[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative

Betty Fausta - IPEOS bf at ipeos.com
Mon Oct 31 20:18:41 UTC 2022

very good susggestion Dev 
hope caribbeans will be more represented in LACRALO 
as observer all latins country are very nice, but reality of common work is hard with languages and time-zone barrieres ... 

Betty FAUSTA— IT founder IPEOS | WOMEN G100 .GP .MQ 
President of Blacks In Technology FRANCE #Diversity #Inclusion 
Cell : +590 690 497 309 | Twitter/Instagram: @betfau 
[ https://www.linkedin.com/in/bettyfausta/ | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bettyfausta/ ] 
[ https://foundation.blacksintechnology.net/chapters/#france | https://foundation.blacksintechnology.net/chapters/#france ] 

De: "Claire Craig" <claireccraig at gmail.com> 
À: "LACRALO discussion list" <lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org>, lac-discuss-es at icann.org 
Envoyé: Lundi 31 Octobre 2022 14:05:02 
Objet: Re: [lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative 

Thanks Everyone for your prompt responses at such short notice. 
EOI have been received from Humberto Carrasco, Carlos Dionisio and Hannah Frank. 

The LACRALO leadership team recognises that at this time we do not have a formal selection process in place, and have therefore taken into account the suggestion by Vanda Scartezini and Dev Anand Teelucksingh that for the future, we will review the positions for which LACRALO representation is required and share that information with you. 

In the meantime, and because of the short timeframe for a decision, the LACRALO Leadership team has decided to appoint Humberto Carrasco to serve for another term, since he has only served for one term and is interested in continuing. 

Once again, thanks for your responses and support. 

Claire C. Craig, PhD 

On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 13:34, Claire Craig < [ mailto:claireccraig at gmail.com | claireccraig at gmail.com ] > wrote: 

Good suggestion Dev. 
I will see what I can find out about the leadership positions that require LACRALO representation. 


On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 12:56, Dev Anand Teelucksingh < [ mailto:devtee at gmail.com | devtee at gmail.com ] > wrote: 


Agree with Vanda, however the timeframe doesn’t allow for this to happen now. 

I suggest LACRALO leadership document what additional positions are required by ICANN or the ALAC requiring representation by LACRALO and to share with all in LACRALO. 

This way, call for nominations can better happen in a more timely manner and also allow time for rotation principles to be applied. 

Also, updates to our RoP can be considered in time for LACRALO GA to incorporate such rotation principles for these additional positions. 

Kind Regards 

Dev Anand Teelucksingh 

On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 10:16 AM, Vanda Scartezini < [ mailto:vanda at scartezini.org | vanda at scartezini.org ] > wrote: 


In my opinion this selection should follow the rotation as we do for any other position representing our Ralo. A- America Central / Andes/ Caribbean Isles/ Mercorsur. 

In my view would be Caribbean time, after Andes. 

But if just Carlos responding to this EoI I support him for the position. 

Best to all 

Vanda Scartezini 

Polo Consultores Associados 

São Paulo, Brazil 

[ mailto:vanda at scartezini.org | vanda at scartezini.org ] 

Mobile: + 55 11 98181-1464 

From: lac-discuss-es < [ mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org | lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] > on behalf of carlos dionisio aguirre < [ mailto:carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com | carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com ] > 
Date: Sunday, 30 October 2022 22:58 
To: Claire Craig < [ mailto:claireccraig at gmail.com | claireccraig at gmail.com ] >, LACRALO discussion list < [ mailto:lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org | lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] >, [ mailto:lac-discuss-es at icann.org | lac-discuss-es at icann.org ] < [ mailto:lac-discuss-es at icann.org | lac-discuss-es at icann.org ] > 
Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-es] [lac-discuss-en] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative 

Hi all. I am in, if it is the desition of the mayority . 

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre. 

Obtener [ https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg | Outlook para Android ] 

From: lac-discuss-en < [ mailto:lac-discuss-en-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org | lac-discuss-en-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] > on behalf of Claire Craig < [ mailto:claireccraig at gmail.com | claireccraig at gmail.com ] > 
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2022 8:13:35 PM 
To: LACRALO discussion list < [ mailto:lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org | lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] >; [ mailto:lac-discuss-es at icann.org | lac-discuss-es at icann.org ] < [ mailto:lac-discuss-es at icann.org | lac-discuss-es at icann.org ] > 
Subject: [lac-discuss-en] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative 

This is a call for Expression of Interest to represent LACRALO on the [ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_atlarge_ALAC-2BSubcommittee-2Bon-2BAppointee-2BSelection&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=ds9md1zoepmwqw2nfk-Vs9ssxn1I3jPs97ekKkctEkM&m=u6coA8foO-KfVlHnX2akHILDbTQFNHgv94Uz5Dr_HKg&s=aWgqNcisBVkjEQRwE0tpSrykB0-a61GWC7pJnKdKOh0&e= | ALAC
 and the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee ] (AASC), for the 2023 AASC. The deadline to submit the name of our representative is October 31. I do apologise for the late notice. The current representative is eligible to continue if interested. 

The AASC reviews applications for various positions related to the ALAC and makes recommendations to the ALAC on which candidates to appoint or endorse. 

The AASC is Chaired by the ALAC Chair and is composed of: 

· The ALAC Leadership Team excluding the ALAC Chair (Dave Kissoondoyal, Maureen Hilyard, Joanna Kulesza, Laura Margolis and one other ALAC Member from the Chair's region - NARALO); 

· One member representing each RALO. 

The AASC selects people to occupy critical positions and AASC members must be both able and willing to take the time to review applications in detail and to participate in the decisions of the Committee. 

Claire C. Craig 


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