[lac-discuss-en] ? = Utf-8 q = C3 = BA_Showcase Men _-_ en_progreso =

Vanda Scartezini vanda at uol.com.br
Mon May 11 16:41:05 UTC 2015

 I would like to suggest a direct contact with Olga who is leading the
DNSWomen breakfast in the Sheraton to understand what she got. She can be
a good negotiator and may help to define this equation.

Mi suggestion es para que Alberto contate Olga Cavalli que está
responsible por el desayuno de las mujeres para DNS WOMEN en el Sheraton.
Ella es una excelente negociadora y puede ayudar definir mejor esta
Alberto, tienes el contacto de OLGA?

Vanda Scartezini
Polo Consultores Associados
Av. Paulista 1159, cj 1004
01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253
Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464
Sorry for any typos.

On 5/11/15, 13:20, "silvia.vivanco at icann.org" <silvia.vivanco at icann.org>

>[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
> Subject: Re:? = Utf-8 q = C3 = BA_Showcase Men _-_ en_progreso =
> From: silvia.vivanco at icann.org
> Dear Alberto, 
> Staff is asking what you requested ICANN staff meeting Group of ICANN.
> Please note that the quotes brindadas international hotel chains are
>higher in cost than private companies or restaurants catering.
> Best regards, 
> Silvia 
> Silvia Vivanco 
> Manager, At-Large Regional Affairs
> ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
> www.icann.org <http://www.icann.org/>
> From: Alberto Soto [mailto: asoto at ibero-americano.org]
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 9:57 PM
> To: Silvia Vivanco; ICANN At-Large Staff
> Cc: 'LACRALO Spanish'
> Subject: RE: Showcase Menu
> Importance: High
> Dear Silvia, so I asked for clarification. They are not (dollars) u $ s
>2500.00 as I had been informed, but (dollars) u $ s 2660.43.
> If we do not get more sponsors we can not even hire this.
> For the responsible team to compare this budget two (2) pies per person,
>plus drinks, beer and wine without specifying brand, I request to kindly
>send the budget that I got and is described at the bottom, and whose
>value is ( dollars) u $ s 1.350,00 the price on the date.
> The question I wish to raise is this. We can provide the Sheraton hotel
>(dollars) u $ s 1.350,00? Send us a detailed description.
> I suggest that the committee is working on the financial aspect of our
>event, becomes aware of this immediately, because we can not make direct
>contact with the Hotel.
> Frankly, and knowing the values \u200b\u200bcharged in my country, I
>believe that they are scamming ICANN with this budget, and I must take
>responsibility by having to necessarily hire the hotel for our event.
> I urge all to read carefully and compare two patties with the list
> We are also getting tips not leave the Sheraton, to avoid moving the
>speakers, and that is not consistent with this budget Sheraton, and its
> We're not just getting a smaller collaboration ICANN, but it seems that
>nobody controls prices and the responsibility to have to say yes to that
>contract moves. 
> Hope, please, quick news because we can not take more, and it is not our
>fault the delay. I asked this long ago ...
> Again, I'm trying to make an important event in a transparent manner,
>and taking care to spend the money of ICANN as it should be.
> Regards 
> Alberto Soto [ERROR: Sentence too long to translate (2377&gt; 1800
> From: Silvia Vivanco [mailto: silvia.vivanco at icann.org]
> Posted on: Sunday, May 10, 2015 10:46 pm
> To: Alberto Soto; ICANN At-Large Staff
> CC: 'LACRALO Spanish'
> Subject: RE: Menu Showcase
> Dear Alberto and all,
> The Hotel meetings have provided our team with the following pricing:
> · For ONLY drinks (beer wine soft drinks), 60 min package is $ 18.50 USD
>+ 21% VAT per person. The price is for 70 persons-
> · $ 20.70 ++ = Two pies are pies Calculated per person.
> · $ 10.71 ++ red and white wine, beer, sodas and water
> Please be so kind to see the attached budget.
> Let us know if You have any questions,
> Silvia 
> Silvia Vivanco 
> Manager, At-Large Regional Affairs
> ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
> www.icann.org <http://www.icann.org/>
> From: Alberto Soto [mailto: asoto at ibero-americano.org]
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 4:39 PM
> To: ICANN At-Large Staff
> Cc: 'LACRALO Spanish'
> Subject: Showcase Menu
> Importance: High
> Dear, I Wanted That managed to whom it may concern, we would be
>delivered on the menu That the Sheraton Hotel is scheduled for LACRALO
> I Requested on April 20 and to this day I have no answer date.
> I Am assuming I'm with money from ICANN, Responsibility on Something
>That I have no knowledge.
> I want to give as always, transparency.
> Kind regards 
> Alberto Soto 
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>[[--Original text (es)
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