[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Expresión de interés Maritza Agüero

myaguero at msn.com myaguero at msn.com
Tue May 7 15:24:01 UTC 2024

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Dear members of the Region,

 With prior greeting, through this email I present my Expression of Interest to be able to occupy the position on the ICANN Nominations Committee.
 First of all, I want to thank Lia Hernandez for the kind nomination and all the people who have expressed their support in general.
 My connection with ICANN dates back to 2017, where I began as an ICANN Fellow, a fact that led me to present the initiative to form the Center for Internet Governance Studies within one of the most prestigious universities in my country, occupying the position as President from that year until today. This approach to Internet Governance has led me to carry out countless activities (in-person and/or virtual) where I promote Internet Governance in my country not only from an academic point of view but also in interaction with other important actors, taking into account position, including the Technical Secretariat of the IGF Peru.
 I have been Regional Secretary of LACRALO, where I was able to learn in detail what interaction is like within the Region and what it suffers from, having led, among other initiatives, the mediation process, where a great step was taken towards inclusion, dialogue and interaction in general. Likewise, I am aware of the dedication and time that the position called for requires, so my application has been the result of intense reflection given that the Region requires people who are serious about their participation, which I have already demonstrated. effectively in my period as Secretary, a fact that is generally known.
 In addition, I have participated with several important actors in the Region to be able to carry out and interact in various spaces (LACNIC, ICANN, Southern School of Internet Governance -SSIG, VISG, among others) sharing synergies and active participation.
 On a professional level, I am a lawyer by profession, I have 2 Master's degrees, I am a scholarship holder from several international organizations and I am a university professor (at the undergraduate and postgraduate level). I have been Director of Projection and University Extension at the Faculty of Law of the University of San Martín de Porres. I currently work for a transnational company and have worked for several companies that have a great impact in my country. As for the English language, this is not a problem for me since I interact in this language on a professional level frequently. I consider that I have the necessary qualities and seniority that the position called for requires to be part of the ICANN Nominations Committee.
 Finally, I want to thank, again, all the people who have given me their support. I show my commitment to work through this Expression of Interest if elected, reiterating my commitment to the Region.
 Greetings everyone and have a good week!
 Maritza Aguero

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