[lac-discuss-en] Second representative

vanda at uol.com.br vanda at uol.com.br
Thu Sep 11 17:54:48 UTC 2014

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: Second representative 
 From: vanda at uol.com.br

 I think where there are clear local person in ICANN a function of its 
 work can participate: as a direct representative of the government, as 
 representative interest of an economic agent is an entity for purposes 
 profit or not, as in the example pro GNSO. There is also space Ai APRA 
 intellectual property experts. No discrimination if it is a 
 government agency or is an IPO. 
 On the other side is At Large has the intention to aggravate that 
 seeking the inclusion of the user in Internet issues. To estes 
 must be nonprofit organizations with a focus on defense 
 the interests of users, but not if intended to be governments nin 
 t = visen get gain in activity. 
 So I think I'm more in the line of Fatima. A government agency 
 focada intellectual property has focused on the defense of s \\ the 
 Internet users.I personally and was president of the agency 
 brasilea IP and have certainty that nothing had in 
 account internet users and colleagues that now either ESTN 
 have focused on Internet users. 
 Vanda Scartezini 
 Polo Consultores Associados 
 Av. Paulista 1159, 1004 cj 
 01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 
 Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 
 Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 

 On 11/09/14 11:18, &quot;Vera Carlos Quintana&quot; <cveraq at gmail.com> wrote: 
 > Dear all: On these issues must be handled pragmtico mode and 
 > Also attached to law. 
 > One. Many representatives in this and other groups, are professional 
 > To the &quot;voluntary&quot; they find themselves in an input 
 > Professional and additionally receive payment for their work in the aquo 
 > Commissions for projects they undertake, either directly 
 > (Projects, professional salaries, professional fees, etc.) or 
 > Indirect (added value to their own professions).Thus the 
 > &quot;Volunteering&quot; as such exists only working for that 
 > Experience in working groups and committees are compensated 
 > Professionally directly or indirectly. The user interest is 
 > Real but secondary and have almost exclusive dedication to these issues 
 > As it is part of your job or profession. 
 > 2. Others are direct volunteer ms and not live this either directly 
 > Or indirectly. It is not listed in our currculos &quot;voluntary 
 > ALS &quot;and therefore this activity does not pay us OF ANY way. The 
 > User interest here is primary. In this case our 
 > Participacina often is not as intense, constant or deep as 
 > The first because we must, besides the volunteer time, 
 > Work to survive and volunteering does not add value to what we 
 > We do professionally. 
 > 3. Law: If any member sb ALS at some point had a 
 > Potential conflict of interest or that analyzed deberser IN 
 > ALS THAT TIME and take decision on whether it continues or delegate 
 > Not their role to that particular situation.That estel substitute 
 > You too. Ie no one may be denied participation for something 
 > Potential for CAN. At a meeting where one member can 
 > Have a conflict and especfico given subject, and declares 
 > Fails to participate or delegates its participaciny is the fact that 
 > Is. 
 > 4. The argument that an institution be official CAN 
 > Represent a conflict is irrelevant to the delegate actuacin 
 > Per. If a dispute arises at some point it analizarY 
 > THEY tomarn the decision concerned. 
 > Carlos Vera Quintana 
 > 0988141143 
 > Sguemecveraq 
 The &gt;&gt; 11/09/2014, at 8:28, Fatima Cambronero 
 >> <fatimacambronero at gmail.com> I wrote: 
 Sergio &gt;&gt;, 
 I &gt;&gt; ledo absurd comments but the fact that this beats any 
 Of &gt;&gt; 
 Type &gt;&gt;.
 >> Working for the government, you are employee or public official, the 
 Government &gt;&gt; pay you the salary every month is directly one 
 Conflict &gt;&gt; 
 Interest &gt;&gt; when to defend the interests of users. The 
 Want &gt;&gt; 
 Justify &gt;&gt; whatever you want to justify. 
 >> Addition in the case of Maritza works for a government agency that 
 Is &gt;&gt; 
 >> Dedicated to intellectual property. Let's take a fictitious example, a 
 X &gt;&gt; domain name hosted by the government of Peru to become 
 Trademark &gt;&gt; to quintereses you think is going to represent and 
 Defend &gt;&gt; 
 INDECOPI &gt;&gt;? 
 >> In the event that a government employee (employee or official) 
 Wants &gt;&gt; 
 >> Represent the interests of users, it is a conflict, acy in 
 >> Anywhere in the world. We have similar situations LACRALO? 
 S &gt;&gt;. 
 We &gt;&gt; mechanisms to decertify these ALS? S. I do not want 
 >> Do something else. 
 In addition &gt;&gt; be important that you carefully read my post.My 
 Preocupacin &gt;&gt; 
 Estdirigida &gt;&gt; to ensure them a proper AUI representacina Per, 
 That s &gt;&gt; 
 Jhonny temporarily &gt;&gt; not be able to exercise that my representaciny 
 >> Comment was directed to seek out another person who has 
 Conflicts &gt;&gt; to ensure their votes within LACRALO. That was the same 
 Conversation I had &gt;&gt; privately with Maritza. 
 Furthermore &gt;&gt; it will be important to inform yourself properly before 
 >> Attacks against my person, which in addition have nothing to do. 
 I &gt;&gt; 
 I &gt;&gt; am not an employee of the National University of Córdoba and government 
 Argentina &gt;&gt; (stenemos in LACRALO government employees Argentina). 
 I &gt;&gt; 
 I will &gt;&gt; teach the Faculty of Law as Professor UNC 
 Invited &gt;&gt;, I do voluntarily without receiving ningn salary or 
 Remuneracin &gt;&gt; or awards or anything. I do it because I like teaching and 
 Because &gt;&gt; as I do in At-Large, is part of the decision that I have taken 
 Of &gt;&gt; 
 Volunteer work &gt;&gt; personal convictions.
 Asque &gt;&gt; please, focus properly on the issue I have raised and 
 No &gt;&gt; 
 HACS &gt;&gt; do as always, to divert attention on matters not 
 >> Have nothing to do with the substance estconversando. 
 Also &gt;&gt; be nice to see a little more of corporatism when 
 Policies and statements discuss &gt;&gt; That Serams productive for LACRALO. 
 I regret that vote &gt;&gt; AUI Per become nonexistent with the new 
 Representation &gt;&gt; they have chosen. 
 I deeply wish &gt;&gt; to attack to defend rule does not become 
 In &gt;&gt; 
 This thread &gt;&gt; or LACRALO. 
 Fatima Cambronero &gt;&gt; 
 The &gt;&gt; 11 September 2014 10:06, Sergio Salinas Porto &lt; 
 Presidencia at internauta.org.ar &gt;&gt;&gt; wrote: 
 Fatima &gt;&gt;&gt; Dear, I'm sorry to disagree with you. 
 I think &gt;&gt;&gt; you enter into a proper big mistake of a freshly started. 
 One thing to be &gt;&gt;&gt; public officials, and other public be employed.
 With &gt;&gt;&gt; the criteria many of these marking / companions of the 
 LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Members &gt;&gt;&gt; should be left as it is so, many 
 Desempean &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Public universities as teachers (not you too?), Or are 
 Employees &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>> Of justice, or municipal departments or employees 
 Provincial &gt;&gt;&gt;. 
 Students &gt;&gt;&gt; a pblica college (could get to hang your note 
 Of &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Vote on &gt;&gt;&gt; what Lacralo?), Etc. 
 Conflict &gt;&gt;&gt; itself is located somewhere public official with deciciones 
 Governmental &gt;&gt;&gt; or not. 
 >>> Have not seen any manifestation yours, even when you proposed 
 For &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 ALAC Member &gt;&gt;&gt; be on your conflict of interest when you persibas 
 Money &gt;&gt;&gt; 
 National government &gt;&gt;&gt; (which is where funds come from education in 
 Argentina &gt;&gt;&gt;) where faculty from the National University of crdoba. 
 >>> To be clear and not bad intemplete: I think that there is no 
 >>> Conflict of interest with respect to you or with respect to 
 Maritza &gt;&gt;&gt;. 
 Hug &gt;&gt;&gt; dear fatima!
 >>> On Sep 11, 2014 1:16 a.m., &quot;Fatima Cambronero&quot; &lt; 
 Fatimacambronero at gmail.com &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; wrote: 
 Johnny &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; all / os, 
 >>>> First let me apologize for the delay in answering this 
 >>>> Thread 
 >>>> Post. I was traveling and hard to follow all the 
 >>>> Conversations. 
 >>>> Then I would like to make two comments on this issue. 
 >>>> The ability to nominate two contacts per ALS (primary one 
 >>>> With 
 >>>> Voting and a secondary contact without voting rights) are 
 Find &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Force since the very beginning of LACRALO. You can check our 
 Operating Principles &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; force here, in # 4: 
 >>>>  https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/2264378/Principios%252 
 >>>> 0Operativos% 2520de 2520LACRALO%%% 2520la 2520Rev1 2520-%%% 2520.pdf 2520ES? Ve 
 >>>> Rsion = 1 &amp; modificationDate = 1283972736000 &amp; api = v2 
 Link &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; cut: http://goo.gl/Mrnk8f 
 >>>> Secondly, for making the request ests 
 Johnny &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; of 
 >>>> Designate Maritza Agero Miano as secondary contact (so you say 
 >>>> In 
 >>>> Your first paragraph shall mail) or as primary contact with the right to 
 Vote &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> (So you say in the second paragraph of your email) Per AUI, would 
 >>>> Manifest a preocupacin about it. Before that, I liked 
 Clarify &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> I've had a conversation in private with Maritza this 
 >>>> Subject, 
 Quin &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; know personally the ICANN Fellowship Program and 
 Course &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> ISOC Next Generation Leaders Moderator of which I am the expert, 
 >>>> About whom I have no personal conflict ningn and with whom I 
 Binds &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Even a friendship.
 Maritza &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; works for INDECOPI, National Institute for Defense 
 >>>> Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property, which is the 
 >>>> Peruvian government agency responsible for Intellectual Property. 
 Link &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> To your website: http://www.indecopi.gob.pe/ 
 Although &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; INDECOPI deal with the defense of the rights of 
 >>>> Consumers (please corrjanme it if I'm wrong), is ultimately a 
 >>>> Government agency. The Peruvian government is the one paying all 
 >>>> Months her 
 >>>> Salary.
 >>>> My preocupacin is therefore to be the primary contact 
 AUI &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Per &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; voting a person who is employed by the government 
 >>>> Per, 
 >>>> In the event of a conflict between the interests of 
 >>>> Users 
 >>>> Internet (regional, though mostly local) and the government 
 Peruvian &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; is Maritza will be putting in a situation of conflict 
 >>>> Of 
 >>>> Interest, and shall depart to represent users 
 Internet &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Of 
 Per &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; and abstain from voting as a delegate of his ALS. In that case, 
 Estaramos &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Becoming nonexistent the representation of the ALS. In my opinion, 
 >>>> Is 
 >>>> May participate in the discussions as secondary contact, but 
 >>>> Time of the vote, with the primary contact, MUST abstain 
 Losing &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> The right it all accredited ALS.
 >>>> Therefore, I would like to ask the Johnny Maritza 
 Possibility &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Review this modification &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; primary contact with voting 
 AUI &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 Per &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; to ensure that their participation is truly effective in 
 >>>> LACRALO and At-Large in general, representation of interests 
 >>>> Of 
 >>>> The 
 >>>> Internet end users. 
 >>>> I remain at your disposal to assist you in what is 
 >>>> Within 
 >>>> My chances.
 >>>> Best regards, 
 Fatima Cambronero &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> On September 2, 2014, 11:37 am, Johnny Laureano <jlaureano at aui.pe>
 >>>> I wrote: 
 >>>>> Dear Alberto, 
 In principle &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; to congratulate this initiative, it seems very healthy 
 What &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 ALS &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; delegate or credited to a second representative. In this 
 >>>> Sense 
 Miss &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; present. Attorney Maritza Agero Miano as a second 
 PERU AUI &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; representative for the purposes of representation to 
 LACRALO &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>> And ICANN. 
 >>>>> In this sense, in my condition of President and Owner 
 Accredited &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>> AUI PERU, by this request is granted the 
 Voting &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; credentials in representation of our organization 
 >>>>> In LACRALO. 
 >>>>> I appreciate the attention to this.
 >>>>> Best regards, 
 Johnny Laureano &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>> Pres. AUI PERU 
 >>>>> On September 1, 2014, 14:20, Alberto Soto <alberto at soto.net.ar>
 >>>>> I wrote: 
 >>>>>> Dear, according to our standards every ALS can have two 
 >>>> Representatives. 
 >>>>>> One is who is appointed by it and authorized to 
 >>>>>> Vote 
 >>>> And 
 >>>>> Is 
 >>>>>> To 
 >>>>>> Envan who is the appropriate credentials. 
 >>>>>> But in some organizations, for several reasons the holder may 
 No &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>>> Be 
 >>>>>> Available at times and you want the other representative 
 >>>> Has the 
 >>>>>> Necessary information.
 >>>>>> Is why the ALS who wish, may send the name and 
 Mail &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>>> The second representative to add lists of emails 
 >>>>>> LACRALO. 
 >>>>>> Permanecerpara always the designated Voting timely, 
 >>>>>> Up 
 What &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>>> ALS officially report a change. 
 Best regards &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>>> Alberto Soto 
 >>>>>> _______________________________________________ 
 >>>>>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 >>>>>> Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >>>>>>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>>> _______________________________________________ 
 >>>>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 >>>>> Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >>>>>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> - 
 * &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; * Fatima Cambronero 
 Attorney-Argentina &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >>>> Phone: +54 9351 5282 668 
 >>>> Twitter:facambronero 
 >>>> Skype: fatima.cambronero 
 >>>> _______________________________________________ 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 >>>> Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >>>>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 
 >> - 
 * &gt;&gt; * Fatima Cambronero 
 Attorney-Argentina &gt;&gt; 
 >> Phone: +54 9351 5282 668 
 >> Twitter:facambronero 
 Skype &gt;&gt;: fatima.cambronero 
 _______________________________________________ &gt;&gt; 
 Lac-discuss-&gt;&gt;'s mailing list 
 Lac-discuss-&gt;&gt; es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >>  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 Http://www.lacralo.org &gt;&gt; 
 > _______________________________________________ 
 > Lac-discuss-en mailing list 
 > Lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 >  https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es 
 > Http://www.lacralo.org


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