[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Nominación de Sandra Rodríguez (El Salvador) para Vice Secretaria LACRALO

lito at ibarra.sv lito at ibarra.sv
Fri Apr 28 21:58:00 UTC 2023

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]


 I hereby wish, as current president of the ISOC El Salvador Chapter,
 submit the nomination of Sandra Rodríguez, member of the ISOC SV Chapter
 (ALS of LACRALO), for the position of Vice Secretary of LACRALO.

 Thank you

 "I take the good, no matter who it comes from; I throw away the bad, no matter who
 who comes"
 "Love and hate affect more deeply the one who professes it than the one who
 receives it"
 Rafael (Lito) Ibarra
 Member of the Internet Hall of Fame
 LACNIC 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award
 Twitter: litoibarra
 Skype: lito.ibarra
 El Salvador (SV)
 Tel. (503) 2223-5016

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