[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Fwd: [Governance] NetMundial+10: Updates

harold.arcos at gmail.com harold.arcos at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 18:30:01 UTC 2024

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

About NetMundial+10

 The Organizing Committee will choose 100 participants for each
 Stakeholder group.

 Let's all register in the Region to have greater chances of being
 among the organizations that attend. Any ALS that is selected
 He will be a good representative of our Region 👍🏼


 Sent through my H device.
 Sorry for the typos and brevity

 ---------- Forwarded message ---------
 From: Bruna Martins dos Santos via Governance<governance at lists.igcaucus.org>
 Date: Mon., Mar. 4 2024 04:17
 Subject: [Governance] NetMundial+10: Updates
 To: Internet Governance<governance at lists.igcaucus.org> , NCSG List <
 NCSG-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu>,<redlatam at lists.accessnow.org>

 Dear all,

 We, the members of the High-Level Executive Committee of NetMundial+10,
 I would like to share some relevant information about the upcoming event.

 High-Level Executive Committee

 As announced by CGI.br, the High-Level Executive Committee (HLEC)
<https://netmundial.br/HLEC> will oversee the organization of the event,
 shaping details such as the program, modes of participation, and expected
 outcomes. The Civil Society Group of the HLEC is composed of the following
 names: (a) Anita Gurumurthy (IT4Change), (b) Bia Barbosa (RSF); (c) Bruna
 Santos (Digital Action); (d) Grace Githaiga (KictaNet); (e) Jason
 Pielemeier (GNI). Valéria Betancourt (APC) is our stakeholder group
 representative in the Co-Chairs group of the HLEC.

 The HLEC group was also sub-divided into 3 working groups on (a)
 Consultation, (b) program and (c) Participation. So far, our approach to
 the discussions have all aimed at ensuring linkages with other processes;
 consideration of structural inequality and exclusion matters as well as
 barriers for MS engagement in the framing of the consultation and agenda;
 an open, inclusive and transparent NM+10 process.

 Dates and Participation

 As announced at the website<https://netmundial.br/> , the event is set to
 take place in São Paulo, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, on the 29th and 30th of
 April 2024. A form for the submission of statements of interest for
 Participation (online and onsite) will be launched in the coming days.
 Through the assessment of pre-defined diversity criteria CGI.br will define
 the final list of participants.

 Format of the event

 The event is being conceived in a similar format to the initial edition
<https://netmundial.br/2014/pt/> : 2 days of discussions, with an opening
 session on the morning of the 29th and a closing ceremony at the end of
 April 30th. Participation onsite will be limited to up to 100 people per
 stakeholder group, but the HLEC has also confirmed CGI.br initial intention
 to host the event as a hybrid one with equal footing of participation for
 online and onsite participants.

 Subject and outcomes

 As previously announced by CGI.br, the event will follow the already
 announced framework of talking about current challenges for
 multistakeholderism and digital governance - and in the opinion of our SG
 group the values of equity, justice, and people's participation we hold
 dear as civil society.

 NetMundial+10 Secretariat and the HLEC are already working on a draft
 consultation document about two points: (a) Principles (drawing on the landmark
 2014 document
<https://document.netmundial.br/1-internet-governance-principles/> ); and
 (b) a common structured agenda named "a new agenda for the future evolution
 of the digital world".

 What's next?


 Form for collection of statements of interest for participation - Early

 Consultation document with a set of principles and requests for topics
 that could integrate the "new agenda for the future evolution of the
 digital world" - Mid/late March

 Kind regards,


 *Bruna Martins dos Santos*

 Global Campaigns Manager | Digital Action<http://digitalaction.co>

 German Chancellor Fellow 21' (Bundeskanzler-Stipendiatin) | Alexander Von
 Humboldt Foundation<https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/>

 Member | Coalizão Direitos na Rede<https://direitosnarede.org.br/>
 Co-Coordinator | Internet Governance Caucus<https://igcaucus.org/>

 Twitter: @boomartins<https://twitter.com/boomartins> // Skype:
 Email: bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
 Governance mailing list
 Governance at lists.igcaucus.org

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