[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Presentes para nuestros eventos sociales

alberto at soto.net.ar alberto at soto.net.ar
Mon Mar 6 22:24:01 UTC 2023

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Dear friends, as you know, on the 13th in Cancun we will have our social event (networking). And on the 14th we will have our dinner.
 The members of the Organizational Group of our General Assembly, have decided to each bring a low-cost craft, or something typical of each country. Vanda will bring a typical Brazilian drink.
 Our suggestion is that anyone who wants to voluntarily bring a low-cost craft to hold raffles or contests at these two events.
 I only ask those who are volunteers to confirm to my email only (alberto at soto.net.ar<mailto:alberto at soto.net.ar> ) so as not to disturb others. In this way we will have the magnitude of prizes to be able to organize ourselves.
 My best regards and see you in Cancun.

 Kind regards

 Alberto Soto

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