[lac-discuss-en] Second representative

vanda at uol.com.br vanda at uol.com.br
Sun Sep 14 16:30:53 UTC 2014

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: Second representative 
 From: vanda at uol.com.br

 We had this doubt about the Board rule when the candidature 
 NomComm Gonzalo. Because um was also a member of the Institute of 
 Intellectual Property in Chile. Asque was consulted and accepted as 
 board member of our region. Asque comprendque pelas rules 
 Board, a member involved with the proposal and enforcement (not 
 as they say in Spanish) of public policies estpermitido not be 
 member of the Board. Those who are not directly involved no 
 special restriction. 

 Vanda Scartezini 
 Polo Consultores Associados 
 Av. Paulista 1159, 1004 cj 
 01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 
 Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 
 Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 

 On 9/13/14, 14:41, &quot;Alejandro Pisanty&quot; <apisanty at gmail.com> wrote: 
 > Colleagues, 
 > Since we are in this discussion we try to combine pragmatism and 
 > Principles (everyone chooses their mix). 
 > Maritza, for deepening your particular case a moment you put your 
 > Can express yourself freely according to your criteria 
 > Professional and the position of the organization you represent, for example 
 > .amazon In case where there is an official position of the government 
 > Peruvian, 
 > If you to defer the same? Attention, is not questioned; 
 > We are exploring a background theme to Travs an example. If INDECOPI 
 > Have an official position about it, you have freedom qumargen 
 > To 
 > Express disagreement and even vote against this position? 
 > We are not lost in the branches regarding the academic activity; is sta 
 > Another issue. 
 > Humberto and Maritza, I think the general principle on which is based the 
 > Board to rule applies, mutatis mutandis, to all 
 > Organization.
 > I think also that the way forward regarding conflicts of 
 > Intersy conditioning vote is for each participant to do 
 > Know what are the interests it represents and which may limit their 
 > Independence, but not every one of us who determines if they are 
 > Conflict or not (subjective perception); this makes the community, a 
 > Committee 
 > Reliable formed by ourselves, or an independent third party. The 
 > Conflict depends not only of the individual but of the especfica situation. 
 > Alejandro Pisanty 
 > 13/09/2014 9:58 GMT-05: 00 Maritza Aguero <myaguero at aui.pe> : 
 Dear &gt;&gt; @ s tod @ s, 
 >> Forgive the delay in responding, I had a health problem that I 
 >> Impidihacerlo before. 
 I &gt;&gt; think the criteria of incompatibility and conflict of 
 Interests &gt;&gt; 
 Must be associated with &gt;&gt; the functions directly to each 
 -Performing &gt;&gt; 
 Into a &gt;&gt; government.Consider the argument that the mere 
 Fact &gt;&gt; receive a salary from the State to be an inconsistency 
 >> Represent users, will introduce a variable 
 Discriminatory &gt;&gt; 
 >> For people who are not official spokespersons or representatives 
 A &gt;&gt; 
 >> Government, and on the contrary, this criterion was sufficient to make 
 >> Limitations and restrict our freedom as individuals and citizens 
 What &gt;&gt; 
 >> Prohibits any law in the world. 
 >> As some people know, Indecopi is a government agency 
 What &gt;&gt; 
 Has &gt;&gt; functional Econmica technique and, unlike other autonomous 
 >> Agencies. Inside the indecopi there are 10 committees and 
 >> 3 
 Specialized &gt;&gt; Salas (Intellectual Property and Consumer Protection 
 Competition &gt;&gt;) to see different themes and all are 
 >> Independent, that is, no overlap in their functions or are 
 Intrudes into &gt;&gt; issues that are not within their competence (1 Free Competition 
 >> 2. 
 Dumping &gt;&gt;, 3 Barriers Burocrticas, 4 Consumer Protection 5.
 >> Unfair Competition Bankruptcy Proceedings 6, 7 Property 
 Intellectual &gt;&gt; (divided in 3 Commissions: Distinctive Signs 7.1, 7.2.. 
 Copyright &gt;&gt; and 7.3. Inventions) and 8 Infrastructure 
 Quality &gt;&gt;). 
 For many countries &gt;&gt; Indecopi is a hybrid and, in turn, a reference to 
 Worldwide for how &gt;&gt; handled functionally and quality 
 Technics &gt;&gt; 
 >> Their pronouncements. 
 In my case &gt;&gt; and centrndonos subject in discussion, although 
 I work &gt;&gt; 
 >> To that agency (situation that has never been denied), my work is 
 Technique &gt;&gt; - solving the Chamber on Intellectual Property. 
 No &gt;&gt; 
 >> Am the official spokesperson or official representative of the Government, so much as 
 >> That in all cases that are under my responsibility are 
 >> Signed by a person in charge and there is a collegial body (5 
 Vowels &gt;&gt;) 
 >> That is responsible for approving (or not) and discuss the procedures that I have 
 To &gt;&gt; 
 My position &gt;&gt; when they (Vocals) who ultimately determine the 
 >> Sense of a statement.
 >> Also exist in my country other government entities that 
 Responsible &gt;&gt; 
 >> Of work linked to Icann (eg, point defense 
 Amazon &gt;&gt; 
 >> Was conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru, the 
 Promotion of brands &gt;&gt; pas is done through the Promper (another 
 State entity &gt;&gt;), the protection of consumers is made by a 
 Commission &gt;&gt; 
 >> And / or Special Branch Indecopi independent and not linked to 
 Other &gt;&gt; 
 >> Areas, etc). 
 >> I have reviewed carefully the bylaws 
 >>  https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/bylaws-2012-02-25-en#VI 
 >> (. Additional Requirements 4.1) and interpret the following: 
 >> A) The definition of official bylaws that set is the 
 The &gt;&gt; hold an elective government position, ie named 
 >> Officially, what will come to be an appointment of official rate and 
 These &gt;&gt; 
 Official appointments &gt;&gt; in my country for resolution of power are made 
 Executive &gt;&gt; (or whoever is delegated this function) and subsequent publication 
 In &gt;&gt; 
 >> The official gazette El Peruano. 
 >> B) The second requirement is to have * primary * function is 
 >> Say by * Main function * the development or the power to influence 
 In government policies &gt;&gt; opblicas. Situation which, as I have 
 >> Explained above, it does not happen in my case into the 
 >> Government. 
 >> As you can see, there is no incompatibility between my condition of 
 Wage &gt;&gt; government, with other features.If applicable, 
 Then &gt;&gt; 
 Anger to end &gt;&gt; I could not be Professor Graduate (because 
 Also &gt;&gt; 
 I am an academic &gt;&gt; at a private university) and discuss a technician level 
 The &gt;&gt; 
 Laws of my country &gt;&gt; (within which the criteria are met and 
 Laws &gt;&gt; 
 Especficas &gt;&gt; Indecopi) or writing * papers * or lecture in 
 Which expresses my &gt;&gt; posicintcnica and academic on legal issues, 
 >> Because that is my profession (lawyer) and my cousin on condition of 
 Working &gt;&gt; government. 
 >> As you can see, there is no incompatibility between my condition of 
 Wage &gt;&gt; representacina government and for users. Without 
 Subject &gt;&gt; what I have said previously, I remain at the disposal of the 
 What &gt;&gt; 
 LACRALO &gt;&gt; authorities determined. 
 >> Finally, I would like to thank the people who were the subject 
 And &gt;&gt; clear discussion in favor of representation that 
 Johnny &gt;&gt; 
 Has so graciously &gt;&gt; delegate on me.Thanks Vanda, Sergio 
 >> Salinas, 
 Bronstein &gt;&gt; Sergio, Carlos Vera, Humberto, Johnny and the others tod @ s. 
 Greetings &gt;&gt; I remain at your disposal for any inquiries of you and / or 
 >> Additional comment. 
 Maritza Agero &gt;&gt; 
 The &gt;&gt; September 13, 2014 3:43 Humberto Carrasco 
 >> <hcarrascob at gmail.com 
 >>> I wrote: 
 >>> Dear Alexander, 
 Thanks again for &gt;&gt;&gt; focus point of debate. 
 For clarity of &gt;&gt;&gt; those without a good understanding of 
 English &gt;&gt;&gt; let me copy versions in Spanish and Portuguese Course: 
 * &gt;&gt;&gt; Espaol: * 
 >>>  https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/bylaws-2012-02-25-es#IV 
 DIRECTORS &gt;&gt;&gt;) 
 * &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> 1.Notwithstanding any contrary Disposition in this 
 Document &gt;&gt;&gt; not podrdesempearse like no principal officer of a 
 >>> National government or a multinational entity established by 
 Treaty or &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Other agreement between national governments. According to its utilization in the 
 >>> Herein, the term official refers to a 
 Person &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> (I) holds an elective governmental office or (ii) who is employed 
 Of &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Such a government or government entity and whose primary function in such 
 >>> Government or entity is to develop or influence policies 
 Or governmental &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Pblicas &gt;&gt;&gt;. 
 Portugus &gt;&gt;&gt; *: * 
 >>>  https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/bylaws-2012-02-25-pt#VI 
 Seo &gt;&gt;&gt; * 4 * QUALIFICAES Adicionais 
 1 &gt;&gt;&gt; However em something reserved, nThis document, official nenhum of 
 Uma &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 National Entidade &gt;&gt;&gt; ou do governo estabelecida multinational treaty 
 Ou &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Outro &gt;&gt;&gt; agreed between Governos nacionais prune atuar as Diretor um.As 
 NThis used &gt;&gt;&gt; document, or &quot;official&quot; means heat uma pessoa (i) 
 Man â„¢ &gt;&gt;&gt; ou um governamental eleitoral charge (ii) gives funcionria 
 Governamental &gt;&gt;&gt; ou multinational Entidade and principal cuja funo 
 Unwrap &gt;&gt;&gt; ou ou Governamentais influence Public Policy. 
 Rinse &gt;&gt;&gt; above, continuarmi opinin in the sense of trying to 
 Elucidate this point &gt;&gt;&gt; safer: 
 1. &gt;&gt;&gt; This is a rule that applies to the Board (Board) as well as 
 SealAlejandro &gt;&gt;&gt; and not in regulations LACRALO. It 
 >>> Therefore is 
 Debatable &gt;&gt;&gt; extend its aplicacina LACRALO. This is because in law, 
 The &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Rules establishing requirements &quot;should be interpreted 
 Restrictively &gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;and 
 >>> Therefore can not apply for &quot;analogue&quot;. This will be in accordance 
 Thereby &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Stipulated in clause 3.1 of the MOU that points out: 
 >>> &quot;The LACRALO estarcompuesta for At-Large and individuals with 
 >>> Non-commercial interests in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.
 All &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Citizens or residents of the region are welcome to be 
 Member &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> An ALS or to form a new organization that podracreditarse 
 As &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> ALS. &quot; 
 2. &gt;&gt;&gt; However, if the community understands that this rule derives a 
 >>> &quot;* General principle *&quot; applies to all ICANN stakeholders and 
 I do &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 LACRALO tambina &gt;&gt;&gt; mean, will have to see whether in this case are met 
 The &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Requirements, that is, we will have to determine if these shoes Maritza 
 >>> Criteria, which are: 
 >>> (I) holds an elective governmental office or 
 >>> (Ii) who is employed by such government or government entity whose 
 _ &gt;&gt;&gt; * Main function * _en such government or entity is to develop or _ * 
 * &gt;&gt;&gt; Influence government opblicas _polticas. 
 Maritza &gt;&gt;&gt; Apparently not occupy an elective government position. Then 
 Centrmonos &gt;&gt;&gt;, to see if it can be pigeonholed in the second situation.
 A.- &gt;&gt;&gt; If we understand that the government is INDECOPI or entity 
 Government &gt;&gt;&gt;, the first course will be fulfilled raised. 
 B.- &gt;&gt;&gt; What we must determine is whether the * main * function is 
 >>> Develop or influence governmental or public policies. 
 Aqusera &gt;&gt;&gt; good to know what the * main * function she fulfills 
 In &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 INDECOPI &gt;&gt;&gt; because if it is an operative function (For example, is 
 Who &gt;&gt;&gt; should draft resolutions on trademark issues), not 
 Will fulfill &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Requirement, and even may be a member of the BOARD. 
 * &gt;&gt;&gt; To summarize, it is not a simple issue, but According to my understanding the standard 
 Cited by Alejandro &gt;&gt;&gt; does not expressly apply to members of 
 LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt;.
 >>> If the community thinks of this rule derives a general principle 
 >>> Applicable to all ICANN stakeholders (including LACRALO), we will have to 
 Determine &gt;&gt;&gt; which is the main function of Maritza in INDECOPI. * 
 A hug to all &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> On 13/09/2014 2:26 a.m., Alejandro Pisanty wrote: 
 >>>> Humberto, 
 >>>> Aquestla relevant section of the &quot;Bylaws&quot; in 
 >>>>  https://www.icann.org/ 
 >>>> Resources / pages / bylaws-on-2012-02-25 # VI 
 Section 4 &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; * ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS * 
 >>>> 1 HEREIN NOTWITHSTANDING anything to the Contrary, no official of 
 >>>> A national government or a multinational entity established by 
 >>>> Treaty or other agreement Between May serve national Governments 
 >>>> As a director.As used HEREIN, the term &quot;official&quot; mens a person 
 >>>> (I) who holds an elective office Governmental or (ii) who is 
 Such &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; employed by government or multinational entity and Whose 
 Such primary function &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; with government or entity is to Develop or 
 >>>> Influence Governmental or public policies. 
 SIT &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; well that in some countries some institutions 
 >>>> State as the public universities are autnomas, ie 
 >>>> Receive state funding but are self-governing, so no 
 >>>> Are the government. Moreover regulators 
 >>>> Telecommunications may be autonomous, that is, the 
 State &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; but not the government, but as they develop or influence 
 >>>> Opblicas government policies, they apply the same 
 >>>> Article. 
 >>>> The article refers only to the Board and should be treated with 
 >>>> Adjustments as a general principle for cases like LACRALO.
 >>>> In addition to the letter of the law ESTN accounting principles 
 >>>> (&quot;The spirit of the legislature&quot; as they say in some countries the 
 >>>> Lawyers). 
 >>>> Aadira a case of subtle but important ms Conflict: A 
 >>>> Consultant working primarily for governments and agencies 
 >>>> Intergovernmental, say the Caribbean Telecommunications 
 >>>> Union or CITEL, in policy issues affecting governance 
 >>>> Internet, has not guaranteed the necessary independence, and 
 >>>> Can decide not entraren conflict with customers 
 >>>> Regularly pay their bills.
 >>>> No excesses of &quot;purity&quot;, we can revive the proposal of Sergio 
 >>>> Bronstein and make Accino rule statements 
 >>>> Interest, which must be updated when there are changes every year or 
 >>>> (Whichever comes first), verifiable, and to solicit the 
 >>>> Recusacin vote or even the participation in the discussion 
 >>>> Issues in which the conflict is considered as insurmountable. 
 >>>> The Board has a conflict Comitde Inters for this purpose. 
 Alejandro Pisanty &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> 12/09/2014 16:25 GMT-05: 00 Humberto Carrasco <hcarrascob at gmail.com 
 >>>> <mailto:hcarrascob at gmail.com> &gt;: 
 >>>> Dear Alejandro: 
 >>>> This comment is appreciated.For purposes of discussion focus 
 >>>> On a concrete base, Serposible Ftima sealen you or me 
 >>>> The rule that this inconsistency relates to 
 >>>> Check it in detail? 
 >>>> Many thanks in advance. 
 A hug &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 9/12/2014 9:37 pm &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; The Alexander Pisanty wrote: 
 >>>> Vanda, 
 >>>> Aquhay a misunderstanding. 
 >>>> In ICANN is a BAN certain positions - such as 
 >>>> The Board - to 
 >>>> People working for governments in positions and 
 >>>> Organizations 
 >>>> Make the policies that affect Internet.
 >>>> When we built in 1999 NCDNHC analyze this 
 >>>> Carefully and 
 >>>> We conclude that the academics of public institutions of 
 Educacine &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Research usually not found in this case. 
 INDECOPI &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Instead, CANTV and some other organizations 
 >>>> Which 
 >>>> Sestn LACRALO members have in that situation. 
 >>>> The employees of these organizations - not only managers 
 >>>> - ESTN 
 >>>> Subject to the internal rules of organizations and not 
 >>>> Can go 
 >>>> Against the policies of their employers. hese ESTN 
 Represented &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Travs &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; ICANN GAC.
 In &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; user organizations within ICANN - NCUC, 
 >>>> NPOC; NCSG, At 
 >>>> Large - require independence. Independence from what? 
 Independence &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Judgment about something that may be controversial, 
 >>>> As 
 >>>> Policies of governments and businesses. Let this 
 Clarity without &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> While recognizing that reality is complex. 
 Your &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Description To INDECOPI as contrary to organ 
 Positions &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Users dejmuy clear that there is an irreconcilable conflict ah.
 Alejandro Pisanty &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> 12/09/2014 12:05 GMT-05: 00 Vanda Scartezini <vanda at uol.com.br 
 >>>> <mailto:vanda at uol.com.br> &gt;: 
 >>>> Friends, allow a wrong understanding corrigir 
 >>>> Had in this 
 >>>> Issue. 
 >>>> A) I was considering a person in a matter was 
 >>>> A person of 
 >>>> Government and was not involved in any activity 
 >>>> Directly with 
 >>>> Users simplesmente was a pblica employed. 
 >>>> B) But confirmque s not as.The person in a matter 
 Has an activity &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Volunteer work with Internet users and is 
 >>>> Simplesmente one 
 >>>> Government employee. w 
 >>>> My reasons: 
 >>>> If we fail a government employee not 
 Represents the position &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Government, de facto, by the reality of their position in 
 >>>> The organ of 
 >>>> Government, which belongs directly participate fully 
 >>>> LACRALO 
 >>>> As we do with employees of universities 
 >>>> Pblicas who are in 
 >>>> LACRALO?- I cite as an example the Carlton colleague (employee 
 >>>> Of 
 University of West Indies &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; - a public university) by 
 >>>> All known 
 >>>> Because we do not lose him for certain and estsuper 
 >>>> Involved with 
 >>>> LACRALO and asdebe remain !!. 
 >>>> As if a person volunteers at defesa of 
 >>>> Users, 
 >>>> Entity under the rules of LACRALO, I do not think that only 
 >>>> The de facto 
 >>>> Person receber your soldo as a government employee, without 
 Special &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Title, it can be an impediment.
 As my posiciny retifico &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; am in favor of Maritza 
 >>>> Assume posicina 
 >>>> That was considered with all the same shortcuts to 
 >>>> Dems. 
 Hugs to all &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Vanda Scartezini &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Polo Consultores Associados &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Av.Paulista 1159, 1004 cj 
 >>>> 01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 
 >>>> Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 
 >>>> Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 
 >>>> On 9/11/14, 14:53, &quot;Vanda Scartezini&quot; <vanda at uol.com.br 
 >>>> <mailto:vanda at uol.com.br> &gt; Wrote: 
 >>>> I think there is clear where one local in ICANN 
 Its individual function &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Work can participate: as a direct representative 
 >>>> Government, as 
 >>>> Representative interest of an economic agent, whether 
 >>>> An entity for purposes 
 >>>>-Profit or not, as in the example pro GNSO.Ai no 
 APRA also space &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Intellectual property experts. No 
 >>>> Discrimination if it is a 
 >>>> Government agency or is an office property 
 >>>> Intellectual. 
 Furthermore there &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; At Large who has the intention of 
 >>>> Aggravate that 
 >>>> Seek inclusion of user issues 
 >>>> Internet. To estes 
 >>>> Must be nonprofit organizations and 
 >>>> Focus on defense 
 >>>> The interests of users, but if you intend to 
 Governments are nin &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> T = visen get gain in activity.
 >>>> So I think I'm more in the line of Fatima. A 
 >>>> Government agency 
 >>>> Focada intellectual property has focused on the 
 >>>> Defense s \\ the 
 >>>> Internet users. Personally, I became 
 >>>> Agency president 
 >>>> Brasilea intellectual property and have certainty that 
 >>>> Had nothing in 
 >>>> Account internet users and colleagues that 
 ESTN now either &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Have focus on internet users. 
 Vanda Scartezini &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Polo Consultores Associados &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Av.Paulista 1159, 1004 cj 
 >>>> 01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 
 >>>> Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 
 >>>> Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 
 >>>> On 09/11/14 11:18, &quot;Vera Carlos Quintana&quot; 
 >>>> <cveraq at gmail.com <mailto:cveraq at gmail.com> &gt; Wrote: 
 >>>> Dear all: On these issues must be handled 
 And mode of pragmtico &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Also attached to law. 
 >>>> 1.Many representatives in this and other 
 >>>> Groups are professionals 
 >>>> To the &quot;voluntary&quot; in the same les 
 Is an input &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Professional and additionally receive payment for their 
 Aquo &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; work in 
 >>>> Commissions for projects carried out either 
 Direct Mode &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> (Projects, professional salary, fees 
 >>>> Professionals, etc) or 
 Indirect &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; (added value to their own 
 >>>> Professions).Thus the 
 >>>> &quot;Voluntary&quot; does not exist as such but 
 >>>> Work for that 
 >>>> Experience in working groups and committees 
 >>>> Getting paid 
 Professionally &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; directly or indirectly. The 
 >>>> User interest is 
 >>>> Real but secondary and dedication have almost 
 >>>> Exclusively to these issues 
 >>>> As it is part of your job or profession. 
 Others are direct &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 2 ms volunteers and not 
 >>>> Live this either directly 
 >>>> Or indirectly.That is in our currculos 
 >>>> No &quot;voluntary 
 >>>> ALS &quot;and therefore this activity we 
 >>>> Remunerated OF ANY way. The 
 >>>> User interest is primary here. In this 
 Our case &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Participacina often is not as intense, 
 >>>> Constant or deep as 
 For we must &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; first, besides time 
 >>>> Dedicated to volunteering, 
 >>>> Work to survive and not us volunteering 
 Adds value to what &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> We do professionally. 
 >>>> 3.Law: If any member sb ALS 
 >>>> Some point had a 
 >>>> Actual conflict of interest or potential this 
 I &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; used deberser IN 
 >>>> THAT TIME and take decision whether ALS 
 >>>> This ongoing delegate or 
 >>>> Not their role to that particular situation. That 
 Estel substitute &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> You too. I mean nobody can be denied 
 >>>> Participate in something 
 >>>> Potential for CAN.At a meeting when one 
 >>>> Member may 
 >>>> Have a conflict in particular and especfico 
 >>>> Subject, declared and 
 >>>> Fails to participate or delegates its participaciny 
 >>>> Is the fact that 
 >>>> Accordingly. 
 >>>> 4 The argument that an officer be 
 CAN institution &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Represent a conflict is irrelevant to the 
 >>>> Actuacin of delegated 
 >>>> Per. If present at some point a 
 >>>> Conflict would analizarY 
 >>>> THEY tomarn the decision concerned.
 Carlos Vera Quintana &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 0988141143 &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Sguemecveraq &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> On 11/09/2014, at 8:28, Fatima Cambronero 
 >>>> <fatimacambronero at gmail.com 
 >>>> <mailto:fatimacambronero at gmail.com> &gt; I wrote: 
 >>>> Sergio, 
 >>>> I ledo absurd comments but the truth 
 This surpasses any &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> The 
 >>>> Type.
 >>>> Working for the government, you are employee or 
 >>>> Public official, the 
 >>>> Government pay you the salary every month is 
 One directly &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Conflict &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Interest when it comes to defending the interests 
 >>>> Users. The 
 >>>> Anytime 
 >>>> Justify whatever you want to justify. 
 >>>> Addition in the case of Maritza works for a 
 >>>> Government agency that 
 >>>> Is 
 >>>> Dedicated to intellectual property.Take an 
 >>>> Fictitious example, a 
 X domain name &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; government-sponsored 
 Per &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; it becomes 
 >>>> Trademark, to quintereses you think 
 >>>> To be plotted and 
 Defend &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> INDECOPI? 
 >>>> In the event that a government employee 
 >>>> (Employee or official) 
 Want &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Represent the interests of users, is 
 >>>> Conflict, acy in 
 >>>> Anywhere in the world.We have 
 LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; similar situations? 
 S. &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> We have mechanisms to decertify these 
 >>>> ALS? S. Do not be 
 Want &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Do something else. 
 >>>> Addition will be important that you read 
 >>>> My message carefully.My 
 Preocupacin &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Estdirigida to assure them due 
 Per &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; representacina AUI, 
 >>>> Because s 
 Jhonny &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; temporarily not be able to exercise 
 >>>> That my representaciny 
 >>>> Comment was directed to seek another 
 >>>> Person not 
 >>>> Conflict to ensure their votes within 
 >>>> LACRALO. That was the 
 >>>> Same 
 >>>> Private conversation I had with Maritza.
 Furthermore &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; be important to inform 
 >>>> Properly before 
 >>>> Attacks against my person, which besides 
 >>>> Have nothing to do. 
 >>>> I 
 >>>> I am not an employee of the National University of 
 >>>> Córdoba or the government 
 >>>> Of 
 >>>> Argentina (stenemos in LACRALO employees 
 >>>> Government of Argentina).
 >>>> I 
 >>>> I will teach the Faculty of Law 
 UNC &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; as Professor 
 Invited &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;, I do voluntarily without receiving 
 >>>> Ningn salary or 
 >>>> Remuneracin or awards or anything. I do 
 >>>> Because I like teaching 
 >>>> And 
 >>>> Because as I do in At-Large, is part of 
 >>>> The decision I ever made 
 >>>> Of 
 >>>> Volunteer work for convictions 
 >>>> Personal.
 Asque &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; please, focus correctly 
 >>>> The issue I raised and 
 >>>> No 
 HACS &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; do as always, to divert 
 >>>> Attention on matters not 
 >>>> Have nothing to do with the substance 
 >>>> Estconversando. 
 >>>> Also be good to see a little more of 
 Corporatism when &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Discuss statements and Policies, that Serams 
 >>>> Productive for LACRALO.
 >>>> I regret that vote becomes Per AUI 
 >>>> Nonexistent with the new 
 >>>> Representation they have chosen. 
 >>>> I deeply wish to attack to defend 
 >>>> Not become the rule 
 >>>> In 
 >>>> This thread or LACRALO.
 Fatima Cambronero &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> On September 11, 2014, 10:06 am, Sergio 
 Salinas Porto &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; &lt; 
 Presidencia at internauta.org.ar &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> <mailto:presidencia at internauta.org.ar> &gt; 
 >>>> I wrote: 
 >>>> Dear Fatima, I regret not being in 
 >>>> Agree with you. 
 >>>> I think you enter into a big mistake 
 >>>> Own a freshly started. 
 >>>> One thing to be public officials, and other 
 Be used &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; public.
 >>>> With these criteria scoring many 
 >>>> Of / the companions of 
 LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Should leave shall be as per 
 >>>> Things, many 
 Desempean &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> As teachers of public universities 
 >>>> (Not you too?), Or are 
 Employees &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Of justice, or employees of 
 >>>> Municipal departments or 
 >>>> Provincial.
 >>>> A pblica College Students 
 >>>> (Could get to hang your note 
 >>>> Of 
 >>>> Vote in Lacralo what?), Etc. 
 >>>> The conflict itself is located somewhere official 
 >>>> Public with deciciones 
 >>>> Government or not.
 >>>> I have not seen any manifestation yours, 
 >>>> Even when you proposed 
 >>>> To 
 >>>> Be ALAC Member, about conflict 
 Interest when persibas &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Money &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> National government (which is where 
 >>>> Education funds come from 
 >>>> In 
 >>>> Argentina) where the teacher 
 >>>> Crdoba National University.
 >>>> To be clear and not bad 
 >>>> Intemplete: I think that there is no 
 >>>> Conflict of interest with respect to 
 >>>> You nor with respect to 
 >>>> Maritza. 
 Hug &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; dear fatima!
 >>>> On Sep 11, 2014 1:16 a.m., &quot;Fatima 
 Cambronero &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; &quot;&lt; 
 Fatimacambronero at gmail.com &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> <mailto:fatimacambronero at gmail.com> &gt; 
 >>>> I wrote: 
 Johnny &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; all / os, 
 >>>> First let me apologize 
 >>>> For the delay in answering this 
 >>>> Thread 
 >>>> Post.I was traveling with 
 >>>> Difficult to follow all the 
 >>>> Conversations. 
 Then &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; I'd like to make two 
 >>>> Comments on this issue.
 >>>> The ability to appoint two 
 >>>> Contacts per ALS (primary one 
 >>>> With 
 >>>> Voting and contact 
 >>>> Secondary non-voting) is 
 Find &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Force since the very beginning of 
 >>>> LACRALO.You can check 
 Our &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Operating Principles applicable here, 
 >>>> At # 4: 
 >>>>  https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/2264378/  [ERROR: Sentence too long to translate (3111&gt; 1800 bytes)] [ERROR: Sentence too long to translate (2046&gt; 1800 bytes)] &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Maritza &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; works for INDECOPI 
 >>>> National Institute for Defense 
 >>>> Competition and the Protection of 
 >>>> Intellectual Property, which is the 
 >>>> Peruvian government agency responsible 
 >>>> Intellectual Property.
 Link &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> To your website: 
 Http://www.indecopi.gob.pe/ &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Although &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; INDECOPI deal with the 
 >>>> Defense of the rights of 
 >>>> Consumers (please corrjanme if 
 >>>> It wrong), is finally 
 >>>> One 
 >>>> Government agency.The government 
 Peruvian &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; is who pays all 
 >>>> Months her 
 Salary &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; [ERROR: Sentence too long to translate (3176&gt; 1800 bytes).] In that case, 
 Estaramos &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Becoming nonexistent &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Representation of the ALS.In my 
 >>>> Opinin, 
 >>>> Is 
 >>>> May participate in discussions 
 >>>> As secondary contact, but 
 >>>> To 
 >>>> Time of the vote, with contact 
 >>>> Primary, should refrain 
 Losing &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> The right that it all ALS 
 Accredited &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; [ERROR: Sentence too long to translate (2215&gt; 1800 bytes)].
 >>>> I remain at your disposal to help 
 >>>> With you on what is 
 >>>> Within 
 My chances &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; [ERROR: Sentence too long to translate (2193&gt; 1800 bytes).] In this 
 >>>> Sense 
 Miss &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; present.Lawyer 
 Maritza &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Agero Miano as a second 
 >>>> AUI PERU representative for 
 >>>> The effects of representation to 
 LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> And ICANN.
 >>>> In this sense, in my 
 >>>> Condition of President and Owner 
 Accredited &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> AUI PERU, by this 
 >>>> Request be granted the 
 Voting in credentials &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Representation of our 
 Organization &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> In LACRALO. 
 >>>> I appreciate the attention to this.
 >>>> Best regards, 
 Johnny Laureano &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Pres.AUI PERU 
 >>>> On 1 September 2014, 14:20 
 Alberto Soto &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> <alberto at soto.net.ar 
 >>>> <mailto:alberto at soto.net.ar> &gt; 
 >>>> I wrote: 
 >>>> Dear, according to our 
 >>>> Standards every ALS may have 
 >>>> Two 
 >>>> Representatives.
 >>>> One of them is who is 
 I &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; designated by it and 
 Authorized &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Vote 
 >>>> And 
 >>>> Is 
 >>>> To 
 >>>> Envan who is the 
 >>>> Credentials relevant.
 >>>> But in some 
 >>>> Organizations for several 
 >>>> Reasons holder may 
 >>>> No 
 >>>> Be 
 >>>> Available at times 
 >>>> And want the other 
 Representative &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Has the 
 >>>> Necessary information.
 >>>> That's why the ALS that 
 >>>> They want, they can send the 
 >>>> Name and 
 Mail &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> The second representative 
 >>>> Add them to lists 
 >>>> Mails 
 >>>> LACRALO.
 >>>> Always permanecerpara the 
 Voting designated &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Timely, 
 >>>> Up 
 What &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 ALS &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; officially report provides a 
 >>>> Change.
 Best regards &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Alberto Soto &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 ______________________________ &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 _________________ &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-es @ atlarge-lists. 
 Icann.org &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
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 >>>> Atlarge-lists.icann.org&gt; 
 >>>>  https://atlarge-lists.icann. 
 >>>> Org / mailman / listinfo / lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 ______________________________ &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 _________________ &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-es @ atlarge-lists. 
 Icann.org &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
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 >>>> _______________________________________________ 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
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 >>>>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac- 
 >>>> Discuss-is 
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 >>>> _______________________________________________ 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
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 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> - 
 >>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Dr. Alejandro Pisanty &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 School of Chemistry UNAM &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Av.University 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico 
 >>>> + 52-1-5541444475 FROM ABROAD 
 >>>> SMS +525541444475 +525541444475 FROM MEXICO 
 >>>> Blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com 
 >>>> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty 
 UNAM &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Join the group on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/ 
 >>>> 22285 / 4A106C0C8614 
 >>>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty 
 >>>> ---- &gt;&gt; Join ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org 
 >>>>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 _______________________________________________ &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 Lac-discuss-&gt;&gt;&gt; es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >>>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 > - 
 > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
>     Dr. Alejandro Pisanty
>Facultad de Química UNAM
>Av. Universidad 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico
>+52-1-5541444475 FROM ABROAD
>+525541444475 DESDE MÉXICO SMS +525541444475
>Blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com
>LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty
>Unete al grupo UNAM en LinkedIn,
>Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty
>---->> Unete a ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org
>.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
>lac-discuss-es mailing list
>lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org

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