[lac-discuss-en] ? = Utf-8 q El_abandono_del_BM_desarrollados _ / _ in _ = = utf-8 q desarrollo_Pa = C3 = ADs_paradigma_de_Indicadores_de_Desarro = = utf-8 llo_Mundial q =?????????

aidanoblia at gmail.com aidanoblia at gmail.com
Sun May 22 16:18:08 UTC 2016

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re:? = Utf-8 q El_abandono_del_BM_desarrollados _ / _ in _ = = utf-8 q desarrollo_Pa = C3 = ADs_paradigma_de_Indicadores_de_Desarro = = utf-8 llo_Mundial q =????????? 
 from: aidanoblia at gmail.com

 Many Carlton Thanks. I copied down what it says page later. He 
 theme is "what is development"? 

 Human development? ... population growth? 

 Good Sunday 

 Greetings to all 


 In the 2016 edition of its World Development Indicators, the Bank 
 World has made a great choice 
 <  https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com.uy&sl=en&tl=es&u=http://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/2016-edition-world-development-indicators-out-three-features-you-won-t-want-miss&usg=ALkJrhh_s9XZx_UQ0GdLF-joBONV8rVzHQ> 
 It is no longer a distinction between "developed" and "developing" that 
 There in the presentation of your data. 

 The change marks an evolution in thinking about the distribution 
 Geographic poverty and prosperity.But it sounds less radical if 
 we consider that no one has ever accepted a definition of these 
 terms in the first place. 

 The International Monetary Fund says its own 
 <  https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com.uy&sl=en&tl=es&u=https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/faq.htm&usg=ALkJrhil5f9SmQXLt0Um03151mwcQtxp7g> 
 distinction between advanced and emerging market economies "are not 
 based on strict, economic or other criteria. "The Nations 
 United do not have an official definition of a developing country, despite 
 label hit 159 nations. And the World Bank itself had 
 previously simply grouped the countries in the lower two thirds 
 of gross national income (GNI) in the category, but even that 
 comparatively strict cut was not very helpful. 

 "The main problem is that there is only so much heterogeneity between Malawi and 
 Malaysia therefore are classified in the same group and Malaysia looks more 
 The USA. Malawi, "says Umar Serajuddin, senior economist 
 ONS World Bank. "When we group countries 
 mixed together in the same group, it is not really useful. "

 Part of the story is the success of development efforts in the 
 the last decades. Consider this graph plotting countries on a shaft 
 infant mortality and fertility in 1960 and 2013. In 1960, there are two clear 
 groups-one with low mortality and fertility, one much higher. In 2013, 
 countries have converged in a much tighter group. 

 On May 22, 2016, 13:07, <carlton.samuels at gmail.com> He wrote: 
> [[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]
>  Asunto: El abandono del BM desarrollados / en desarrollo País paradigma
> de Indicadores de Desarrollo Mundial
>  De: carlton.samuels at gmail.com
>  La referencia a uno de mis personajes favoritos - Sir Humphrey - a un
> lado,
>  algún burócrata ilustrada en la calle M está dando cuenta humana
>  el desarrollo es una mezcla de verdades, algunos no miden en puramente
> económico
>  ¡condiciones! Por ejemplo, algunas de las personas más tontas de la
> suciedad de la cristiandad son hasta
>  ¡Norte!
> http://qz.com/685626/the-world-bank-is-eliminating-the-term-developing-country-from-its-data-vocabulary/
>  Um, ¿qué va a hacer ahora la ICANN, es una buena pregunta!
>  -Carlton
>  ==============================
>  Un Carlton Samuels
>  Móvil: 876-818-1799
>  * Estrategia, Planificación, Gobierno, Evaluación y plazos de entrega *
>  =============================

[[--Original text (es)

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