[lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Pendientes de reciente reunión LACRALO

vanda at scartezini.org vanda at scartezini.org
Sun Sep 6 20:46:00 UTC 2020

[[-- Translated text (es -> en) --]]

Thank you very much Leon and Lito too. It is important that the context of ICANN's participation is clear. 

 Vanda scartezini 
 Polo Consultores Associados 
 Av. Paulista 1159, cj 1004 
 01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 
 Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 
 Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 
 Sorry for any typos. 

 From: "lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org" <lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> on behalf of León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe at sanchez.mx>
 Date: Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 01:46 
 To: "Rafael L. Ibarra" <lito at ibarra.sv>
 Cc: "lac-discuss-es at icann.org" <lac-discuss-es at icann.org>
 Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-es] Recent LACRALO meeting pending 

 Thank you very much, dear Lito. 

 In addition to what was mentioned by Lito, in relation to the IGF and other internet governance issues, within the working group on internet governance that we have on the Board, we follow up on various issues related to internet governance from the perspective of identify opportunities where ICANN can collaborate as an ally that helps guide the criteria and policies that may have an impact on the internet identifier system. As Lito comments, it is not intended to have a leadership but a constructive and close participation with decision makers to be able to support them in forming better policies that have the least possible impact on the stability, security and resilience of the internet and its system of identifiers. . 

 In this same vein, the aforementioned working group also collaborates with the IGEG where various members of the community, interested in Internet governance issues, converge to identify areas of opportunity or challenges that they observe on the global stage. This interaction has been very positive and we hope that it can continue to be constructive and that interest in more community members grows. 

 Hope this is helpful too. 



 On Sep 4, 2020 at 7:08 PM, Lito Ibarra <lito at ibarra.sv<mailto:lito at ibarra.sv> > wrote: 


 On August 17, at LACRALO's monthly meeting, Alejandro Pisanty made 2 additional inquiries, to which León and I offered to respond. 

 This review is not yet complete, as you know, and we have been following it closely both in the Organizational Efficiency Committee (OEC) as well as the SSR2 Board Caucus group. It is also known that it has had ups and downs, but we hope that in the end good, reasonable and achievable recommendations will be given. There will be a webinar on October 17 at 15 UTC, in the ICANN 69 preparation week. Interested parties may be interested in connecting. 

 Although ICANN does not comment on the possible changes and modifications to the structure and conception of the IGF, it certainly follows closely the developments and expressions of various sectors and countries. The aim is not to lead this process, but to keep up to date, and as far as possible, participating in the Forums, global and regional. We have a working group on the Board to address Internet Governance issues, from ICANN's perspective. 

 Incidentally, unfortunately, next week, which is LACIGF, it will collide with the internal workshop that the Board of Directors will develop, also online, with practically similar schedules. 

 Hope this is helpful. 

 "I take the good, no matter who it comes from; I discard the bad, no matter who it comes from" 
 "Love and hate affect more deeply those who profess it than those who receive it" 
 Rafael (Lito) Ibarra 
 Twitter: litoibarra 
 Skype: lito.ibarra 
 El Salvador (SV) 
 Tel. (503) 2223-5016 <tel:%28503%29%202223-5016>

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