[NA-Discuss] URGENT Request for Expressions of Interest: ALAC Appointee Selection Subcommittee (AASC)

Greg Shatan [NARALO] gregshatanalac at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 14:31:59 UTC 2024


I am pleased to announce that *Marita Moll *has been selected as the NARALO
representative to serve on the ALAC Subcommittee on Appointee Selection.
Thank you to each of you who expressed interest in this position; it was
gratifying to see such a significant level of interest and enthusiasm.

Best regards,


On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 12:10 PM Greg Shatan [NARALO] <
gregshatanalac at gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> NARALO Leadership is requesting expressions of interest for a (non-ALAC) *NARALO
> representative to serve on the **ALAC Subcommittee on Appointee Selection*,
> (a/k/a the ALAC Appointee Selection Subcommittee (AASC)). Please respond by *July
> 1, 2024 *(apologies for the short timeframe)*.*
> The AASC is chaired by the  ALAC Chair and is composed of one ALAC member
> from each region (selected by the ALAC Leadership Team (ALT)) and one
> representative from each RALO (nominated by the RALO).
>    - The AASC receives and reviews Expressions of Interest (EOI) for
>    various ALAC appointments, e.g., to the Pilot Holistic Review Team.
>    - *This request is for expressions of interest to serve as the
>    NARALO-nominated representative to the AASC, effective immediately *
>    - Bill Jouris is the current NARALO ALAC rep on the AASC.
>    - Both NARALO reps will serve through ICANN81 (Istanbul, Nov 9-14 2024)
>    - The non-ALAC NARALO rep is eligible for reappointment to the next
>    cycle of the AASC.
> Please respond to this email by *July 1, 2024* if you are interested in
> serving as the NARALO rep to the AASC.  Please reply to me and Adrian
> Schmidt, with a copy to ICANN At-Large Staff.
> Thank you!!
> Greg
> ___________
> *Greg Shatan*
> *Chair, NARALO*

*Greg Shatan*
*Chair, NARALO*
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