[NA-Discuss] Motion to replace voters for Board Seat election

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Thu Feb 13 17:26:58 UTC 2014

Garth, here is a motion that I bleeive will be useful for replacing 
the ALAC members who are not allowed to vote for them selves 
according to the ICANN Bylaws and the ALAC Rules of Procedure.

For reference, the ICANN Bylaws can be found at 
http://www.icann.org/en/about/governance/bylaws#VI and the ALAC Rules 
of Procedure at are linked to at 

The following motion references the required rules and also allows 
for the Board seat candidate to withdraw prior to the election and 
not lose his/her franchise.

Whereas XXX is currently a Member of the ALAC from the North American Region;
Whereas XXX is a candidate for the ICANN Board seat 15 in the 2014 selection;
Whereas the ALAC Rules of Procedure specify that under normal 
conditions, ALAC members constitute part of the Board Seat electorate;
Whereas the ICANN Bylaws Article VI, Section 4.2 forbid a candidate 
to participate in the Board Seat selection process;
Whereas the ALAC Rules of Procedure section 19.10.1 specify that in 
such a situation, the RALO will name a replacement for the purposes 
of the vote;
Whereas YYY has been identified as a suitable replacement voter and 
is willing to serve;

Therefore, in the event that XXX is a candidate for Board Seat 15 at 
the start of the formal voting process as detailed in the ALAC Rules 
of Procedure section 19.11, YYY is appointed to act as a replacement 
for XXX in this vote.

If your vote is to select among several alternatives, the last 
Whereas and the Therefore would need to be suitably modified.


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