[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Balance y despedida

presidencia at internauta.org.ar presidencia at internauta.org.ar
Sat Oct 30 05:42:01 UTC 2021

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Dear colleagues, I write these few lines to
 to say goodbye to you as president of LACRALO starting tomorrow our
 Dear friend and colleague Augusto Ho, will preside over the region until 2023.
 We have walked a long road together during this pandemic that marked us
 unfailingly, on that path we have advanced steadily and steadily
 in having a more solid, robust, committed and willing region to
 work collectively for an involved region
 definitely on the different issues that are discussed at ICANN, just
 as an example our IDN and Multilingualism working group that under
 Sylvia Herlein's leadership took the bull by the antlers and led us to
 discuss and work on that great topic that is Universal Acceptance.
 But we have also advanced in other dynamics such as the group of
 Training by the leadership of Adrian Carvallo or communication
 by the hand of Lilian De Luque in the foreground and now Marcelo
 Rodriguez making our region recognized.
 I am convinced that collective leadership was the path that achieved everything
 This, The true hero in LACRALO is the collective hero, the human group,
 the only valid hero is the 'group' hero, never the individual hero, the
 hero alone.
 Now other times are opening, in a new composition of companions and
 comrades that we assume the responsibility of accompanying that "hero
 collective ", where colleagues who were never in office are mixed
 with others that we come with a background that we make available to
 our two fellow president and secretary of the region: Augusto Ho and
 Clare Craig, this new team is Laura, Harold, Carlos, harold and myself,
 those that must be added in principle, Marcelo, Adrian and Sylvia.
 Finally I want to make a special section of recognition to me
 colleague Harold Arcos, who performed, despite all the
 vicissitudes, with a commitment and thorough knowledge that is worthy of
 mention, for all your support dear friend I just want to make a
 public recognition and a gigantic THANK YOU.
 It only remains to say goodbye, telling you that it was an honor to serve my region,
 now you will find me in another place within leadership but with the same
 predisposition and conviction that characterizes me, which is to accompany
 the growth and involvement of our region in the policies that
 are discussed in ICANN in favor and in perspective of the end users of
 Without struggle there are no rights!

 * Sergio Salinas Porto ** Argentine Internet President - LACRALO / ICANN
<https://atlarge.icann.org/ralos/lacralo> ** Argentine Association of
 Internet users<http://www.internauta.org.ar/> / FeTIA
<http://www.fetia.org.ar/> ** FUILAC- Federation of Internet Users
 Of the C<https://fuilac.org> ** facebook: salinasporto
<http://www.facebook.com/salinasporto> ** twitter: sergiosalinas
<http://twitter.com/sergiosalinas> ** Mobi: +54 9 223 5 215819 ** "Hopefully
 we can be disobedient, every time we receive humiliating orders
 our *

 * conscience or violate our common sense "Eduardo Galeano *

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