[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] (Asamblea General 2021) Confirmación Representantes ALS

harold.arcos at gmail.com harold.arcos at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 23:00:00 UTC 2021

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Dear regional members.

 We hope you are well in the company of your relatives.

 In the context of holding our 2021 General Assembly to
 to be held on Monday, March 15, each ALS is required to confirm the name of
 your * 1st Representative before Lacralo and your 2nd Representative * or if they have
 made any changes.

 * To send your confirmation or report a change, * please * no *
 reply to the regional list, * but send mail to: *
 * Staff At-large: * staff at atlarge.icann.org
 * Sergio Salinas Porto: * presidencia at internauta.org.ar
 * Harold Arcos: * harold.arcos at gmail.com

 Please remember to ask each ALS Representative to be present at
 the LACRALO General Assembly in order to participate in the issues that our
 guests will share.

 In advance we appreciate the diligence of each ALS.

 Fraternal greetings

 Sergio Salinas Porto - President LACRALO
 Harold Arcos - LACRALO Secretariat

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