[NA-Discuss] VIDEO: Decentralized Domain Names: What Does DNS Look Like in Web3?

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Thu Dec 22 04:50:55 UTC 2022

Just catching up with this one. Alain Durand takes on the Web3 crowd.

Video: https://youtu.be/ihyYG3IVKD0

Transcript: https://bit.ly/3YKrPPm

"So I want to illustrate with with a little cartoon it's supposed to be
humoristic so bear with me, it's not 100% real. So let's go ahead. That's a
story of two character John and Sally. And John is kind of a geeky guy and
always wants to be on the cutting edge of technology. Sally's girlfriend is
a little bit more reserved. So just because I want a new domain name and
Oh, I like to use blockchain is hot new technology now. And it goes to a
third character called Market and Market can you give me something cool and
Market says I can sell you John dot Kryptonite. Sure. Sounds nice. Next
slide please. It goes to his girlfriend. Sally. You can connect with me.
John dot Kryptonite right as he tries this on a computer it doesn't where.
Next slide. Oh justice I forgot to tell you you first need to install the
cool web browser and, I never heard of it said Sally. Is that safe. Next.
And John goes again, I found another technology cool technology to try this
all blockchain lots of cool stuff where goes back to Market can I get
another domain there show Market says John dot SuperBlockchain. Next. Of
course John goes back to Sally, Hey some more new stuff for you try John
dot SuperBlockchain, and Sally says, John, I did try your special browser
you told me last time but it doesn't work with your new new domain question
mark. Next. Oh Sally, I forgot to tell you this is yet another blockchain
so you need to install this other browser vendors other plugin to it ... Go
away. Next. A little bit later, she comes by because she really likes John.
John, is actually full of all of us that he gave me and I've can see you on
the Super blockchain. But when I tried John dot kryptonite now, I see my ex
boyfriend's profile. That's not good. What I don't know if anything is
showing your cell phone. That's me. No that's you. Big big fight. Next. And
John goes to Market and it says Sally is very unhappy. She sees different
things when she types John dot Kryptonite and than I do. Market says, Well
that's name collision for you. Kryptonite is very popular. It's available
on at least three different blockchains. Your computer is not set up the
same way as Sally's. You look in one name space and look in another. No
wonder you'll see different things. Next. That outcome is not unique. And
nobody guarantees This is unique. That's the point. Actually, John dot
Kryptonite is available in a third blockchain. Do you want to buy it? Or
should I sell it to Sally's ex boyfriend? Next, please. This is really,
really stupid. I want to go back to my old John dot ICANN TLD domain. At
least that one was unique. And Market says haha haha. No, no, no, you can't
escape name collision. See, this ICANN dot TLD is available in five
different alternative naming systems. Maybe you can create your own
alternative naming systems and John says, Market, you're a monster. The
Internet is now completely broken. "

Joly MacFie  +12185659365
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