[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] DNS WOMEN invitación

vanda at scartezini.org vanda at scartezini.org
Sun Feb 18 18:38:01 UTC 2024

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Dear Friends

 Once again, we invite you to participate with us in our DNS Women session and the cocktail party that will follow.
 I hope you join us!!
 It is open to women and men and we will have an interesting agenda.
 See you in Puerto Rico

 Hugs to all and excellent trips.

 If it will be on the web, our link will be on the agenda of ICANN 79 on Wednesday, March 6, from 16:15 to 17:15 San Juan Time (UTC -4)
 We hope you are with us!

 Vanda Scartezini
 Sao Paulo, Brazil
 + 55 11 98181-1464
 Vanda at Scartezini.org

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