[NA-Discuss] Announcement of Results of the 2023 NARALO Elections, Selections and Appointments

ICANN At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Mon May 22 21:41:12 UTC 2023

Dear All,

On behalf of Greg Shatan, Chair of NARALO, we are pleased to announce that the following NARALO candidates have been selected by acclamation and election in 2023:

Selected by Acclamation:

Jonathan Zuck<https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Jonathan+Zuck+SOI> – ALAC Member representing NARALO (Term: 2023 AGM – 2025 AGM; by acclamation)

Alfredo Calderon<https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Alfredo+Calderon-Serrano+SOI> - NARALO ALAC Delegate to the NomCom (Term: 2023 AGM-2024 AGM; by election) Note: Alfredo Calderon is the Regional Candidate recommended to the ALAC. The ALAC will appoint the final ALAC Delegates.


Selected by Election:
Adrian Schmidt<https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Adrian+Schmidt+SOI> – NARALO Secretary (Term: 2023 AGM – 2025 AGM; by election)

2023 NARALO Vote for NARALO Secretariat – Tally Result

The NARALO ALS electorate has been asked the following question:

Who do you support to become the NARALO Secretariat for the period of two years, beginning at the end of the ICANN78 Annual General Meeting. Please select one candidate from the list below, or abstain.

 1:  5 votes    [] Bibi Rookayya Gulmahamed

2:  9 votes    [] Adrian Schmidt

3:  1 vote     [] Abstain

Additional information: https://tally.icann.org/cgi/results?e=43fcbaa53ac

Congratulations to all the leaders!

Kind regards,

At-Large Staff
ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
Website: atlarge.icann.org<https://atlarge.icann.org/>
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