[lac-discuss-en] Venezuela calls ISOC Internet freedom - URGENT

iplazp at gmail.com iplazp at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 15:11:29 UTC 2014

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: Venezuela calls ISOC Internet freedom - URGENT 
 From: iplazp at gmail.com

 Good article is not a statement, but better written scribbles 
 asleep last night they send: 

 By: Armando H. Carrieri | Friday, 14/03/2014 6:14 PM | Versin for 
 print <http://www.aporrea.org/imprime/a184266.html>

 &quot;That the people are wise and patient 

 is the old saying 

 that sing guacharaca 

 know how to calculate the time 

 They say that the time is coming 

 mirpara get happy 

 yesterday it was Bolvar 

 but today coming back &quot; 

 Sangueo for return 


 It has been amply demonstrated the ability to hold us 
 people.No possibility to subtract even a millimeter to the exercise of 
 Stoic tolerance that we have shown to the multitude of episodes 
 of real and virtual violence meditica. The problem is, culture is the roof or 
 the point of no return where patience is trocaren equalizing action, 
 popular justice. While this is a revolution pacfica, 
 is unfortunately true that having their dead. That account, if we include 
 REACTION against the neoliberalism of February 27, 1989, total 
 Thousands of Venezuelans who have lost their lives in a struggle for 
 usually spontaneous and inorgnica but deeply classist against 
 national and transnational oppressors. Ascomo in 89, 
 2002, we again people autoconvocados, and loyalists 
 within the Armed Forces, we gave derail the coup and 
 assassination attempt, this will never be forgotten, the Commander 

 Seen as, violence has never ceased to have a leading role 
 line plans against our country. Far from it, which has been 
 its amplitude is modified.Ahest, for example, the kidnapping of 
 School of Social Work at the UCV, in November 2007. In this fact there 
 metodolgicas many matches (modus operandi) with actions 
 violent opposition from working under the guise of the &quot;students 
 pacficos &quot;and&quot; civil society. &quot;Do not forget that the kidnapping left us 
 see constant elements in student groups and right, which 
 chance came a month before the referendum Advisory for 
 Constitutional Reform of the same year. Nor overlook the ao 
 previous, 2006, President Chavez was re-elected overwhelmingly with 
 62 percent of the vote compared to 37 today prfugo &quot;philosopher of 
 Zulia &quot;Manuel Rosales, indicating that it is not a guarantee win 
 elections and expect a withdrawal of the forces of the right. Everything 
 contrary. Fear of the bourgeois class is the breeding ground for 
 historical fascism. 

 These last few weeks we have seen people a picture of what 
 happen in our Nation's plans materialize program 
 global empire against the Bolivarian Revolution.Needless 
 that we stop what Esten still underway and, worse an, not 
 detendrcomo was not held against Cuba and did not stop against 
 called real socialism until they undermine their own foundations sirvindose 
 Errors of the miserable Stalinist bureaucracy to implode the 
 Russian Revolution from the ground, from their spirituality. 

 Recurrent exercise of loyalty and discipline demonstrated by our 
 countrymen, even those not Chavez, the degree of evidence 
 evolution of our citizens. The problem is that all 
 has its limit and these days we have endured a storm of shares 
 open flanks violent since 2001, they have no sidewalls 
 changed as goals contrarrevolucin but ms have been well 
 perfected in the methods of attack. 

 I'm not referring to the violence and help Econmica consciously or 
 unconscious, ineffective bureaucracy or fear of Socialism. Neither 
 talk about the nonsensical mounted by periodicista guild, national 
 and transnational, according dashes with correlated evident in other nations 
 world.Discuss the fascist pequeos life events 
 everyday who have achieved today use social networks as a field of 
 hypermedia development for violence. 

 One of the scenarios of the Venezuelan fascism, we can not minimize the 
 conflict is virtual. That scenario emerges as they move the 
 informaciny the technologies of communication (ICT) yaade 
 especficas characteristics before 2002 for example, do not exist. 
 Just imagine you's Strike of 2002 with the added tweet or facebook. 
 Make an exercise also with the Oil Strike and guarimbas, or the 
 staging of Milicos Plaza Altamira. 

 So let's say there's a great story of fascist violence 
 addressed in the last month in Venezuela, but there are also episodes 
 Microfascism in everyday life that is rarely recorded in these 
 great stories. The big story of violence is revealed 
 by meditica of aquy of all. It is a distorted story, 
 makeup, fotoshopeada and widespread that aims to produce an overall effect or 
 a particular effect.In any case, it is in the social networks where 
 we have new inputs to validate the deployment of violence 
 Virtual microfascism expression. 

 El Profe Martn Gudez we put the alarm on for today on a new 
 roadmap violence right on social networks. Since the 
 tweet emergence of channels we have seen all kinds of violent threats 
 and that lawyers call criminis notitia, death threats 
 indicate premeditaciny treacherous. 

 That the Prof called &quot;criminal madness ms&quot; is now a reality 
 have suffered from the daughter of Diosdado Cabello, Venezuela and up 
 Venezuelan militant and revolutionary who make life in space 
 virtual. The microfascism cabilleros created their own, their own 
 Falangist or &quot;reloaded&quot; version of the Hitlerjugend (Youth 
 Hitler) Nazi Germany.

 With tags # and # I denunciaalsapo DenunciaAlVecinoSapo users 
 tweet accounts on the right have begun to make or create a list 
 summary which openly threatens tweeters that revolutionary 
 denounce the terrorist acts of the opposition in several states of the country. 

 For that I have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat estocurriendo real-time copy 
 the list of tweets, if not erased, we did get Gudez as 
 microfascism glaring sign: 











 The microfascism is an important part of the imperial strategy against 
 Bolivarian Revolution. What we see today in the virtual space has 
 equivalent within communities (neighborhoods, neighborhoods) 
 institutions and even reaches inserted in the family nucleus and 
 educational. The persecution, harassment, and threats of exclusion and 
 Chavez and his sons, has a specific purpose: to undermine the commitment 
 force of terror. 

 The strange last weekend I saw a group of men and women 
 tricolor hats &quot;skinny&quot; Capriles walk through one of 
 the Bicentennial Abastos without acquiring a single product. This act of 
 According apparent provocation occurs repeatedly employees tell me 

 Although the writer does not usually standardized with hats or shirts, except 
 certain times, it does get our attention on qupasara 
 if it came with a 4F cap and tricolor bracelet? Qupasara if 
 handle out walking the streets of San Cristobal or stroll along the Altamira 
 or Maongo?The answer is clear in light of the murders 
 last four weeks to firearms and weapons of war. 

 And if my son sings &quot;beloved country&quot; on guarderay if the doctor I 
 attending a clinic detailed in my speech or my outfit sb 
 element that connects me with my membership? All these possibilities will give 
 result in some form of violence in response. By qula not 
 atencinmdica is a clear sign of rape right agresiny 
 to health. 

 The world is upside down this macabre dimension. It is we the people, 
 us government, we are victims of criminal persecucinan ms being 
 mayoray taking power. 

 Reflecting on this issue continue. 

 arcar660 at gmail.com &lt;  https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/h/1qpz9q1hheehp/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=arcar660@gmail.com> 

 @ Armandocarrieri 

 Another is news yesterday:

 Minister Fernandez presentel National Telecommunications Plan, 
 Data processing and Postal Services 
 By: Correo del Orinoco | saturday, 15/03/2014 7:45 a.m. | Versin for 
 print <http://www.aporrea.org/imprime/n247066.html>
 [Image: Minister of Popular Power for Science, Innovation Tecnologae, 
 Manuel Fernandez] 
 Minister of Popular Power for Science, Innovation Tecnologae, Manuel 
 Fernandez Credit: Management of External Communications CANTV 
 Caracas, March 15 - The Bolivarian Government presenteste Friday Plan 
 Tecnologae National Innovation as part of the projects 
 drive in order to achieve the power pas. 

 The People's Minister for Science and Technology, Manuel 
 Fernandez, explicque this initiative takes shape thanks to the Conference 
 National Peace as part of the discussions in the Commission of the 
 Truth in Econmico, incorporating a Sphere of and private sectors 
 everything related to telecommunications.

 &quot;Three years of work behind those ESTN, many servants and 
 public servants, many hours of work, we made the presentacina 
 entrepreneurs who came &quot;detalldurante contact with Venezuelan 
 of Tv. 

 Precisque more than 47 organizations participated in the conference whose goal 
 main one is that by 2020 any person at any point of 
 territory of Venezuela, at any time and can access the device 
 telecommunications services. 

 &quot;We will do what we have to do, from the point of view of 
 State Public Policy in the specific actions in the area of 
 infrastructure in the area of \u200b\u200bapplications such infrastructure, 
 in the area of \u200b\u200bcontent that you exchange with the knowledge and 
 all areas necessary for that dream possible, &quot;he said. 

 Fernandez sealque a joint agenda and an estimated estelaborando 
 in a month the project is realized with the contributions arising from 
 workshops and meetings They will be cut made in the next few das.


 Where to write very many national regional activist intellectuals 
 points of view on how to guide the Venezuelan process 

 The March 14, 2014, 10:02 AM, Erick Iriarte Ahon 
<eiriarte at alfa-redi.org> wrote: 

> Disculpa: Mensaje a multiples listas en un solo mensaje. Mensaje que no es
> off topic a ninguna de las listas.
> Nota Personal:
> Con este comunicado de ISOC Venezuela, ya son dos comunicados de Capitulos
> de ISOC
> (ISOC Peru: Comunicado ISOC Peru sobre situacion de internet en venezuela
> #internetlibre #venezuelalibre #isoc  http://pic.twitter.com/DedTVk5UlR y
> el de ISOC Venezuela). Seguiran Callando todos aquellos involucrados en
> internet esperando que recien ocurra en sus paises
> Fuente: https://www.facebook.com/ISOC.Venezuela/posts/10152037054548403
> ----
> ISOC Venezuela llama a la libertad de Internet
> En Caracas, a los trece (13) días del mes de marzo de 2014.
> La Sociedad Internet Venezuela (ISOC Venezuela), preocupada por las
> restricciones al Internet durante los últimos meses en Venezuela, hace un
> llamado a la libertad del Internet y al respeto y la promoción del derecho
> a la libertad de expresión a través de esta plataforma global de
> comunicación.
> La Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) ha ordenado bloqueos
> sobre el sistema DNS afectando los nombres de dominio de algunos sitios
> web, entre los cuales destacan aquellos que informan sobre la cotización de
> divisas extranjeras. Estos bloqueos se han ordenado sin cumplimiento del
> previo proceso administrativo o judicial, con garantías de derecho a la
> defensa y debido proceso.
> Asimismo, el Presidente de la República ordenó expresamente que se sacara
> de la grilla de programación de televisión por cable y de internet al canal
> de noticias colombiano NTN24. Esta medida se tomó de forma arbitraria y,
> nuevamente, sin el debido proceso ni garantías de derecho a la defensa.
> Paralelamente, la Internet en Venezuela se ve seriamente afectada por
> deficiencias en la infraestructura de la red que la soporta, debido a falta
> de inversión y mantenimiento. Esto ocasiona que en algunos casos se generen
> colapsos en la red en sitios o servidores.
> Un evento de interrupción total del servicio de Internet ocurrió en el
> Estado Táchira,  que de acuerdo al comunicado de la empresa responsable fue
> producto de problemas asociados con infraestructura y falta de energía
> eléctrica. El mencionado comunicado se produjo después de más de 72 horas
> de la ocurrida la suspensión, lo que generó mucha desconfianza entre los
> usuarios y clientes del servicio dada la coyuntura en que se produjo y la
> demora en restablecerlo.
> Finalmente, han existido ataques por parte de hackers contra sitios web
> gubernamentales a través de denegaciones de servicio. Esto ocasiona un
> mayor colapso en el sistema ya deficiente de Internet.
> La Libertad de Expresión es un Derecho Humano fundamental para la
> democracia. Este derecho está consagrado en numerosos instrumentos
> internacionales de derechos humanos, entre los cuales destaca el artículo
> 19 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de Naciones
> Unidas, y, de la misma forma está consagrado en los artículos 57 y 58 de la
> Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
> La Internet es un instrumento para el ejercicio de este derecho, y por
> ende instrumento de la democracia. La Internet nos permite acceder a
> información de interés, el libre ejercicio de la libertad de culto y de
> credo político.
> El Estado venezolano tiene la obligación de respetar la libertad en
> Internet como un medio de comunicación y garantizar el acceso a Internet de
> calidad en el territorio nacional.
> Cualquier forma de bloqueo u obstaculización por razones políticas o
> económicas; bajo premisas de seguridad nacional, sin un debido proceso
> fundamentado en el respeto irrestricto de los derechos humanos, es ajeno a
> la vida democrática de cualquier país.
> En estos momentos, Venezuela atraviesa una situación de crisis política y
> social, y cuenta con pocos medios de comunicación independientes que
> transmitan información acerca de los hechos que suceden diariamente. Esto
> ha generado un mayor tráfico en Internet, el cual se ha visto obstaculizado
> por la deficiente infraestructura que soporta la Red y por la falta de
> neutralidad de la misma. Es importante que el Estado pueda garantizar un
> acceso a Internet de calidad a escala nacional.
> En este sentido exhortamos al Estado venezolano a que:
> 1. Revierta las ordenes de bloqueos a los sitios web, hasta tanto exista
> un debido proceso, con suficientes garantías de autonomía, independencia e
> imparcialidad de los funcionarios o jueces que tomen las decisiones sobre
> ello.
> 2. Garantice neutralidad en la red, y en este sentido se abstenga de tomar
> acciones que obstaculicen las visitas a determinados contenidos en el web o
> la rapidez del acceso a determinados contenido en internet.
> 3. Garantice que exista un acceso a Internet de calidad en toda Venezuela,
> promoviendo la diversidad y competencia de proveedores a lo largo y ancho
> de la Nación.
> En Caracas, a los trece (13) días del mes de marzo de 2014.
> _______________________________________________
> La lista Alc-cmsi recoge información, opiniones y aportes de
> organizaciones y personas de sociedad civil en ALC interesadas en políticas
> de TIC. Solicitamos no replicar estos mensajes en otras listas y/o personas
> que no hagan parte de la misma, al menos que el remitente original lo
> exprese de manera directa
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 We are one of New Worlds: Life, Peace, Happiness and Love 

 Irene Power Plaz 
 Center of Scientific Studies 
 Iplazp at gmail.com 

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