[lac-discuss-en] [CaribTLD] Anthony N Sabga Caribbean Award for Excelllence

Andre Edwards andre.edwards at congressmail.com
Mon Feb 9 13:40:04 UTC 2015

Congratulations Patrick!

AE  |  Infrastructure Team

Email: andre.edwards at congressmail.com<mailto:andre.edwards at congressmail.com>

Congress WBN
Global Communications & Technology (GCT) Sector

From: civic at dgroups.org [mailto:civic at dgroups.org] On Behalf Of Bevil Wooding
Sent: Monday, 09 February 2015 08:35 AM
To: Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community (CIVIC)
Cc: caribtld at lists.caribnog.org; caribbean-alses at googlegroups.com; lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org; Icacaribbean
Subject: [civic] Re: [CaribTLD] [lac-discuss-en] Anthony N Sabga Caribbean Award for Excelllence

This is a most deserved acknowledgement of Patrick's significant service and quiet dedication.

​Congratulations Patrick!


On 7 February 2015 at 21:12, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels at gmail.com<mailto:carlton.samuels at gmail.com>> wrote:
Please help me congratulate our friend and colleague Patrick Hosein on his
selection as a Sabga Laureate for 2015 in Science and Technology. This is a
richly deserved honour announced this past Friday in Port-of-Spain and I
daresay one that was a long time coming for Patrick.

Most of you will know Patrick as the administrator of .tt, the ccTLD of the
Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.

For those of us privileged to know and work with him, Patrick has been a
constant source of help, practical advice and demonstration of can-do.  He
was our trailblazer in demonstrating that a small Caribbean ccTLD registry
could be economically viable and our leading light in the ccNSO of the
ICANN ecosystem, all long before we were drafted to the cause.  Now he has
adopted the open data cause, hosting a slew of public and open datasets at

Every Good Wish & Blessings, Patrick.


Carlton A Samuels
Mobile: 876-818-1799<tel:876-818-1799>
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