[lac-discuss-en] Motto Showcase

aidanoblia at gmail.com aidanoblia at gmail.com
Sun May 10 10:30:31 UTC 2015

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: Motto Showcase 
 From: aidanoblia at gmail.com


 You vote for the 2. It seems clear that the aim, the purpose of 
 Knowledge is it half * to * reach inclusion. Clear 
 which is not known to know, but the knowledge that can achieve 
 social inclusion. This is the purpose. 

 In the other proposal they remain as two separate objectives and word 
 integration is less clear than inclusion. 

 Greetings to all 

 The May 9, 2015, 22:58, Alberto Soto <asoto at ibero-americano.org>
 He wrote: 

> Estimados, en la última reunión se estaba por determinar el lema para
> nuestro showcase.
> Hubo dos proposiciones y una que no llegó, pero no podemos esperar más.
> Les pido por favor que se expidan antes del martes 12 de mayo a las 2300
> UTC sobre cuál prefieren.
>    - 1. “Capacitación e Integración (Capacity building and integration)”
>    - 2. “Conocimiento para la inclusión (Knowledge for inclusión)”
> Saludos cordiales
> Alberto Soto
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 Aida Noblia 

[[--Original text (es)

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