[lac-discuss-en] Invitación a participar de la sesión sobre la Neutralidad de la Red LACIGF

Maritza Y. Aguero Minano myaguero at msn.com
Tue Jul 24 20:10:50 UTC 2018

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Subject:  Invitación a participar de la sesión sobre la Neutralidad de la Red LACIGF
Desde:"Maritza Y. Aguero Minano" <myaguero at msn.com>

Dear members of the Community,

If you are going to participate in LACIGF in person or remotely, I share with you this invitation, which will allow intervention in the session. Take into account the deadline as indicated in the attached email.



Dear Shareholders, We invite you to participate in the session: "Concerns about Net Neutrality and the future of the Internet" to be held on July 31, 2018 from 2:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (UTC-3) ) in the LACIGF, which will have a form of participation innovating in its format to open up greater possibility of participation of actors from all sectors. In that spirit, the session will be organized as follows: 1. There will be two (2) initial 10-minute panel interventions that will present two (2) different perspectives of the theme in the LACIGF. 2.A debate of 50 min approx. with interventions of 2 min per person / organization with rotation of sectors: Governments (5 interventions), Private Sector (5), Technical Sector (5), Civil Society (5) 3. Finally a closing report will be made to the session.For the stage of the debate and with a view to ensuring a balanced participation of the sectors, which also respects gender diversity, and enables remote participation, we are requesting that tho
 se interested in intervening pre-register in the following until 12pm (UTC- 3) of July 25 next:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhvj9LbJJpAMGc0U8YxVO6jHMnJwhm_wlp3huc5zZWacDvQA/viewform?usp=sf_link The group in charge of the session will review the inscriptions with the criteria indicated above and will notify those who have been selected to participate in the session. Greetings, Secretariat LACIGF 

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