[lac-discuss-en] ?????????? Q = utf-8 _New_ALS_Application_received = E2 = 80 = 8F = = utf-8 q = 3A_Asociaci = C3 = B3n_Argentina_de_Lucha_Contra_el_Cibercrimen-_A = = utf-8 b TEND4oCP =?

carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 20 15:27:36 UTC 2016

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject:?????????? Q = utf-8 _New_ALS_Application_received = E2 = 80 = 8F = = utf-8 q = 3A_Asociaci = C3 = B3n_Argentina_de_Lucha_Contra_el_Cibercrimen-_A = = utf-8 b TEND4oCP =? 
 from: carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com

 Dear All, 

 This is to give my favorable to the incorporation of Argentina Asoc Combat Cybercrime vote, because I know two of its members and know of their interest for voluntary work for society as a whole. 
 His work is specific and it is concerning preparation of draft legislation related to Internet crime, so that some of them have also asked for my collaboration. 
 I know his work and intentions to participate in the region and from a different point of view and very interesting. 
 Being in the field of law, this organization is known of those who do Informatico adiar law. 

 Carlos Dionisio Aguirre 
 Adiar Vice President 

[[--Original text (es)

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