[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] disculpas

Claire C. Craig claireccraig at gmail.com
Sat Jul 8 14:02:40 UTC 2023

Hello Sergio
I’m happy to hear that you are on the mend. I’m sure it must be quite distressing to know that you are unable to keep your commitments due to prolonged illness. 
Following along on the discussion in the thread about how we can all work together to conduct the work of LACRALO, please let us know what assistance the community might be able to provide to you to help you to fulfill your responsibilities to LACRALO while you continue to recover. 
At no time do I want to presume that I know what support you need; but in the interest of your health and getting the business of LACRALO done, please let all work together to provide you with what help you need at this time. 
Superman and superwoman only exist in the comics. Recover well!


Sent from my iPhone

> On 7 Jul 2023, at 4:06 PM, vanda at scartezini.org wrote:
> [[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]
> I do believe that everyone wants speedy improvements for Sergio.
> Alex, I think your proposal is well thought out. Sergio continues as Secretary to be, assuming his position after the GA in October. I think, for example, since we have already chosen, among ourselves, the next Secretary to be, that he then make this approximation so that he can support Sergio from now on and continue with the work – which is not that many, but Sergio is the coordinator of the important Governance committee, so I also make the suggestion that Sergio select someone from within the committee to give progress to the points, maintaining strict contact with Sergio, but doing the job.
> I leave these suggestions here so that other colleagues, including Sergio, can give their opinion.
> Hugs to all
> Vanda Scartezini
> Sao Paulo, Brazil
> + 55 11 98181-1464
> Vanda at Scartezini.org
> www.dnswomen.org
> From: lac-discuss-es<lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> on behalf of Dr. Alejandro Pisanty Baruch<apisan at unam.mx>
> Date: Friday, 7 July 2023 15:19
> To: Sergio Salinas Porto<presidencia at internauta.org.ar> , lac-discuss-en at icann.org<lac-discuss-es at icann.org> , LACRALO<lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] sorry
> Dear Sergio,
> I am sorry that you continue to face this prolonged and difficult-to-resolve health problem. I am also very encouraged to read that you are improving and that soon you will be 100% incorporated. I hope that this is the case and that what remains of the treatment is as less aggressive, and as brief and effective as possible.
> In the meantime, I think that a prolonged absence from a high position of responsibility must be compensated, either by the person, by the organization, or jointly, in a rational and organized way. This implies delegating tasks; be substituted for tasks; form a support team for some tasks; modify the meeting dates to adapt them to your availability; and other possible reactions in the remainder of his time in office.
> I sincerely request that the elected leadership team of LACRALO formulate a proposal in this regard, no later than the next meeting on July 17, and a few days in advance so that the community can digest it as well as make its own proposals; surely there will be volunteers and volunteers to accompany the pending activities and that have been postponed too long. In particular, the people who have been elected for a period that is about to begin have a very special and partly contradictory responsibility: on the one hand, they should support the current board of directors, and on the other, they must take care not to unduly anticipate performing functions that remain their responsibility. yours.
> Your formal communication is an indication that this is the way to act. Reducing pressure is one of the few ways in which we can help your recovery with something more than good wishes, which of course I emphatically reiterate: speedy recovery of your health and with it, the tranquility of all those who surround you.
> Alejandro Pisanty
> P.S. Sergio's original message was sent in Spanish to the English list. I am sending this response to both in the hope that an intelligible version will reach all LACRALO members, in response to Alberto Soto's repeated claims about the language crossing.
> ________________________________
> De: lac-discuss-es <lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> en nombre de Sergio Salinas Porto <presidencia at internauta.org.ar>
> Enviado: viernes, 7 de julio de 2023 04:49 a. m.
> Para: lac-discuss-en at icann.org
> Asunto: [lac-discuss-es] disculpas
> Estimados, pido disculpas por no poder estar tan presente como me gustaría, como muchos saben estoy con un problema de salud que hace que muchas veces no pueda estar con ustedes por el nivel de agresividad del tratamiento en el que estoy inmerso.
> Más allá de esto debo de indicarles que voy mejorando y de seguro en poco tiempo puedas estar al 100 % dedicado a la región como he estado siempre.
> Pido que anoten mi disculpas de antemano a las ṕroximas reuniones ya que estoy en la fase última de mi tratamiento y no voy a poder estar presente los lunes y viernes para ninguna reunión.
> Estoy disponible para consultas o hacer algunas tareas de apoyo si me necesitan en el resto de los días.
> Sepan que los quiero queridos amigos.
> Otra internet es posible!
> Sergio Salinas Porto
> Presidente Internauta Argentina - LACRALO/ICANN<https://atlarge.icann.org/ralos/lacralo>
> Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Internet<http://www.internauta.org.ar/>/FeTIA<http://www.fetia.org.ar/>
> FUILAC- Federación de Usuarios de Internet de LAC<https://fuilac.org>
> facebook: salinasporto<http://www.facebook.com/salinasporto>
> twitter:  sergiosalinas<http://twitter.com/sergiosalinas>
> Mobi:+54 9 223 5 215819
> "Ojalá podamos ser desobedientes, cada vez que recibimos órdenes que humillan nuestra
> conciencia o violan nuestro sentido común" Eduardo Galeano
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