[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Tema CROP

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 17:39:55 UTC 2024

+1. Guidance is necessary.

Unless this was changed by persons unknown, CROPP funding is designed to
advance Outreach and Engagement activities in service of the ICANN remit.

In the old days, two (2) activities were funded per RALO.

The decision about what activity - and activist! - gets funded must be
guided by a clear and transparent process at RALO level.

It is the responsibility of the *elected* leadership to develop the process
and criteria for all to be guided.

Carlton Samuels

*Carlton A Samuels*

*Mobile: 876-818-1799Strategy, Process, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*

On Mon, 4 Mar 2024 at 06:04, Lance Hinds <brainstreetceo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Alberto, all
> Regrettably I have been ill for the past few days so I am now catching up
> with the various issues,
> I am unaware of any board decision made regarding the use and award of
> CROPP funds. The bottom line however is that the deadline for submission is
> June 30, 2024 and we have to move quickly so as to avoid losing the
> opportunity. I will suggest to Harold and the management team that we
> quickly develop a clear, transparent process that will facilitate the
> application and award of funds. I am going to recommend that the criteria
> for selection and award of funds be available to all members of the RALO
> along with the list of submissions. Hopefully this can be actioned soon
> after ICANN79 and therefore address all concerns raised.
> Regards
> Lance
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