[lac-discuss-en] Voting and cancellations

carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 21 12:58:19 UTC 2015

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: Voting and cancellations 
 From: carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com

 Alberto no insults when I did not mention anyone. I see things without order and meaning and I express a thought aloud emerged. When you fit the coat to put it on and they consider it as an off topic. 
 Anyway, I think something is wrong while. 

 Best Regads. 


<div> -------- Original Message -------- </div><div> From: Alberto Soto <asoto at ibero-americano.org></div><div> Date: 21/08/2015 1:11 a.m. (GMT-03: 00) </div><div> For: 'carlosaguirre62' <carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com> , Cveraq @ gmail.com, 'Fatima Cambronero' <fatimacambronero at gmail.com></div><div> Cc: 'LACRALO Spanish' <lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org></div><div> Subject: RE: [lac-discuss-en] Voting and cancellations </div><div>
 Carlos, your opinions are unclear. Please could you clarify a bit, with the corresponding foundations?They are insults that must be clarified with names, and then suffer the consequences. 

 Thank you 

 Alberto Soto 

 From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org [mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] On behalf of carlosaguirre62 
 Posted on: Friday, August 21, 2015 12:33 AM 
 To: cveraq at gmail.com; Fatima Cambronero <fatimacambronero at gmail.com>
 CC: LACRALO Spanish <lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
 Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] Voting and cancellations 

 Again, the discussion aims to fall in the mud. And I believe in this, who promotes that possibility is pride. The inability and ignorance also play a big role. 

 Let's review, Let's reflect, recognize, ask apology, that helps. 

 My 0.02 

 -------- Original Message -------- 

 From: Carlos Vera 

 Date: 21/08/2015 12:16 AM (GMT-03: 00)

 To: Fatima Cambronero 

 Cc: LACRALO Spanish 

 Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] Voting and cancellations 

 I support the motion 

 Carlos Vera 

 The August 20, 2015, 21:53, Fatima Cambronero <fatimacambronero at gmail.com <mailto:fatimacambronero at gmail.com> &gt; He wrote: 


 I come to express my support for the statement made by Carlos Vera. 

 There is an open voting process, and it must end, for the following reasons: 

 1. First, because there was never a call for consensus. Therefore, neither the President nor the Secretary may decide that there was consensus when we were never asked the community to manifest us that sentido.Si was not called the consensus, we can not conclude that there was no way of consensus. 

 2. Being open and running a voting process, and you can not call consensus.If they wanted to know if there was consensus, it should have asked first before opening the voting. 

 3. Once a community member makes a point of order, this motion because it &quot;belongs&quot; to the community, and the Chair and Secretariat should arbirtar the means to fulfill it. That does not mean being a voting process already open, you are going to consult the community member who made the point of order, if you like now make friendly amendments. And the vote being open, is sent to vote on the motion as it was expressed in the statement that was sent to vote, can not change that motion at that time (like Carlos, I have voted both times they asked us vote on this issue). 

 So then express my point of order, I require that the Chair and the Secretariat, with the support of Staff, will give effect to this motion:

 &quot;It should rescind arbitrary and unfounded decision to cancel the vote on the motion proposed by Alejandro Pisanty and continue the voting process inciado the motion on August 19 at 23 UTC and end date August 26 23 UTC. &quot; 

 Thank you to please stop making so much carelessness as to the procedures, and in case of not knowing how to proceed, support from community members or staff who are trained in these issues is sought. 

 Thanks also to waste no time in answering this mail attacks to defend themselves. I made a point of order. I request you to please the means to implement it arbitrate. 

 Best regards, 

 Fatima Cambronero 

 The August 20, 2015, 21:33, Carlos Vera Quintana <cveraq at gmail.com <mailto:cveraq at gmail.com> &gt; He wrote: 

 Thanks for the input and reflection Juan Manuel I receive and process.

 Carlos Vera Quintana 


 Follow mecveraq 

 On 20/08/2015, at 20:59, Juan Manuel Rojas <jumaropi at yahoo.com <mailto:jumaropi at yahoo.com> &gt; He wrote: 

 Alberto, Carlos, everyone. 

 What is really unfortunate is that the list becomes active when elections are approaching any kind. It is also a pity that not all participate as often as necessary or required either inside or in the LACRALO ALAC WG volume. 

 Unfortunately it is, and has been a common practice. And when someone proposes something, it does not miss the one disagrees and intends to oppose (because yes, no or maybe because, as I say or colloquially, by sport). So, it is very difficult to establish a community of volunteer work precisely that part of the will of those who conform. 

 Are we really going to let the participation to become an election process in which wins the most support have and not who deserves it by experience or work? It's just a reflection that I want to make the list taking advantage of &quot;participatory&quot; they are all. 


 Social communicator 
 President - AGEIA DENSI Colombia 

 Twitter:JmanuRojas <http://www.twitter.com/jmanurojas>


 &lt;  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 

 On Thursday, August 20, 2015 20:52:22 Alberto Soto <asoto at ibero-americano.org <mailto:asoto at ibero-americano.org> &gt; He wrote:

 Carlos is a shame that will not serve the explanations. 
 I ask everyone to think about the time you spent in the past year within LACRALO. 
 That one personal reflection and made everyone look for LACRALO. In what important issue they shed their opinion, in that working group turned their effort. They participated webinar. Public comment that they turned their opinion. A LACRALO answered that call. 
 Only he is wrong, he works. 
 No one who says we do go to war and fight. This may help us to learn to participate, and then demand. 
 Best regards 

 Alberto Soto 

 -----Original Message----- 
 From: Carlos Vera Quintana [mailto: cveraq at gmail.com <mailto:cveraq at gmail.com> ] 
 Posted on: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:01 pm 
 To: Alberto Soto <asoto at ibero-americano.org <mailto:asoto at ibero-americano.org> &gt; 
 CC: LACRALO Spanish <lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org <mailto:lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org> &gt; 
 Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] Voting and cancellations

 Alberto is not a criticism only. It is a claim because it is not possible to abort processes continuously. 

 If a vote is started it must be completed. 

 It is not about a complaint about procedures with input from ALS or work of its members. We must learn to assume the responsibilities that we undertake or assume positions. 

 Carlos Vera Quintana 
 Follow mecveraq 

> El 20/8/2015, a las 19:38, Alberto Soto <asoto at ibero-americano.org <mailto:asoto at ibero-americano.org> > escribió:
> Estimados, todos los procesos que se llevaron a cabo últimamente, lo
> fueron en todo e acuerdo con la normativa que nos rige. La explicación
> que se está pidiendo, está en el mismo mail que enviamos.
> Quizás no se explicó que hubo varios problemas de acceso y
> comunicación con la wiki, si leen los mails pueden comprobarlo.
> Jacqueline hizo un comentario en la lista de correo porque no podía
> acceder a la wiki, y luego colocó su propuesta de modificación en la
> misma. La comunicación desde la wiki a quienes estamos registrados
> para ser informados de los comentarios en la misma, no funcionó. El
> proceso de voto hay había sido emitido. Pese a ello, Alejandro fue
> consultado y dio su aprobación a la propuesta de Jacqueline, además de
> pronunciarse respecto a la suspensión de la votación y no volver a reanudarla.
> Creo que las fallas técnicas no pueden ser atribuidas a las personas.
> Y como venimos repitiendo, necesitamos y agradecemos estas críticas,
> pero también necesitamos contribuciones para los trabajos que tenemos
> que hacer para nuestra Región. Si son solo críticas, nunca avanzaremos.
> Saludos cordiales
> Alberto Soto
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org <mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> [mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org <mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> ] En nombre de
> Carlos Vera Quintana Enviado el: jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015 9:16 p.
> m.
> Para: LACRALO Español <lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org <mailto:lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org> >
> Asunto: [lac-discuss-es] Votaciones y anulaciones
> Estimados: con el proceso fallido de votación sobre la moción de
> Alejandro Pisanty suman varios procesos que se anuncian y someten a
> votación sin mayor fundamento y que luego en medio de una votación son
> objetados y reemplazados por otros.
> Es necesario tener mas cuidado en los procesos para evitar estas fallas.
> Yo he votado ya varias veces cuando se anuncia la votación que luego
> se anula o invalida.
> Espero que este cordial llamado de atención se tome en cuenta y
> merezca debida respuesta de los responsables.
> Carlos Vera Quintana
> 0988141143
> Sígueme @cveraq
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[[--Original text (es)

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