[lac-discuss-en] STARTING IN 15 MINS ***REMINDER *** Meeting invitation: LACRALO Call Meet the Candidates call on Monday, 08 May 2023 at 22:00 UTC

ICANN At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Mon May 8 21:43:24 UTC 2023

**If you require a dial-out or need to state an apology, please contact At-Large staff at staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org> with your preferred number.**

Dear All,

Further to the doodle poll, the LACRALO Call Meet the Candidates is scheduled for Monday, 08 May 2023 at 22:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

Spanish interpretation will be provided.

For other times: https://tinyurl.com/5n6w6823

Please note that the agenda and call details can be found at: https://community.icann.org/x/cYGCDg

Wiki workspace: https://community.icann.org/x/NJQi

ADIGO Conference Bridge: EN & ES : 3535

Toll-free access number (US and Canada): 800 550 6865

Other toll-free numbers: http://adigo.com/icann/[adigo.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__adigo.com_icann_&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PqnmlD10aN3cxIHyiUf_hNf25P6Dsv7dJM6flBzRrBs&m=Sl33nclBocKlLp5cV-OF_8nYFFE45wFkCsC33Q0JPSc&s=sdyqYZ499fEhNW2yg_968gin1UenuqpTePdFBXbJs94&e=>

Zoom Room:https://icann.zoom.us/j/95594338562?pwd=WFN3Q1JXZlo4d0RvSnU3TEZ2bVA3Zz09 / Password: LACRALO#01

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community

E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org<https://owa.icann.org/owa/PolicyCalendar@icann.org/>

Website: atlarge.icann.org<https://owa.icann.org/owa/PolicyCalendar@icann.org/>

Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge<https://owa.icann.org/owa/PolicyCalendar@icann.org/>


Dear all,

In preparation for a Call with the Candidates, please complete the doodle poll below as soon as possible.

 Doodle: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/aKLkr8Jb

This doodle will close on Friday 05 May



En Preparación para una llamada con los candidatos, favor de completer el doodle lo antes possible.

 Doodle: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/aKLkr8Jb

Este doodle cerrará el viernes 5 de Mayo.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community

E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org

Website: atlarge.icann.org

Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge

Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge

Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge<https://owa.icann.org/owa/PolicyCalendar@icann.org/>

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