[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Fwd: ATTENTION: Call for membership: Operations, Finance and Budget Working group (OFB-WG) - Open till Dec 13

apisanty at gmail.com apisanty at gmail.com
Sat Dec 16 19:26:01 UTC 2023

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]


 do not test patience; NOT ONE MORE OFFENSIVE ADJECTIVE, enough of it
 try to use bullying to hide obvious facts. put
 work on the table with transparency, without conflicts of interest, and with
 tangible proof of their claims instead of offenses and insinuations.
 Easy, if they exist, impossible if not!

 Alejandro Pisanty

 Alejandro Pisanty

 On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 12:34 PM<carlton.samuels at gmail.com> wrote: 

> [[-- Translated text (en -> es) --]]
> Estimado Harold:
>  Apoyo su nominación de Clair Craig para sustituir a este OFB WG como
>  Representante de LACRALO incluso siendo Copresidenta y NomCom designada
> en ALAC
>  reps. Clair ha aceptado el cargo.
>  Soy consciente de las quejas del canal secundario sobre su recomendación.
>  bajo el pretexto de que Clair está en conflicto por ser NomCom
>  designado para el ALAC para desempeñar ambas capacidades.
>  Clair es miembro de una ALS firmada por un MOU que elige unirse con
>  LACRALO y no pierde ese estatus con su rol. Entonces leo tu acción
>  no sólo en el ámbito de su deber como Presidente de LACRALO sino también
> como
>  obligación de ejercer cierto liderazgo.
>  La historia te absuelve. Aparte del hecho de que, en mi opinión, la
> mayoría de estos
>  Los comités no son más que vehículos para "hacer funcionar" con objetivos
> cuestionables.
>  contribuciones al asesoramiento sobre políticas supuestamente de usuarios
> finales, puedo confirmar que
>  Clair es capaz de desempeñar ambos roles. Los del caribe
>  Hace tiempo que aprendí por necesidad a mascar chicle y caminar en línea
> recta.
>  simultáneamente.
>  También tomamos nota de los continuos intentos lloriqueantes y cobardes de
>  desfavorecer y deslegitimar a los representantes caribeños en LACRALO.
>  La silenciosa malicia de estos intentos es deshonrosa y se desestima con
> causa justificada.
>  Carlton Samuels
>  ===============================
>  *Carlton A. Samuels*
>  *Móvil: 876-818-1799Estrategia, proceso, gobernanza, evaluación y
> recuperación*
>  ==============================
>  El lunes 11 de diciembre de 2023 a las 15:30,<harold.arcos at gmail.com>
> escribió:
> > [[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]
> >
> > Dear Region, we hope you had a good weekend.
> >
> >  In this way we share the call that the Working Group of
> >  AtLarge Operations, Finance and Budget is doing to
> >  integrate into the continuous work that this issue demands.
> >
> >  I give a brief reminder that our LAC Alac Member, Claire Craig, is
> >  Co-chair of this Atlarge working group, therefore I propose that the
> >  Let's consider her as the main appointee there to help us coordinate
> this
> >  issue in the region with the Board of Directors. What will help us to be
> >  well updated.
> >
> >  Please let's use this email thread for those who want to express the
> >  voluntary interest in knowing, learning and participating in this
> > important
> >  cluster.
> >
> >  Greetings
> >
> >  harold
> >
> >
> >  ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> >  From: ICANN At-Large Staff<staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> >  Date: Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 2:12 PM
> >  Subject: ATTENTION: Call for membership: Operations, Finance and Budget
> >  Working group (OFB-WG) - Open until Dec 13
> >  To: OFB-WG<ofb-wg at icann.org> , Amrita Choudhury<
> amritachoudhury at ccaoi.in>
> > ,
> >  Ali Al Meshal<dralialmeshal at gmail.com> , Aris Ignacio<
> > arisignacio at yahoo.com> ,
> >  pavan at dot.asia<pavan at dot.asia> , Hadia El Miniawi<
> hadiaminiawi at yahoo.com>
> > ,
> >  Bram Fudzulani<beatblam at hotmail.com> , Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong <
> >  abdeldjalil.bachar at gmail.com>, Sebicann Bachollet<sebicann at bachollet.fr
> >
> > ,
> >  Natalia Filina<filinafilka at gmail.com> , Greg Shatan [NARALO] <
> >  gregshatanalac at gmail.com>, Adrian Schmidt<aschmi at gmail.com> , Harold
> > Arcos <
> >  harold.arcos at gmail.com>, Sergio Porto<presidencia at internauta.org.ar> ,
> >  Lance Hinds<brainstreetceo at gmail.com> , Sandra Rodriguez <
> >  sandrattgg39 at gmail.com>
> >  CC: Claire Craig<claireccraig at gmail.com> , Ricardo Holmquist <
> >  rihogris at gmail.com>, ICANN At-Large Staff<staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> >
> >
> >  Dear All,
> >
> >
> >
> >  On behalf of Claire Craig and Ricardo Holmquist, co-Chairs of the
> At-Large
> >  Operations, Finance, and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG)
> > <https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=132940946> ,
> > Este
> >  is a call for new members and for current members to re-confirm their
> >  interest in remaining.
> >
> >  As noted by Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, all members of the ALAC are
> > required
> >  to join the OFB-WG and attend the meetings on a regular basis.
> >
> >
> >
> >  Note the objectives of the OFB-WG in its charter.
> > <https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=132940946> The
> >  Tasks of the OFB-WG include:
> >
> >  o Providing input to, and drafting any statement related to, the ICANN
> >  strategic plan and processes.
> >
> >  o Providing input to, and drafting any statements related to, ICANN's
> >  operational initiatives.
> >
> >  o Providing input to, and drafting any statement related to, the ICANN
> >  and IANA/PTI budget process.
> >
> >  o Providing input to, and drafting any statement related to,
> >  Organizational Reviews and Continuous Improvement.
> >
> >  o Reviewing any Fiscal Year At-Large Funding Requests for inclusion into
> >  the ALAC's statement on ICANN's annual budget and operating plan.
> >
> >
> >  Could you please let the co-chairs and At-Large staff
> > <staff at atlarge.icann.org> know whether you are interested in joining the
> >  working group or, if you are an existing member, whether you do wish to
> >  continue your membership by *Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 23:00 UTC*.
> >
> >
> >
> >  Kind regards,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  At-Large Staff
> >  ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
> >  Website: atlarge.icann.org
> >  Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge
> >  Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge<https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>
> >
> >  [image:signature_1474846518]
> > _______________________________________________
> > lac-discuss-en mailing list
> > lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> > https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-en
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your
> > personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance
> > with the ICANN Privacy Policy (https://www.icann.org/privacy/policy) and
> > the website Terms of Service (https://www.icann.org/privacy/tos). You
> can
> > visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or
> > configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or
> > disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
> >
> _______________________________________________
> lac-discuss-es mailing list
> lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es
> http://www.lacralo.org
> _______________________________________________
> By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your
> personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance
> with the ICANN Privacy Policy (https://www.icann.org/privacy/policy) and
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> visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or
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> disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dr. Alejandro Pisanty
 Faculty of Chemistry UNAM
 Av. Universidad 3000, 04510 Mexico City Mexico
 Blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com
 LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty
 Join the UNAM group on LinkedIn,
 Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty
 ---->> Join ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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