[lac-discuss-en] Translation of CWG IANA 2nd Draft Proposal, Template & Public Comment Input Extension

staff at atlarge.icann.org staff at atlarge.icann.org
Fri May 22 21:24:59 UTC 2015

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Translation of CWG IANA 2nd Draft Proposal, Template & Public Comment Input Extension 
 From: staff at atlarge.icann.org

 Dear All, 

 Kindly note That the CWG IANA 2nd Draft Proposal and Its input template has-been translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Currently The translated documents are posted in the At-Large Workspace Wiki:  https://community.icann.org/x/XConAw 

 Also Please note the following Extension Notice for Submitting comments: 

 Due to the late availability of the translated versions of the proposal, Those Who are reliant on These translated versions will Have to Provide input the Ability to submit Their comments Until May 26 at 23:59 UTC. For These submissions, CWG-Stewardship requires a covering note explaining the comments That Were dependent on the translated versions. For any other submissions the Existing deadline of 20 May at 23:59 Applies UTC. For any questions, please email grace.abuhamad at icann.org <mailto:grace.abuhamad at icann.org> .

 [Cid: AFBE46C2-61F7-4770-B474-F1F5EB1A6A7C] 

 It is: 
 Due to the delay in the availability of translations of the proposal, those who need to use translations to submit comments have until May 26 at 23:59 UTC. In these cases, the CWG Transition requires submission of an explanatory note, in which he explains that it was necessary to use translations for submitting tender comments. The deadline for all other comments still continuing on May 20 at 23:59 UTC. For any questions, you are requested to send an email to grace.abuhamad at icann.org <mailto:grace.abuhamad at icann.org> . 

 In raison de la mise à disposition des tardive traduites versions of the proposition, we délai pour la présentation of commentaires pour ceux qui ces versions dependent on traduites is prolongé jusqu'au 26 mai à 23h59 UTC. Le CWG-Transition demande à ce que ces Contributions soient accompagnées d'une note explicative les commentaires dépendaient précisant that the disponibilité des versions traduites of the proposition.Contributions pour toutes les autres, l'échéance du 20 mai à 23h59 UTC valable reste toujours. Pour toute question, merci d'envoyer one Mel grace.abuhamad at icann.org <mailto:grace.abuhamad at icann.org> . 

 Из-за позднего завершения перевода предложений, сторонам, нуждающимся для составления отзывов в переводе, предоставляется возможность направить из до 23:59 26 мая (время универсальное координированное).В этих случаях группе CWG-Координирующая роль будет необходимо направить объяснительную записку и в ней указать, что для составления комментариев был необходим перевод. Во всех остальных случаях срок подачи комментариев сохраняется - 23:59 20 мая (время универсальное координированное). С вопросами просим обращаться по адресу grace.abuhamad at icann.org

鉴于本提案的译文版本发布较晚,则需要阅读译文才可提交意见的社群的评论截止时间为世界协调时5 月 26 日 23:59时。“CWG——管理权”要求提交这类评论的社群需要附上一份解释文件,表明本评论根据译文版而提出。其他评论的提交截止时间仍旧为世界协调时. 5 月 20 日 23:59 时 如有 其他 疑问, 请 发送 电子邮件 至: grace.abuhamad at icann.org <mailto:grace.abuhamad at icann.org> . 


 Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew 
 ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC 
 E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org <mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org>
 Facebook: www.facebook.com/icann.atlarge &lt;  https://www.facebook.com/icann.atlarge> 
 Twitter:ICANN_AtLarge &lt;  https://twitter.com/ICANN_AtLarge> 

[[--Original text (es)

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