public comment, please comment on
> the wiki space or volunteer as penholder, and join the weekly At-Large
> Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsSR-T495K7BCPH5Mjwhz_5rFBL7U7MlOlKkToqQxGIKUv_BjmHMs9A0atIEisDTduqCFmfQFgoTUxDNGrFjl_Edt9HMPmf0WO_3TTBSwlyrr&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
>  meetings.
> The ALAC submitted (17) policy comments since the last AFRALO Newsletter:
> Revised Community Travel Support Guidelines
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02I-QrtI2F6YhEqFX9B01n-Q5Boq3p6UraY1UZLLyoM0lYIxe21B_I1ZFGJagGmGi2V8zYvs6rVam6Zz3dfxYiMxj9G6GoU_Fm_B-SroZ5rNLgvp10FIDs2EHWd9WNrBaLmTjkHNJl2qZtxebbUHcgbc_J1Wd5S1WOlvGSmbgPvaEY38akXAS2MEO6d7ZSNpV3ROfHg_I9RJsVV7-N8FnDqOQISqikn63IT7_rHFW0A4vxBjVys-60vSmmKcLjpeqwdUdzuNv0xSWazS35KnIWWXlMsPc60Jx7xonMucb9O_orhUEav0po39ap7NEaAfKOEPmhqr3R0Z001ygkaijXY86x9vgunJCzqL_zj40VRAUsvauGTUFepnaLfDtnsNOod7s5pgDkWvYV_GMEacOLePYoRZMWA-z7G4mNluTOfNAadqGpGAGLhPjxkXgavTxGAfXs0yoe4IhX4TnTXLu50ZfoijoHOXV-FCV1On0kP75xMhxrKv9Sfp6A56erJ4Mg0PERwDAkAxrIRKklu_JGLSqedFLzcDsnDn08FuG8bunIVlyUvUoCFq7ZCkjuMHZTfNRvPUU1xy0nHT67K4YlC8LgaV6p5Ypfm0Ps9O1e3ES3brERaX3MUyp1kDyUgUWJed0QY69LuMpVmipBbz3--6DzTUw814urOYSUKsFAXfTxo72emw0WDmgz2X10gojgBaP0evCGhGacaxy7MWJ4WrYFJtF77zSPMak5hiqf3PBgbgKvUZOoJQ==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC noted that At-Large is unique within the ICANN community in that
> virtually all volunteers in At-Large activities, including those involving
> travel, do so as true volunteers. Without ICANN travel support, the number
> of active At-Large participants at ICANN meetings would be few in number.
> The ALAC specifically commented on wire transfer and foreign exchange
> fees/losses, visa reimbursement, travel insurance, ICANN arranged travel,
> room guarantees, forced overnight delays, early check-in and late
> check-out, as they pertain to the successful participation of the community
> during ICANN meetings.
> Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) Strategy 2021-2025
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02F2xTrkJwYrLUhOa3OSeWzcaCN9sxg-I5ktSy2I9UxLXTkkSowH1WO6-jDwDX4qScXdq_2nzi4z27b5yi58Ub5r4emq_lCLItYKcxLSQ2x_lk3q2m4Ky-kyUi7epekeoc1TULkoS9M_41MEPlT_ui3qWpl2I_unRAKwsMRrmoijjC7PG8-tHIee4-zlvBsUU0x8ZE9LdDMWlTnvf6QVnd4hNE5H5p6hwgAtkVOAs3ppdei_iNLPC0bOGMuj2nqxHKLkQt0jbkXz7yafi6TobvHQasIBpd98HDaeBNb6Xg-EgxVcNsJPxinseEH4EMk7ixlOg0na0myf4i4Xs_Q6wkbLNhAQNkFEcDqqyQJEwGtV065JmQT7G97UmU3LBfeRekb5ucd3WDGOz2JZMWc6CaPn9DFNRbN3lhf4ADeHsaW96dIU3dwnP4n7FgqmvT3NwMfYTUK9gw1uSmLbihYAlR-8rUL-QHlDIxksVYch9d8MvEKmJVNOhv8JWSxLss4KQGgXez259BdbJiexLZeaPfTjEYqdfw4KGFoELJgiO2iUtMj5wLtFLL-FIACPztm9dSC6HvISGNtg9BVn1ymXxe0nWnwi6k8RM2ews538Uee4-zNLpi02TvJBumt_m21MESmw3lzdB-iNyK_1pMJpzNyG41hFGbLKWIVbdagrnbXxq3pbxYBj7XEknbb6t3dwexk6elVOfZojStFrYf6KI59AHvkf4lj6doc_iD4vyv-t9gIrZOPDz8gHV6u5pn_3geHP2VMicELAJXTP9UCxACzBy570PxsM3AG_2TlSvsegE=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The AFRALO and APRALO joint statement was the first joint RALO statement
> within the At-Large Community, in response to the ICANN MEAC Strategy
> 2021-2025. The countries that fall under the MEAC Strategy within AFRALO
> and APRALO provided feedback on strategy topics as security, ICANN's
> governance, unique identifier systems, and geopolitics. Note: Ratified by
> the AFRALO & APRALO Leadership Teams and the ALAC.
> Draft Proposal for NextGen at ICANN Program Improvements
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsUdoJvY00SD2XGp_SBINGW77HQ0qmq9GRhHrNFrlVEDF6Zelov1uEhaFVmzKAXMeYsAk6jLKXdR9nuvZe6N9jB7uRGJGILEIAYokVYhJN0hCmST_AqJgUDA=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC suggested several significant recommendations to the NextGen at ICANN
> Program, to the benefit of the community by opening the program and
> ensuring a welcoming environment to all NextGenners, including first time
> participants. The ALAC's recommendations would ensure that participants are
> selected with a stronger focus on their work and can then attend more than
> one meeting to engage with the community and find their "policy home". As a
> part of its recommendations, the ALAC stated that At-Large would welcome a
> more active participation of NextGenners in its community.
> Name Collisions Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 1
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsUdoJvY00SD2OJQwY93quYQ2_iPVL5pP3X2ActTGN43fDDRfUyLwRFR4yRaVR_d4sj_F_oooa9j5WV3Plk8qJ7yLdYSSbCFKy2CO_xeNIiFoFJ7QkB3O8WkqD18VhgoA24gIstYat5LsL9DhpXA_S4efOqHPdThBAQK4SuMMIylGl5thnwMyZYYwz_QMha_lm0G3CEzT6h3EB1mPgjsbpwv0cIWWcJVMr6mmAXMnsDTelSq3kG_UmIBSCbWNds5osw==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC acknowledged the report as a useful primer on the subject of Name
> Collisions. The ALAC noted that they look forward to further deliberation
> by the relevant groups and their onward action with respect to the third
> goal of Study 1, which is to determine if the NCAP Project will proceed
> onto a Study 2.
> Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the
> Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team - PHASE 2
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsUdoJvY00SD2icAmh0zIGPmX2Z_diwUrGT8816u6Q0qQSy_F_TWPArZTbwyPLcmEa0Elv5-XaZS_UselWfLwNCdDV27rekbRFC7DRHu_j0K0oKQzvtjt3VUb9--4BX5E42gxD0ecA-MeTaYf54wZ_ysH6OEah8WkXQ==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
>  For all recommendations not listed in the ALAC statement, the ALAC noted
> that they they "Support as written". The ALAC "supported wording with
> change" for several other recommendations - 1, 6, 7, 9, 15, 19 - and made a
> general comment that differentiation between natural and legal persons
> would offload the system from unnecessary queries that are permissible
> under GDPR.
> Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02lkyhoOk-Ytiq5iP--D9JvMz5IPbiSLuFLWHfKDNojt0Pz1nwGL2s9kGVZVklRL0dkIqX6BqIlzEvijVJ40sHDnvA2F0YiiG_aV3dJVoqn4_gzktOt4BClXaP4oK3Cf_Ddi-0Ts7XScMEXr81twLLFKPavcrVowSQtTLtH4dPI0UJIgGkQApS1LaYFsiBarsiQ35TS4j6CM8GBDtb_QRnQLU4l-lcobGi6SEL4x3aDZpRQspV0qwW-7wrw_rPdkCtSk0odJhLQqphIJwQxVB5DQNqH-SImBxeQi9HDU40nEQgxZgrlzWU4GCuGu3JtiNUM4egQBnB1ozqN-IR_io7SLK8SV3yru9eTEpy23Iz1vCmrFP_GglvfJNz3S4nFJQtlbt0qMJQhxtmZc5jqY07jUhLDHM6qqOSOaJuMzVXIlZXc_yMZowc5jNXqUC6Qu9wPCRGbFhM9pEJZU7WgJjXBZa3NBMdclnER7EjJZyrqsdrpQAsHt4cs4xnEiM3XzkPVOWE9UxP3uFElT4oEVJv6j-xhKqFSu_XdyBTQHbaqWhCSdagtNWHY1zJXtbODjev1p_OCYHLmZ64BK4-jlbpug==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC noted that ensuring the security, stability and resiliency of the
> DNS is arguably ICANN's single most important role. The ALAC has a
> particular interest in the recommendations related to DNS Abuse, and notes
> that several of the recommendations overlap with and complement those
> issued by the RDS WHOIS2-RT and the CCT RT. DNS Security, stability and
> resiliency is not something that we can afford to ignore.
> The ALAC has a particular focus on and interest in DNS Abuse. To address
> this may require contractual changes to facilitate Contractual Compliance
> action. Such changes require either negotiations with the contracted
> parties or a PDP, and the ALAC recommends against a PDP and instead
> encourages ICANN to come to an agreement with contracted parties. Known
> vulnerabilities need to be corrected with the utmost haste.
> ALAC Feedback to PIR Public Comment Proceeding
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02uEODp5oi6-3q-zTSmJLNPDt5H6kD5fG0bkvrYbdXlAEhkXzTnas5qETKBUFE_gNuXulrTUMsvBjaNUc0j3MyjrhHsPJhLaQLNP2IXAn9JFNT2cEY4VQqWYcOgOyETercxkC2P8TLtY7t0w0fo8hQ9Es_VqovdgBkHiV_61hYS5fWkhbSXXkb14ZZQP0mPXXU9P4cLQY9BCfH9LJN6IJj5z5gW6M4xH25H0uD5AU84I8Zt8Swjj3SSKiBBmf8fOjOxXGoKTQdeanRoB7Tljysq71LKRQQ111mJZrBbAR4FsCRmfQvwB60pFfY35Piax2B0s_ftjZxuRtuGgrplso3FtAcF269uiN2PnG-ikPqezeR6RKbZCvrqq2Xk9muBXLDGiwnbGJp4i2u0r8U2c2GGmKF_UsS1XszpaSV2LXYZ-Wg_xdFncGRwwsQckcw70Y3-XiMGn1fYEoVn3PGIf7G6MCd6Ivx5C3LzNQ3HpRwonTnz7uBwZxcdduPLEQP-i04UB9xk-BuXBCQJw2yMpYVJzN6pXIH1MD8MKtBwNjJdiWMJCIEn2ysEO7HZpreNvNUOCVT3OVkCQfF0sv_njc2o-bBTh7MSJ9EqWLKkSbz2TCHXIGyYP3-p7LbWZoHL5v0bFl1fdHGZRCNahgyXhxPUWidmXb9qe_I5p2x6DuuYZfi8Jldqwl29Vv_KNeRDxipFskd0TxjOYhl2PXNRUcNm6pPWhnWrGYrAfw1hc-XtK9O0yZZLbLr4s2tAIsI0xHI&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> Note: Not an ICANN Public Comment. The Public Interest Registry (PIR) held
> a Public Comment proceeding on the issue of the ISOC/PIR. (8) responses
> were submitted on behalf the ALAC to the PIR Public Comment proceeding.
> The ALAC made several suggestions to PIR regarding the issue of ISOC/PIR.
> The ALAC noted that PICs are the best mechanism with which to enshrine the
> essential characteristics of a .ORG registry, yet there are significant
> issues with PIC enforcement that need to be addressed for PICs to be
> considered a trustworthy assurance. They noted that from the standpoint of
> an "individual end user," a 10 annual price cap would add a lot of
> predictability. The ALAC also noted that the stewardship council for .ORG
> is a good start, but its mandate should be wider than just free speech and
> privacy, and suggested a few board seats reserved for 501c(3)
> organizations, chosen by the community, would be more powerful. Reserving
> certain seats to be selected by NPOC and perhaps the ALAC (to represent the
> individual registrants) would help a great deal.
> The ALAC's objective is to enshrine PIR's best practices in its contract
> with ICANN such that they survive any further transitions of ownership.
> Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY21 Operating Plan &
> Budget
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02gSWFhSd20WZf7nDFIramUYiUa962OivBbkm_ZVrhS_rBZg1JseJqTnhLOwmVAzSTZobuQFtyjfxBNrZoBDgYLKcuY9qsX3GPokJCyylJOmOtv50NwBRvvk69lywbs30kI7d3pqvgXNDdD8waCs3dI0lX1lOeWnMkTm7wvNpf6SiVs-kEVhCxQ6w2sBQ6nLAKJn0lfB-m02gXHBrqhma5AGqh2j5pxvcoC84aYEvprfcycMI9r5utss3sHD50d3f43jMBAPYlRDKx7dsrbPnmGovutP1VjrCacVIQJf8bOMDE8G3os2YqkBhxgPoktM0keRwSxAuwNsS_jCckzWuPuj1r0dS_nqjvZANDSo_63xzq4HVsEgxtqxZtxXxWVLwkq4qXjKrvaPasrzAhkquZIQ83BGcXDZz9AAz65wJaXSbMC-fokJBMCEjHZYJZFZTVdjPrmsK-sH58oW-luBmi0PW0gmd34xQRuD1luEKDokAOrWzij3lUVSxvWOktFQdZZBsdDVSMh0yJLRPK92jdKPOb9Ku_pn49MhE2hXO2sc4ZHJxMwtR3xnGofJe2_LiQxybYVZdfyqJAhtfI1QstpZ_RX5WXL56TEDfqafWhWO9RlP7kvLRv4nry6DcwG1h7q2gRt5mvRic=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC congratulated the ICANN Finance and Planning team, as the draft
> plans and budget have shown great improvement over the past few years. Not
> only in how the information is provided, but in the way the plans and
> budget are structured. The ALAC made several suggestions with regards to
> the Operating & Financial Plan and Budget, emphasizing that there is not an
> exact correlation between the number of domains and the income of ICANN.
> This is important because ICANN relies upon the number of contracted
> registries and registrars and the number of domains a gTLD has.
> The ALAC drafted a separate response to Appendix C, relating to the
> Evolution of the Multistakeholder Model, following their statement. The
> At-Large community registered its surprise and disappointment at seeing
> this important subject, which has been such a major topic of discussion,
> now relegated to an appendix in this Public Comment - in which it is
> unlikely to get the time and attention it deserves from the ICANN community.
> Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community
> Working Group
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsdjY2KpY2eTVSuwERPccnSjhVw2IUNPm3CJGjZ0C_S0BjzjEuEyy_Yr5zLh4FANi1JkrlbppaMUXsjYVDC_QGcZ70kZSybvxrzvO_qnTKNKzpFmhgku2IQJDJFMR5PyAOxpAuRNdVziCEP--C0Eq64zQ8FZJOPzna4rnWW04z6YwhDN90iAWFPI3Xa5UJUALK7sQvnvCo5-QR_XE8p4RJxdIAvlmNQDtHrjQU69MZEACsawxQt4GIxMfwiu0br1FjXkoBPSAPz7iK6noXtqVgqYrUOvzxV0L8gH_fBueGwYWKuPU_M9wqQE=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> While several Members of the ALAC Auction Proceeds team originally
> preferred Mechanism B - where ICANN worked with a non-profit organization
> already adept in the evaluation, selection and the allocation and
> distribution of grant funds - ALAC consensus was arrive at for Mechanism A.
> (Mechanism A allows outsourcing if viewed as advantageous, and in fact
> ICANN often outsources parts of its responsibilities which are not core to
> overseeing its Bylaw-mandated responsibilities. Thus Mechanism A could end
> up being comparable to Mechanism B, but provided more management
> flexibility in deciding how the varying aspects of the project would be
> carried out).
> The ALAC notes that presumption of the independent panel, with no
> connection to or control by either ICANN Org or the ICANN Board (preferably
> contracted to a suitable non-profit or a set of experts in the field of
> grant selection and allocation) is a critical part of this decision and the
> ALAC would strongly object and withdraw its support if that condition
> changes.
> "At-Large Valentine" submitted to the ICANN Board regarding Proposed
> Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsRJN26N5FUgeXYG_yLC_-7j80Q9PfX6tLNmXjbL2Wewvn1ng89D4YTGeB0xyQdKclpY3d4EpPhdlhZwjCpCDUv5o-ix4kodbtIBfwi3s4xOghFFHwDKu-p55IsWqmkLqNC5xgBLMpbHAGtpoZhsE7fuqlBuXF_RsGU8jtAuOqXv6d3UezmYpQBzXU_Wjof9l2qgZ4jjcin0p6Qo0EyTetnReWpvw3I0LvI5p1pTkGednh9pE2sDk-sRLVW7XVxwxeg==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> An “At-Large Valentine”, regarding the Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM
> Registry Agreement, written in good faith and good humor, was submitted to
> the ICANN Board on 13 February 2020. Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair for
> Policy and CPWG Co-Chair, drafted the letter on behalf of At-Large. ALAC
> Members and At-Large community members reviewed and approved the letter
> during the CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 12 February 2020.
> The ALAC welcomed the LOI between Verisign and ICANN as a commitment to
> expand efforts to identify and promulgate best practices by contracted
> parties to mitigate DNS Abuse. While there are many whose efforts exceed
> those of others, the At-Large Community believes that even more can be done
> both in terms of best practices and in terms of bringing along those whose
> practices are not the best.
> Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2024-2028 and Revised Dates in
> 2022
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsRJN26N5FUgejr9wJ6cbDF_X3XdeauwjuInA1Zt6DWfYfyAmzqH9KZ5cLZX1NTwM0r0GRCqEnEqSqZpThez_NMZshKwQrURx_rXzO9xYEmHTqI3ENu0sHk0WsdmZDGsN-9Rj4TpovSvwqy-614bJvAZU7NPsuz0Z4zvaoIexvJqXnxy9onx8fOP0V8cid7fzVgNPwXs6CJJ8rSU3U5HtFCv8c_m4psd_xwSNbaA8uwaHSXP9wbrZYjZAk2Kl_QQsM51cc40UgJobyp4FSll5rM0MziaBdRBzHWZk0HyxU0DD&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC noted that ICANN has been striving to be more inclusive in an
> effort to engage more volunteers with diverse backgrounds. ICANN
> acknowledges the difficulty in getting new people to join and engage within
> ICANN and to increase the diversity of participants. The Multistakeholder
> Model Work Plan takes note of the importance to ICANN to develop pathways
> to enable effective participation. One of the more practical ways for ICANN
> to facilitate participation is for ICANN Org, to be more aware of and to
> avoid clashing with important holidays and religious days observed by
> volunteers who work countless hours to improve ICANN’s multistakeholder
> advisory work. By avoiding these dates as much as possible it is showing
> all  volunteers that ICANN Org understands their concerns and does its best
> to avoid conflicts.
> The ALAC made several other suggestions regarding ICANN meeting dates in
> 2022 and from 2024-2028.
> Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Draft Report
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsaBZ8qpbQa3IzclXq3co-j21JUNhswKNcyY6bzsYIkIMu5XDwEv6tgMTYz10aLmkMs7nfXIKCiJ4mb4yJLURCkB-GlwIIulQUaNeqLNqbOlw&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC noted the ATRT review has produced a considerable amount of work
> in little time and this is laudable. Nevertheless, from an end-user
> perspective, ATRT should consider deliberating the following questions: (1)
> How can ICANN better address conflicts of interest? The ICANN community is
> relatively small, with relatively few actors involved in the process.
> Conflicts of interest, perceived or real, can impact negatively on ICANN’s
> standing; (2) How can transparency be increased? (3) How can ICANN ensure
> that in cases where issues persist, processes are initiated to correct
> trajectory? (For example, if multiple reviews identify the same issue or if
> they find implementation to be lacking, how can this be fast-tracked
> transparently and effectively?) (4) Might it be necessary to “silo off” or
> ring-fence certain functions, including reviews, compliance, and other
> types of community oversight? (5) How can ICANN improve their
> responsiveness to community and review team questions and affairs, and what
> policies should be created to ensure these are dealt with? The ALAC also
> suggested taking several noted options into consideration, emphasizing from
> an end user perspective, more, not less, accountability and transparency is
> required from the ICANN community and org.
> Overall, the ALAC supports the suggested changes to the ICANN Public
> Comment, public input as well as the accountability indicators. We believe
> those changes would make the Public Comments more effective and show better
> transparency. We strongly believe that a wide, open and inclusive process
> should be maintained in policy development process especially with input
> representing the multistakeholder environment. Policy development must be
> transparent, efficient and should not be biased or skewed towards a group.
> ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on ISOC/PIR Issue
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsUN_jPh_fljIwc9eYMzE5IwxO_icUqpzRvFKEB9n7wPf7OECkGSRgZfpS-w0iGkqb8x5eHyWvBiaRhmgSbj-X2oma4XFeBQvvIVRF3dkED13&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC noted the proposed sale of PIR to Ethos Capital has,
> understandably, created quite a stir, prompting commentary from many
> perspectives within the ICANN community, and applauds the efforts by the
> ICANN Board to clarify and make transparent, as much as possible, the
> process regarding the deal and to take the time to encourage the best
> possible result.
> The ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board suggested (8) recommendations: (1) The
> Registry for .ORG must be organized as either a charitable non-profit
> [501c(3) in the US] or a “Benefit Corporation” (B Corporation); (2)
> One-third of the Registry Corporate Board must be representatives of
> charitable nonprofits; (3) One Board member selected by the ALAC; (4) The
> Registry for .ORG must enshrine in its bylaws that the principal focus of
> the domain is nonprofits and individuals and not commercial interests; (5)
> The Registry must enshrine in its bylaws a commitment to free speech and a
> resistance to takedown demands with a political basis; (6) The Registry
> must provide 6 months prior written notice to its registrants of any
> increase in wholesale price of their domain names registration renewal fees
> and the option of a 20-year renewal thereof at the pre-increase price; (7)
> The Registry Agreement must enshrine PIR prohibited practices such a bulk
> sales to commercial registrars; and (8) The Registry Agreement must
> establish a “DNS Abuse Ceiling”.
> ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on DNS Abuse
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsdjY2KpY2eTV8WRB1ohW0HHfA2EARFz5262GCMhOw0TH4-XXhrJwQk-U33hOwoIHIIO7K6tpTQn84K6oElO10sWG1aBvv7MMJ-fcepR46-4AZp9vF71owWcy4Dgl4dz1yg==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> Background
> Prior to ICANN66, At-Large and other community groups within ICANN
> identified the issue, released several reports on the topic of DNS
> Abuse. In advance of ICANN66, At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group
> (CPWG) led by Co-Chairs Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crépin-Leblond discussed
> recent DNS Abuse research and how DNS Abuse impacts the Internet end user
> community, including the erosion of trust and security. During ICANN66,
> At-Large organized a policy session on “DNS Abuse – End User Concerns”,
> with a panel presentation. Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza, ALAC Member,
> moderated the session and summarized how At-Large can enhance Internet end
> user protection against DNS Abuse. The ALAC drafted ALAC Advice on the
> topic during ICANN66, and finalized the draft in subsequent CPWG meetings.
> The ALAC Advice on DNS Abuse was submitted to the ICANN Board on 24
> December 2019.
> ALAC Advice
> The ALAC made a series of (8) recommendations to the ICANN Board. The ALAC
> emphasized that community dialogue cannot delay or defer ICANN’s
> commitments or operations related to DNS Abuse. Their recommendations speak
> to the insufficiency of the status quo, and stressed their recommendations
> that no new round will be approved without substantial changes in the area
> of DNS Abuse. Please read the full advice here
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsdjY2KpY2eTV8WRB1ohW0HHfA2EARFz5262GCMhOw0TH4-XXhrJwQk-U33hOwoIHIIO7K6tpTQn84K6oElO10sWG1aBvv7MMJ-fcepR46-4AZp9vF71owWcy4Dgl4dz1yg==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> Implementation Plan for the GNSO Consensus Policy Relating to the
> Protection of Certain Red Cross Names
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsdjY2KpY2eTVUt0TJXZT-Pb1MmgVWgW6gS5ykqDLJUac0Wqw6cJX4x5qSW6D9qH_wY2dg5BWRzPary7Ow7qe5Gx2H8le0BNGMp5HHVk5HzOc&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> As a worldwide internationally recognized humanitarian aid organization,
> and one that has been regularly the target of those seeking to fraudulently
> extract donations, the ALAC believes that the International Federation of
> Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (incorporating National Red Cross or
> Red Crescent Societies, and the International Committee of the Red Cross)
> should be given the benefit of protection to its various
> identifiers, designations and/or acronyms as intended by the policy changes
> proposed for implementation in the said updated consensus policy. This
> includes the proposed action to recognize changes to the official names of
> the Red Cross Society entities, including component names, in Eswatini
> and Macedonia, respectively, an action we view as necessary.
> Registration Directory Service (RDS-WHOIS2) Review Team Final Report
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsTzoqLr7pes3n6-J18pCYPrMgIzvtW3s8QUF02quYCfADcZHrQVNJJZFKSDsyXyulGqTuDPufqu-VgmHLPq-EcAKuKKh0DatIk_JtM3HAy9midwH1y_W7soms-eruMChwSpnHBk2EPhq1n-MUCgOb1KHb232uGxS2qg4Dub0Z8dHRxQZP4Wj-xJvapNca0MYy8RtIJkAU1Ry4ZsP-JE5kUe430y-_jA8P-yULqzOifQyWXjyOMypinT0scJ7quCe4e6jJsQ6SKlGxn4iO8n9_O1QcCZvyM-fTw==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC finds the report to include very useful information that should
> be used to guide the development of relevant policies, and appreciates the
> team's effort and supports the provided recommendations.
> The ALAC highlights the importance of the recommendations related to the
> accuracy of data, and it strongly advises its acceptance by the ICANN
> Board. In light of the GDPR, the ALAC noted the importance of several other
> recommendations in the WHOIS Report​ encouraging a more proactive position
> of contractual compliance, especially in regards to DNS Abuse, as well as
> the team's findings with regard to law enforcement needs.
> DRAFT PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFOVeo8kblVa_cPd_WH8iH3QuQPJ325WysOfoh7oO69BFM2StpVF2HI9YQGVNWlwJ3qy8yNO6TH9hetN7riXHO74-UNwQuoHBV2QmJHu0bhrQ4NDOpDILyoeV1w5iZnjozBXOjcdeL0FMr85CGnGJOtSZ9YLf3E8nnhgmn-taHyhDy8uQ0IvoeR7T3DQeAckWDPG3uDCqdXFX_8xTr0eynP1b-pEqmPGni9KR0h9WBFF_i59zXkVJBSQ==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> The ALAC noted that the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and
> Budgets are aligned with the ICANN Strategic Plan, and are also very
> similar to previous years' budgets. An adjustment in the PTI budget is
> noticeable, including adjustments in salaries, services and other
> administrative cross-charges from ICANN to PTI or IANA.
> However, the ALAC pointed out that a change is in process in the
> Governance of the Root Server System, these changes are not reflected in
> the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets. The ALAC asked
> several exploratory questions in their response.
> See: At-Large Website Policy Comments & Advice
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02bw3mom_gsozAXqY6bNge_eWOdbx9RHwTA1iXFUBDUb0ePBY3_bIyR1QWuckVmNSFvRAuSGT96khI6RhmW0n6KTTxwtdaOxSt_B2IedbOfL6xC2A2dhfDYI5U1kXRvPrvzuQAD4PlfOovs45Zz2fVK0jQqQAgXVMa4kCCeJBFWCseGjWfxIkzrCakkQIEn2IyKsSljbGDkUs0d3ZxsSwfTNKMQHRmls9LgmyyAS646imwRJHx6JNgyUznZ3VB4MVoOykZUa6m2DBig4fYsG9F__BMFE6Nj5ef2JXjcUcDcXHJJ-aZwTHESiQdXf1qWkS2EedCoNLMBrtHMcyzuO5JaoVB0f20Xe0jq5w-XwtP69ewMSZ5_od49_4uJZKcGuB-5U5DBzfZsPRHRddXHzIpuaD7OaAuhL4xWwSJCNIVlx25vID2AJuq4QcYwIVP-f0rtM184H2aNfvZoS-Dhbd4eS8k4AUYcaQGLP-qcNwpOKmi8WFHrdba7wD9jdOmLgqDfH5nI8P2HNIYauVn1hJvj9FF8fKHb0pSIOBLenvxUl8KJK3Nko7zVbioUrzRJliMpFYTPaLg53-qT4DeJcFnKs15xzRklO9t&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> See: Executive Summaries: ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02Ez8jsQm2ipcWzmNIVNAKrvER_WYdv1h0o2PHaes8AMiqEHqwlKZgQwtolwYKOX6HLW3vU5fKpXKFnfOn3uNDd9xTsRwxo1JTVaA_h0nPtb8GkCTToEbEqa_BSWMOB9YsFP9zOolHzGYX5ziM5j0Qb93tBzcyTRmv7kC52ovfQEnVIGm2vnylzLgpVHDmNKkIIzRA-Valp5uY6Ep3ooCrhO3ry4ObX0Z8TJSmVa75VL80Iz5mJSGIMLjNS2DDdv_W_kgPdeQej7CFnXb0DqUpo4NvS9NrboONuKVArPBU45qzEBVCPExmbjOo0R4f20PPnhXfDvzukcWHVCuMpW7SUiu-My-Acbr5u8ifsCyl2BahvApCJAbAJbz677ADKFkfxS7x347GF_tv6i5cIJF0lnqPBCBNmkmSfgo7VQWweZLBl8a6WGNjai5teBNJ7Lp29C5FVcIBBJXhFlF9O61Xd2gwB8nEkkYFg2U87yP7NyamAZ6bq7rjYG1EVLxzRujN_idj5ByhVheT5L_c-q5xIPQ80j40GUhimQNij5qrEfIYs720fCIltJaWAvExU6zCQfm5bI8hErcj6sHVfcToDQ==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> See: Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsfxULlGbde02mDlHJz8ZIJMk2zwRliyGuky1e9OV0zYSmszQRcMOw7WrWYheR6nQzCdwE6N0hLT3VZnQiHixLyWgRoPUMw2YQttUiVQISsbkgRtvQlApX7uB28Is-lMDw2huHEpH9RmaRJxUUEWmhgo4sBnVZl-M6MohpEKFPlETj3xKMBfBiqVPtp1I417FzS2Tgk7TJoNS4JEESS4tU4CRokWkT4IZCUg1h0ZZKRr1dUDPFN6oKbSYBGx-CtpQIPzhuKbUM2Wf5eY_oPyGkAS5FBboBGz90tMr-VDJ8sfn74eQJFP7A9dp9HgUge1XSgtWW_c_Uf-SxFm628yGh3On6-SNvcEICs0mLbj6UTwxaIONVnqrBYilzW4yw0Qod50HFZ7VlhilwF_IM7PPGdijdIBl38zsAGutZhCyxExqV5LTZMYtK2GIXoprto7K4DoKihTFL6RhfkVVAUq4Gk242mJsBh4ankwKNgWyQ6HwUzRITrSa3GQZn9el28k9MEQuxQIygk1AQNnOjUKh1lWGaPKDuU3xzCqGjvLeofOZeYA0ZP7cNXTYE-lfU7pvPonNAXjw7IbFjjeS4ZZ6PC2qdoi9NK88Qg==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> ALAC/At-Large Policy Issues
> The Third At-Large Summit (ATLAS III) Summary Reports
> “Speaking of ICANN66 in Montreal, I would say it was a great meeting,
> networking and capacity building experience. The training provided at ATLAS
> III was successful. Focused on change and opinion leadership; conflict
> management, etc., the course content was very rich and fitted very well
> with our positions at our ALS level. This will allow us to best deal with
> the different challenges as an ambassador at the level of our communities.
> This is the place for me to warmly thank the organizers for the success of
> the event." Bakary Kouyate (Translated from French)
> “ATLAS III - Simply a summit for everyone, leaders, aspiring leaders and
> followers. As change agents and thought leaders beyond At-Large and ICANN,
> learned how to better understand people, personalities, cultural
> backgrounds and responsibilities. Also, ways to harness all these
> differences to achieve common goal with minimal friction and handling
> conflicts better.” Bukola Oronti
> “ICANN66 in Montreal, Canada was my first ever ICANN meeting and I will
> say it was a nice experience. The way everything was well planned was
> great. The ATLAS III training was also excellent, especially the resource
> person Mr. Kolb. He is an excellent trainer. It was also a nice moment for
> me to meet my virtual friends in person. The preparatory courses we did
> gave me a good fit into the various discussions. In all, I will say it was
> a life changing experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be
> selected for funding for this meeting.” Raymond Mamattah
> See the Post-ATLAS III Activities page
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsTvFKhb_949I5iqnFvwbICStIIEHVI4Ly4g46I0bEj26Sbjv8DSDK0CBimfkRaXxv5HyYLS-7r2BixsMzc7UUUfs5sob4dH8Rmmg7wsumtubIvZtPEAwWDCKRqvVyLYhahe0drOj7571oH1E7njIV95P83PJR0w3Lg==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> AFRALO members and AFRALO ATLAS III participants, November 2019
> SMWG Chair John Laprise awarding ATLAS III participant Bukola Oronti the
> ICANN66 SMWG Twitter Competition prize, November 2019
> AFRALO Updates
> AFRALO Selection Timetable for 2020*:
>    - 27 April 2020 - Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's
>    Statement.* (Except for NARALO that requires a 30 day call for nomination.)
>    - 27 April – 8 May 2020 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for
>    10 working days).
>    - 15 May 2020 - Deadline for nomination acceptances
>    - 18 May - 22 May 2020 - Calls with the candidates if desired by the
>    RALOs.
>    - 22 May - 29 May 2020 - Elections (If required, elections will begin
>    no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and
>    end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
>    - 2020 AGM [ ICANN69 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders
>    shall be seated at the end of the 2020 AGM following the close of the Board
>    Meeting on 22 October 2020.
> 2020-02-19 AFRALO ROP Working Group Call
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFgVde9jLWCyC0SEK2VOcjVhi1btvDIS2H--FmUMqpTeCofnPqHFbS12JfLw5TK_LFFwwb2soDu3JUm_FOGYwt5SGW_2j1L8jawn9FRIINDlCNYHz-V1c6ysn3lUdWT25knWmxYUnmE8GhrAcH7x7zrE7H9g1anZshN_k3oqalMIyIYS6Mx522CQ==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2020
> Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC
> Individual membership rules: Individual Membership - AFRALO ROP Review
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFZ4Yedkko3Qyx3LUR5FfSt1h2w8r4-TwbMTBPrJ8oL1WZlukARwOeguLucIZNfbRsxoOW5AHU48onOfC6K0c1O6UDeFJfOfpR0xoXE9T8jX2G22d3LyOQQHHS21f1hVYoL7fwm1U3ohHpbN6aMvYHTr7pIm2rnasa2ja-HDAYoZ8T02OvHwJaog==&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> . The official name of the working group (WG) is: AFRALO WG on the review
> of the Operating Principles 2020 - Membership Section
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFO9Soj5Fj9y79Gbsz1I7zVOxcA665hxWYVc9aZjqH5kNEmT_XhEDTzzkz0evHXx1NcdELcAozFMqQEKnNOWbORyZSreoPLS0b&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>.
> There were 3 calls 23 April 2020, 09 April 2020, 24 March 2020.
> 2020-04-01 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMF8CuETj6Vqs02T0qm31nZpfjnA4RjZm7OGiuvJk_YntoL0qFnM2pQIb0bEyfb2GNyVy31bYHtTIzWp8rhzpRSRIYhqfVfYaauVK4wESerA7MlMCVLFPknmC2QoFQyy9EY1Tw0ZWR74XUAFWdW9dPa9am-NSfy4OTGDYAiszQWnBE=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> Date: Wednesday, 01 April 2020
> Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC
> Note from GSE Africa
> Pierre Dandjinou, VP, Stakeholder Engagement - Africa
> Africa Strategy Group (ASWG) and Volunteers for the ASWG-2020
> In your last edition of the newsletter, we indicated that we would shortly
> kick off another review process of the ICANN Africa Strategy that had been
> necessitated by the adoption of the new ICANN org FY21-25 Strategic Plan
> back in June 2019.
> My team is happy to inform you that a call for volunteers
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFxKU3EU5FGsZLA0YFLkPjVd7P1xDt2OWLz-o63fdUxZSzkwlxdBnsVNoNRFBPbfKNE4ribv-jse10ftvbuthqH7xrZtnmizQcFDG5BSZb6jbkKyoOZ38bI_NW2QleFdNi6E9Ek25K96CHXx_SdTgNqpGkhG8OTRwt88Ebb92XM-OW4OomRY_dyU_HzTqjXcKfq8nNjrL7Srs=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> to join the new Africa Strategy Working Group – ASWG-2020 was
> consequently published on Jan 7th 2020 at the expiry of which we received
> an overwhelming amount of very qualified applications, of diverse
> backgrounds and experience who submitted their Expressions of Interest
> ready to join and help draft a new ICANN Africa strategic plan that is
> aligned to the global plan.
> We have now settled on a select team of twenty-five (25) community
> members, representing the diversity of our region, men and women who are
> now tasked with developing the first draft of our Africa Strategy. I want
> to thank Mr. Abdulkarim Oloyde, Mr. Muriuki Mureithi and Mr. Robert Nkambwe
> who have since been appointed by their colleagues in the Working Group and
> accepted to serve as Chair, Vice Chair and Rapporteur Respectively. They
> would be in charge of the overall coordination of the team’s activities for
> the duration of the drafting process.
> The main objective of this Working Group will be to propose a draft
> alignment for regional engagement strategy in Africa to the globaI CANN org
> Strategic Plan FY21-FY25. The team have agreed to spare every effort to
> ensure the below tight timelines are achieved:
> a)   Draft Africa strategy document completed by end of February 2020
> b)   The strategy posted for public community Input by end of March 2020
> c)   The draft document presented during ICANN67 for further face to face
> comments
> d)   New Africa Strategic plan adopted by 30 June 2020
> In closing, I want to reiterate our deep appreciation to you, our
> community and especially AFRALO members who are very ably represented in
> the ASWG-2020. It is our hope that you would respond positively once more
> and give comments to the published draft once ready.
> Thank you.
> AF NomCom Update
> by Hadia Elminiawi, ALAC AFRALO NomCom Representative
> The ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) is looking to fill seven (7)
> positions for key leadership positions within ICANN and Public Technical
> Identifiers (PTI), an affiliate of ICANN organization.
> The deadline for applications was 18 February. The NomCom is now reviewing
> the applications received.
> African Regional Organizations AF* Update
> ISOC Ghana: Roundtable on Universal Acceptance and IDNS
> Tuesday, March 12, 2019: ISOC Ghana Chapter organized
> Time : 17:30 – 20:00 GMT
> Venue: Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT
> Resource Person: Yoavi Atohoun
> - Brief overview on ICANN and the Domain Name system and the New Generic
> Top Level Domain Names
> - Inform the participants on the importance of domain names in Information
> and communication activities
> - Help the participants to make their systems Universal acceptance ready.
> Encryption and IOT Day
> Celebration of Excellence and Securing IOT Day
> Venue: University of Ghana – Legon.
> Time: 09:00am
> Date: 20th December, 2019.
> The Ghana Chapter held a general meeting for members and pioneers of the
> Ghana. The general was held alongside Securing IOT day and honoring the
> father of the internet in Africa and chairperson of ISOC Ghana Chapter.
> ISOC Benin Holds MemberForce 2020
> The Internet Society (ISOC) Benin Chapter resumed the year with hosting of
> two sessions for its member’s capacity building programme called
> MemberForce.
> The first session of MemberForce 2020 took place on Saturday January 25
> and was dedicated to sharing knowledge and experience about how to engage
> on Internet governance. Moderated by Raihanath GBADAMASSI (former ICANN
> fellow) and Rachad SANOUSSI (fellow Youth IGF Summit 2019). They shared
> with the participants their unique experience in the respective programmes
> they went through. They also gave a lot of tips on how and where to start
> from when engaging on Internet governance. Also, they explained how people
> could remain active in the ecosystem and finally shared the advantages and
> opportunities that could be obtained by engaging with the Internet
> ecosystem. More details here
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEscy1JVOyfgMFTquPjufb9k6bHK9drloMJ-aTHyDMUy7kvL4Xk2LfX4DYcXa3gRvHxv2ZE1gfDq6Nw45VVQnKNaM=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> .
> Partners on Cybersecurity & Digital Hygiene
> Mr. Olivier KOUAMI, who has been in Benin since last December,
> participated in the first edition of MemberForce 2020 and decided to
> organize in partnership with ISOC Benin Chapter an awareness campaign on
> Cybersecurity and Digital Hygiene on Saturday, February 15th 2020.
> This training session was aimed at raising awareness of participants on
> issues related to the use of ICT and Internet in this era. Kouami also
> shared some good tips and best practices everyone should follow while using
> the Internet in general.
> Some participants equally asked a lot of questions at the interactive,
> just as it ended with a cocktail for participants, the trainer and members
> of the Chapter board.
> Rwanda holds first Safer Internet Day
> The first annual Safer Internet Day (SID) was held in Rwanda on Tuesday,
> 11 February 2020 at G.S NYIRARUKOBWA, a public school located in Bugesera
> District, with a campaign slogan of “Together for a better internet”.
> This annual celebration aims at raising awareness on the importance of
> both a safer and a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use
> technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
> Participants including children and young people, parents, teachers were
> encouraged to play their part in creating a better internet which is open
> and secure for everyone.
> By celebrating the positive power of the internet, discussions focused on
> busting the myths about the internet as a dangerous place, promoting a
> positive use of online platforms and technology through internet literacy
> education in the family.
> A workshop was conducted to enhance the teacher's ability to maintain the
> computer lab established by ISOC Rwanda for their research.
> During the ceremony a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between
> ISOC Rwanda and G.S NYIRARUKOBWA to establish a cooperation framework
> between the Parties Facilitating Teachers and staff with access on the
> internet to empower them in digital education.
> Stay Connected
> At-Large on Twitter
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsQcZx-L4vgjk60MY1pktvLLBGFyo7vLc3WNJ1IkD6nXv-vn_LTtpHp1jvS25LZjQ8EiSWtZ5pAUtVBkm5e47qTO6A_NsKv9UE7uEoTZo1Lo1&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> | At-Large on Facebook
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsXdv6w-cgNExOyMaPIo3Oy3FB7d8OBP-1WlJB-tNUrozNt9yYPNUt0AvmKw1pk8HMxmf0wNqTqj73cUfbDHJTTgrtTrptXUsB_xUiIy_X37E&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> | AFRALO Website
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k5Xw47eCXiq5fcnjRYOi9eQZQ_LOcZF48C0pIg442DX-Ced8TxLEsXs9v7JCv0-qxdsSuuaAn0ZUoLn02H7zfMB5ngpDsVA5dls5f8UOsSIjcfPLH_fn4UQElBbcFdr4E1y8MXlf-fn8HQfqKCusLl6bMMYISlyIQM-YozKCHyc=&c=ez-9J_oBfoG3E7I4twecafEVHuKk90eOhp_ZsLk_Vbn75Wolncw7XQ==&ch=X9yYKPi4V5YRBhodOAHZLRUALJ5th1AnvxSo9YgHLQZRYakxpXthYA==>
> | Mailing List <afralo-newsletter at icann.org>
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> Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org
> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this
> list are more accurate:
> http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1
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> with the ICANN Privacy Policy (https://www.icann.org/privacy/policy) and
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> visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or
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