[lac-discuss-en] ? = Utf-8 q = M = C3 = C3 = B1a_al_fuego_de_la_gobe A1s_le == utf-8 q = rnanza???

bronstein.sergio at gmail.com bronstein.sergio at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 20:54:06 UTC 2014

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject:? = Utf-8 q = M = C3 = C3 = B1a_al_fuego_de_la_gobe A1s_le == utf-8 q = rnanza??? 
 From: bronstein.sergio at gmail.com

 Delhi Declaration for a Fair and Equitable Coalition Internet 
 Just Net <http://alainet.org/active/show_author.phtml?autor_apellido=Coalici%F3n+Just+Net&autor_nombre=>
  Social Organization: 
 * Communication * <http://alainet.org/active/show_categorias.php3?movsocial=Comunicacion> , 
 | International: 
 * International * <http://alainet.org/active/show_categorias.php3?internacional=Internacional> , 
 | Communication: 
 * Communication * <http://alainet.org/active/show_categorias.php3?comunicacion=Comunicacion> , 
 * DerechoComunicacion * <http://alainet.org/active/show_categorias.php3?comunicacion=DerechoComunicacion> , 
 * NuevasTecnologias * <http://alainet.org/active/show_categorias.php3?comunicacion=NuevasTecnologias> , 
 | Available in: 
  * Spanish * <http://alainet.org/active/72842>
 * Inglés * <http://alainet.org/active/73019>


 Internet has become a vital social infrastructure 
 importance of a profound impact on our societies. We are 
 all citizens of a world mediated by the Internet, whether we are 
 the minority who uses or the majority does not. * In our 
 world Internet ** 
 should contribute to the advancement of human rights and social justice. The 
 Internet governance must be truly democratic. * 

 With the Internet, are reorganizing public institutions, 
 particularly those related to governance, welfare, health and 
 education and key sectors such as the media, the 
 communications, transportation and finance. It has transformed the way 
 we do many things; however, the benefits promised to 
 everyone is not performed properly.

 On the contrary: we are witnessing mass surveillance, abuse of 
 personal data and its use as a means of social and political control of the 
 monopolization, commodification and monetization of information and 
 knowledge; inequitable finance flows between poor and 
 rich, and the erosion of cultural diversity. Many decisions 
 techniques, supposedly &quot;neutral&quot; in practice have fostered 
 social injustice, since technology architectures developed 
 often to promote vested interests, increasingly determine the 
 relations and the social, economic, cultural and political processes. 

 The opportunities for the masses to participate in the benefits 
 Internet real and fully realize its great potential, 
 frustrated due to the increasing control of the Internet by those in power: 
 large corporations and some national governments.They use their 
 central positions of influence to consolidate power and establish a 
 new global system of control and exploitation; and under the pretext of 
 promote liberalization actually reinforce dominance and 
 profitability of big business to the detriment of the public interest, and 
 impose the dominant position of certain national interests in 
 detrimental to the interests and global welfare. 

 The existing order of global Internet governance is inadequate. Lacks 
 of democracy; is characterized by the absence of legitimacy, accountability 
 accountability and transparency; by excessive influence of 
 corporations which translates into subordinate regulatory bodies; and 
 gives very little opportunity for effective participation of people, 
 especially in developing countries. This situation can only 
 remedied through fundamental changes to the current arrangements for 

 Internet governance must start from the understanding that 
 interconnectivity may only be at the service of human rights and 
 social justice, to the extent that encourage and support the power 
 distributed, especially towards the bases, but also through the 
 different digital-social, economic, political gaps. At 
 Therefore, to ensure that the Internet does not lead, in practice, a 
 greater centralization of power, requires appropriate interventions 
 all levels of Internet governance. Building a frame 
 effective in achieving these goals is the biggest challenge today in terms 
 global Internet governance. 

 In this spirit, we propose the following principles. These should be the 
 basis for the development of an Internet that advances across the 
 world of human rights and social justice, and the reconfiguration 
 of Internet governance to a space truly 
 democratic.Given that technical architectures determine 
 relationships and increasingly social, economic, cultural and 
 political, technical decisions affecting these Internet 

 * Internet as a Global Common Good * 

 1. The Internet is a key social environment and, in crucial respects, a well 
 global commons. It is a site for the global exchange of knowledge and 
 information, a space for free expression and association, a means to 
 deliberation and democratic participation, a channel for the delivery of 
 essential social and public services, and a scaffold for new models 
 of economic activity. Therefore, all people of the world, 
 including those that are not currently connected to the Internet, must be 
 the ability to collaboratively shape the evolution of the Internet 
 through appropriate governance processes that are democratic and 

 Two. Internet should remain a public space.When a credible 
 divergence between the usefulness of the Internet for public purposes and 
 the particular interests of Internet services or companies 
 technology, the public interest must prevail, and the service must be 
 subject to regulation as a public service. 

 Three.'s Basic or essential features and Internet services, as 
 email, search services and web platforms 
 social networks should be available to all people as assets 

 April. Should encourage and promote community ownership and nonprofit 
 infrastructure, applications, services and content, 
 including through access to public funding and other means. 

 May. Internet should be used only for peaceful purposes and this should be 
 recognized by states in a binding and enforceable instrument. 

 6.Internet and the wider digital economy have become factors 
 highly significant in the distribution and redistribution of wealth, 
 employment and opportunities for economic welfare both within 
 countries and globally. They must take steps to ensure 
 economic justice, so that the overall benefits of increased 
 Internet efficiency resulting from innovation and to be distributed in the form 
 wide by, among others: the decentralization of opportunities 
 Digital Enterprise and jobs; investments in ICT use for 
 economic development activities locally based; opportunities for 
 self-development, self-employment and job training; and increased 
 contributions for public welfare, both within countries and 

 7.The Internet economy, as well as other areas of the global economy, 
 should be subject to collection and the fair and equitable sharing of 
 revenue worldwide, recognizing that the concentration of 
 international electronic commerce based on the global North is a threat 
 tax revenue for the global South. 

 * Democratizing the Internet architecture * 

 8. Starting from the recognition that the Internet is a common good 
 Overall, all layers of the Internet architecture must be 
 designed to prevent the concentration of power and centralized control. 

 9. Neutrality Network, and other similar forms of 'neutrality 
 platforms' in the top layers of the Internet, should be mandatory 
 in order to preserve diversity online and to avoid 
 monopolies, either in content or in the provision of public services 
 essential, in both mobile architectures such as fixed network. 

 10. For an open and decentralized Internet application is required 
 strict open and public standards.Open standards 
 allow implementation in fully interoperable way for any 
 person in any type of software, including free software and 
 Open Source (SLCA). The trend towards the privatization of standards 
 Digital must be stopped and should introduce measures to ensure that 
 standards are publicly owned, and repositories and application. 

 11. The architecture of cloud computing should improve 
 digital functionality and efficiency, without reducing the control and options 
 user. It should also allow users to protections 
 appropriate legal, either through national courts or 
 effective international agreements. 

 12. The personal and social data should belong to the individual or 
 respective social group. Should establish policy frameworks 
 necessary to operationalize the public control and ownership of data 

 * Free Internet * 

 13.Everyone has the right to basic digital empowerment, 
 which includes the right to: Internet access to its content and 
 applications; participate in the development of content and applications; and 
 receive the training necessary for effective use of 
 Internet and other digital tools. 

 14. The right to access and contribute to the development of Internet, 
 including its content, particularly by sectors 
 marginalized, minority and indigenous peoples is essential for 
 maintenance of cultural and linguistic diversity should be 
 guaranteed through positive discrimination and affirmative action. 

 15. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression and 
 association online. Any restriction, because of concerns 
 security or otherwise, should be for strictly defined purposes and 
 accordance with internationally accepted principles of necessity, 
 proportionality and judicial oversight. 

 16. Everyone has the right to privacy and to use 
 Internet free of mass surveillance.Any monitoring, because of 
 security concerns or other should be for purposes 
 strictly defined and in accordance with accepted principles 
 world of necessity, proportionality and judicial oversight. 

 17. Individuals should be able to enjoy all their rights and 
 prerogatives as citizens / as, even if they choose not to access the Internet. 
 Access to and use of the Internet should not become a requirement for 
 access to public services. 

 * Internet govern in the public interest * 

 18. Overall, there is a serious democratic deficit regarding the 
 Internet governance. It is urgent to establish platforms and mechanisms 
 Suitable for global Internet governance that are democratic and 
 participatory. They should be anchored to the United Nations system 
 United, and include innovative methods for continuous participation and 
 depth of non-governmental actors in the formulation 
 policy.Non-governmental actors involved must, in turn, 
 be subject to appropriate transparency requirements, in particular 
 about their sources of funding and its membership and 
 decision-making processes. 

 19. The right to develop public policies related to Internet must 
 be exclusively in the hands of those who legitimately represent and 
 directly to the people. While there is an urgent need to 
 deepen democracy through innovative methods of democracy 
 participatory, they must not, in the name of &quot;sectoral&quot; model ( 
 * Multi-stakeholder *) - include new forms of formal political power 
 corporate interests. 

 20. Governance systems should be based on the recognition that 
 Internet has a social impact, so the technical community 
 Internet, with its singular focus on technical issues and not having the 
 sufficient legitimacy to determine on your own. 

 21.The laws of a country or group of countries can not control or 
 establish international technical governance structures and policy 
 public Internet. The management of critical Internet resources 
 should be internationalized. For this reason, the current control by a single 
 country DNS / root zone must be replaced by a new institution 
 transparent, accountable and representative internationally, by 
 monitoring of core management functions of 
 Internet resources. 

 22. Every country should have the right to connect to the Internet. No country 
 You can have the unilateral ability to disconnect another country or region 

 23. The rights of individuals and states must be articulated and 
 protected with respect to the Internet, among others by creating 
 appropriate implementation mechanisms. Such mechanisms are necessary, 
 both nationally and internationally, and should include mechanisms 
 conflict resolution. 

 April 2014.

 * - Just Net Coalition: Coalition for a Fair and Internet 
 Equitable. Declaration adopted after the meeting held in Delhi 
 February 2014, which includes the founding principles of the Coalition. * 

 Updated version on 04/16/2014 
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