[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Unite a las reuniones de ICANN 79

presidencia at internauta.org.ar presidencia at internauta.org.ar
Sun Mar 3 13:48:01 UTC 2024

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Hello dear colleagues from LACRALO, this small team from the region
 (Lilian, Marcelo, Laura, Claire, Harold -remotely- and I), we are
 actively working on the agenda of the meeting in San Juan de Puerto
 I will try every day at approximately this time (I hope to get there more
 early to send it), a short introduction of the topics that will be covered
 on the day to motivate them to participate remotely and to share with
 you the agenda items for our meeting.


 * Strategic plan*

 We are currently working on a discussion on how to prepare
 for the development of the Strategic Plan for fiscal years 26-30,
 It is also planned to work on an interactive session on the Program
 of Continuous Improvement and the interests of At-Large.

 This part of the meeting is of interest to everyone.

 This is part of the work carried out by the Operations Working Group,
 At-Large Finance and Budget and the At-Large community.

 *Then we will continue with a meeting with the GAC ((14:30-16:00 UTC)*

 This agenda is planned:

 Discussion on applicant support

 The ALAC perspective on support for applicants will be presented,
 The GAC will also be asked to provide us with information on support for
 the applicants and we for our part will provide additional information
 about this theme.

 We will also be sharing more details on the GAC's position with
 regarding questions and answers on applicant support.

 We will also address topics such as the implementation of IPV6 and the
 IPV4 addresses

 *The next meeting will be at 17:15 to 18:30 UTC and will be the meeting between
 ALAC and the SSA*C.

 The ALAC and SSAC will discuss topics of mutual interest, including DNSSEC for
 end users. This session will be of interest to members of the
 At-Large community and the SSAC.

 *Finally, from 19:00 to 20:00 UTC we will have a coordination meeting of
 regional leaders*

 The five leaders of the At-Large Regional Organization will meet to
 discuss interregional issues and work on common issues.


 *Sergio Salinas Porto**Internaut President Argentina - LACRALO/ICANN
<https://atlarge.icann.org/ralos/lacralo> **Argentine Association of
 Internet users<http://www.internauta.org.ar/> /FeTIA
<http://www.fetia.org.ar/> **FUILAC- Federation of Internet Users
 Of the C<https://fuilac.org> **facebook: salinasporto
<http://www.facebook.com/salinasporto> **twitter: sergiosalinas
<http://twitter.com/sergiosalinas> **Mobi:+54 9 223 5 215819**"Hopefully
 We can be disobedient, every time we receive orders that humiliate
 our *

 * conscience or violate our common sense" Eduardo Galeano*

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