[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Invitation for LAC CSOs preparatory meeting for EU-LAC Digital Alliance policy dialogue on cybersecurity

Harold Arcos harold.arcos at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 15:47:54 UTC 2024

Thanks Lance for sharing this key information,,


Sent through my H device.
Sorry for the typos and brevity

El lun., 15 ene. 2024 05:05, Lance Hinds <brainstreetceo at gmail.com>

> From:
> Yacine Khelladi
> External advisor to the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Operations
> Unit (B2) of the General Directorate of International Partnerships (DG
> INTPA) of the European Commission - Latin America and Caribbean Digital
> Advisory Services (D-LACAD)
> Dear Colleagues
> On behalf of the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Operations Unit
> (B2) of the Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA)
> of the European Commission, *we invite you to participate in a _virtual
> meeting for the LAC civil society organizations (CSOs)_*in preparation for
> the upcoming *EU-LAC Digital Alliance* <
> https://international-partnerships.ec.europa.eu/policies/global-gateway/eu-latin-america-and-caribbean-digital-alliance_en>*high-level
> policy dialogu*e *_on cybersecurity_* .
> That policy dialogue will take place in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
> in mid-February 2024 with the objective of agreeing on a specific two-year
> action plan to achieve the cybersecurity objectives agreed last November in
> the dialogue Cartagena <
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/d4dhub.eu/news/eu-lac-digital-alliance-partners-agree-on-joint-areas-of-collaboration-towards-2025-summit__;!!DOxrgLBm!D-GgQVioB5qlgOCjQ1irByaEtzu9bzfXqE-zCFGHwsgJ5SqFhtZLtovdQ8vnesO452xdMhRLXdOzHJs5e1GDdYOl7mA$>(in
> which some 15 LAC CSOs participated in person) (See attached an operational
> summary of the conclusions of said event).
> The active participation of the*Civil Society **Organizations o*f Latin
> America and the Caribbean in this process is key and that is why we
> organize*two virtual preparatory meetings* to present the process and learn
> about your*perspectives, priorities, concerns and proposals *on this topic,
> before the in-person event of February.
> * one in *_English on Tuesday the 23rd_*_from January 2024_ at 16:00 UTC
> (5 pm
> in Brussels, 1pm in AR, BR and CL, 12pm in DR, 11 am COL, 10 AM in CR and
> MX)
> * one in *_Spanish on Monday the 22nd_*_from January 2024_ at 16:00 UTC (5
> pm
> in Brussels, 1pm in AR, BR and CL, 12pm in DR, 11 am COL, 10 AM in CR and
> MX)
> Pleaseregister here for one of these. <
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/9Nk4oCLUSdRydBP66__;!!DOxrgLBm!D-GgQVioB5qlgOCjQ1irByaEtzu9bzfXqE-zCFGHwsgJ5SqFhtZLtovdQ8vnesO452xdMhRLXdOzHJs5e1GD4SOUOU8$>And
> feel free to share this invite to relevant Caribbean CSOs
> TheEU-LAC Digital Alliance <
> https://international-partnerships.ec.europa.eu/policies/global-gateway/eu-latin-america-and-caribbean-digital-alliance_en>__seeks
> to increase collaboration between LAC and EU countries, the harmonization
> of policies and regulations to accelerate a sustainable and inclusive
> digital transformation process and build a strong, comprehensive and
> mutually beneficial alliance. <
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/d4dhub.eu/es/news/eu-and-lac-leaders-endorse-the-eu-lac-digital-alliance-joint-declaration__;!!DOxrgLBm!D-GgQVioB5qlgOCjQ1irByaEtzu9bzfXqE-zCFGHwsgJ5SqFhtZLtovdQ8vnesO452xdMhRLXdOzHJs5e1GDn-7WMOo$>It
> also aims to establish or improve bi-regional mechanisms of*coordination
> and governance for digitalization,* based on *common values and interests
> *asagreed by the heads of state in July 2023 <
> https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_23_3892>
> I remain attentive to any questions or concerns about this process, and I
> hope that LAC CSOs take advantage of this opportunity to influence digital
> policies in the region.
> Yacine Khelladi
> --
> For your information and guidance
> Lance Hinds
> Vice Chair
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