[lac-discuss-es] [lac-discuss-en] Pequeño informe del evento en República Dominicana

Vanda Scartezini vanda at scartezini.org
Mon Jul 1 16:01:45 UTC 2024

Wonderful activity. Congratulations to all involved !!
 I had in the past to be in this nice country.  Got a unique necklace from “black/ brown and white coral”s absolutely beautiful !! loved the beaches and the people!!!
Hope everyone in this meeting had the opportunity to enjoy the country too!
Kisses to all
From: lac-discuss-en <lac-discuss-en-bounces en atlarge-lists.icann.org> on behalf of lac-discuss-es en atlarge-lists.icann.org <lac-discuss-es en atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Date: Monday, 1 July 2024 at 12:10
To: lac-discuss-en en icann.org <lac-discuss-en en icann.org>
Subject: [lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Pequeño informe del evento en República Dominicana
[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Dear LACRALO colleagues,
 This is a small report of the enormous activity we carry out in
 Dominican Republic with our ISOC Dominican hosts in the lead
 by Osvaldo Larancuent.

 The event was developed under the Title: *STRENGTHENING THE ECOSYSTEM OF

 The activity took place in the city of Santo Domingo, capital of the Republic
 Dominican in the Facilities of the *Indotel Center for Digital Culture*
<https://www.centroindotel.gob.do/> , a wonderful place where we could
 share and enjoy this wonderful space with the participants,
 thanks to the generosity of the regulatory body of the Dominican Republic
 INDOTEL that was achieved from the interaction of the organization

 Those of us who participated from the ICANN ecosystem were: Harold Arcos,
 Osvaldo Larancuent, Rodrigo de la Parra, Daniel Fink and the undersigned,
 Sergio Salinas Porto

 *The first day of activities*

 9:00 AM Opening Osvaldo Larancuent, president ISOC.do, Sergio salinas
 Porto Secretary of LACRALO, Rodrigo de la Parra Vice President Vice
 ICANN regional president for Latin America and the Caribbean
 9.15 AM Universal Acceptance Rodrigo de la Parra, Vice President
 ICANN regional president for Latin America and the Caribbean

 10.45 AM Let's talk about DNSSEC Daniel Fink, Director of Customer Relations
 ICANN Stakeholders

 11.15 AM Status of IPv6 and DNSSEC in the ccTLD .DO by Nic.do Jorge Reyes -
 NIC .DO, DR Domain Name Registry

 11.45 AM Closing Day 1
 Osvaldo Larancuent

 *The Second Day of Activities*

 9:00 AM Opening Osvaldo Larancuent, ISOC.do President, Harol Arcos
 President of LACRALO

 9.15 AM ICANN: organization, scope, Multistakeholder model Rodrigo de la
 Parra, VP ICANN - LAC

 10:00 AM Universal Acceptance: towards a more inclusive internet Daniel
 Fink, Director of Stakeholder Relations at ICANN

 10:45 am LACRALO: organization, role, scope Sergio Salinas, Secretary
 General of LACRALO, Harold Arcos president of LACRALO

 11:15 ISOC.do – IX.DO, Internet traffic exchange point of the
 Dominican Rep. Osvaldo Larancuent, ISOC.do

 11:45 Closing event

 On Thursday we had the opportunity to do an interview on TV
 place where we spent approximately 90 minutes talking and
 sharing topics linked to domain names and numbers and about
 participation within ICANN and LACRALO.

 It is noteworthy that the public that participated in the event had a very good
 degree of informed participation and their contributions in the midst of
 different dissertations making the exhibitions become
 open and interactive dialogues


 Amparo Arando from INDOTEL (regulator) also participated in the event.
 Dominican), Clara Collado from Nic.do, Lizania Pérez (COMTELCA),
 Federica Tortorella (LacTLD), among others.

 In this activity, it was also possible to achieve work meetings with the
 telephone and internet providers to encourage them to apply DNSSEC.

 I believe, without fear of being wrong, that this visit to the Dominican Republic
 can be taken as a success story, we achieved as a region that several
 users in the region to approach the local ISOC chapter to
 commit to participating in the organization and joining activities
 inside LACRALO.

 On the other hand, we interact with other interested parties within
 of the ICANN ecosystem, which allowed us to open from a vision
 global an incipient Dominican table of interaction in conjunction with
 Dominican perspective.

 Last but not least, ICANN was able to approach ISPs
 premises to invite them to integrate into the DNSSEC logic, which
 It also opened a very interesting door to do the same from
 LACRALO, (we will surely talk about this in a separate email).

 I leave a link with photos of the event in case anyone is interested in
 See images of the two days: LINK of images

 Hugs to all!

 *Sergio Salinas Porto**Internaut President Argentina - LACRALO/ICANN
<https://atlarge.icann.org/ralos/lacralo> **Argentine Association of
 Internet users<http://www.internauta.org.ar/> /FeTIA
<http://www.fetia.org.ar/> **FUILAC- Federation of Internet Users
 Of the C<https://fuilac.org> **facebook: salinasporto
<http://www.facebook.com/salinasporto> **twitter: sergiosalinas
<http://twitter.com/sergiosalinas> **Mobi:+54 9 223 5 215819**"Hopefully
 We can be disobedient, every time we receive orders that humiliate
 our *

 * conscience or violate our common sense" Eduardo Galeano*
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