[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] 6 puntos para la estrategia LACRALO + ICANN LAC

apisanty at gmail.com apisanty at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 01:02:00 UTC 2021

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]


 to follow up on today's meeting on ICANN's strategy for
 region, I summarize the points I presented, with the understanding that if we follow
 intending that LACRALO advance without the active commitment of the Board
 Members (council members, NomCom members, etc.) from the region,
 we will progress little, badly and late compared to what is possible with their

 1. Policy first. It is of little use to attract new people and organizations
 "because it's interesting" or improve our relationships and teamwork
 (a laudable end in itself, of course) if we don't end up producing a
 impact on policy development. The planning of LACRALO and the
 support from the Board and staff should contribute to this.

 2. To feed the previous point we must identify the "how" and the
 "what" of successful policy development. We must start from cases of
 PDP success with advocacy developed by RALOs. Leon Felipe and Lito
 from the Board, and Rodrigo from staff, must lead a process of
 selection on which we base our capacity building program.

 3. One issue we need to focus on is the collision between DNS abuse,
 its prevention, and the corresponding forensic investigations and litigation,
 and laws and practices such as the GDPR, national laws for the protection of
 personal data (increasingly restrictive, as seen now in Brazil).
 Many of these laws are protecting data more than users

 4. We must prepare to advocate with governments and authorities
 multistakeholder of each country facing the ITU, diplomacy
 multilateral organization at the UN that intervenes in processes such as the GGE (Group of
 Governmental Experts) and OEWG (Open Ended Working Group) of the AG (Assembly
 General) for rules on the conduct of States in Cyberspace,
 UNESCO, and other organizations. A development of capacities and a
 constant communication will give us that ability to seriously address the
 geopolitical angle pointed out especially by León Felipe in his
 intervention. This type of topic and those of the previous points should
 be part of an advanced capacity building program,
 complementary to the basic one that the School work group is planning
 LACRALO. By the way in the School we must already generate Open Access to
 all SSIGs materials and similar contributions developed
 by the ALS.

 5. We must stimulate organic collaboration between the ALS, its members,
 and now also the very valuable possibility of having contributions
 of individual members. It became clear that the potential of these is in
 risk of being wasted; we must heed the call of Laura Margolis.

 6. LACRALO's contributions must be structured among other axes
 main, around the strategic plan for the region. Let's develop
 objectives, actions and metrics (not binding for now) around the
 LACRALO and ALS contribution to KAIs (key activities of interest)
 presented by Rodrigo.

 I hope that in a few weeks we can structure activities within this framework.

 Alexander Pisanty

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Dr. Alejandro Pisanty
 Faculty of Chemistry UNAM
 Av. Universidad 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico
 Blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com
 LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty
 Join the UNAM group on LinkedIn,
 Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty
 ---- >> Join ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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