[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Rebalanceo del NomCom- Comentarios solicitados hasta el 25 de Marzo

staff at atlarge.icann.org staff at atlarge.icann.org
Fri May 19 15:02:00 UTC 2023

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

****message sent on behalf of the LACRALO Secretary******

 Dear LACRALO members,

 In the LACRALO monthly call held on Monday, May 15, 2023, we agreed to use two options to respond to the request for comments to the questions shared by the ICANN Board Chair, Tripti Sinha, on the subject of the rebalancing of the NomCom:

 Creation of a small ad hoc group - Created at the meeting

 Circulating a Google Document to provide feedback: link to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VUNiCnwsnHo1rl1M9v8LQc0uFwXl5aegUYme9yX52s8/edit

 Your comments are sought by May 25, 2023. I have also included some reference links in the document for easy access.

 claire c craig

 LACRALO Secretariat

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