[lac-discuss-en] =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Declaration = F3n_de_LACRALO_sobre_Nu? == Iso-8859-1? Q? Evo_Modelo_para_la_Pr = F3xima_Generaci = F3n_de_Servic? == Iso-8859-1? Q? Ios_de_Directorio_de_gTLD? =

fatimacambronero at gmail.com fatimacambronero at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 22:26:17 UTC 2013

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Declaration = F3n_de_LACRALO_sobre_Nu? == Iso-8859-1? Q? Evo_Modelo_para_la_Pr = F3xima_Generaci = F3n_de_Servic? == Iso-8859-1? Q? Ios_de_Directorio_de_gTLD? = 
 From: fatimacambronero at gmail.com


 As recordarn have compiled the existing material on the New 
 Model for next scheduled Generacin Directory Services gTLD 
 (Known as new whois) LACRALO in this Wiki: 

 We have been receiving comments on the list and in that Wiki, and I 
 compiled these comments to build a name declaracina 
 LACRALO I am copying below and also can be found in this 
 link:  https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41899285 

 (Bottom of the page as a comment). 

 Also at this time is estvotando one statement prepared by ALAC 
 you can find here: 

 We consulted with the Chairman of LACRALO and has decided that if he 
 no objections to this draft until tomorrow Friday 06 September at 
 20 UTC, we will be sending as LACRALO name Comment. 

 We know that time is short, however this draft is not long as 
 to review and express their positions. Your comments are 

 Thank you very much. 

 Best regards, 

 Fatima Cambronero 

 * Draft Declaration of LACRALO on New Model for the next scheduled 
 Generation of gTLD Directory Services * 


 LACRALO recognizes the importance of the Working Group of Experts on 
 GTLD Services Directory has undergone all comments 
 community the draft next scheduled New Model for Generacin of 
 GTLD Services Directory. 

 We believe that determining the advantages and disadvantages of a new model 
 is very important because of the positive or negative impact it may have on 
 Internet end users of our region of Latin America and 

 Also understand that the new model contains some elements 
 novel comprensiny merit deep reflection by 
 the different stakeholders involved in the development and implementacin 
 thereof. In this context it should be noted their possible impact not 
 only in generic TLDs and ccTLDs but at all levels of use 

 Among the new features in this new model we call 
 attention on a new layer that will be created indireccin in 
 a new service or organization take log data 
 domain names, the will add, and will be responsible for providing access 
 ste rather than directly in the registration occurs, as in the 
 Today.It's our perverse incentives preocupacin this 
 indireccin layer will be able to generate by the records and 
 registers in the interface to access the registration information 
 (Neglect of this function, certain kinds of abuse and even services 
 new that can provide). 

 Also this layer aggregators and consultation services will have to be 
 operated by a new organizacina which granted him great confidence 
 and create a tremendous asset informtico that could attract numerous and 
 novel types of attacks. At this point, we share the preocupacin 
 on one of the disadvantages of the new model sealada by EWG 
 regarding the creation of a source of "big data" with valuable data 
 that can be misused without an audit and maintenance 

 Also consider that it should be analyzed whether within the new model 
 proposed or not an authentication tendency to force the data to 
 identify the registrant, reducing anonymity options for 
 some users or organizations is necessary to ensure 
 development and exercise of certain business operations, communications 
 policies or digital activism within certain contexts. Also 
 consider it necessary to check whether or barriers were raised 
 for the user to access common data registration 
 domain names. Because if this happens, and private companies can 
 pay for value-added services and various authorities (law 
 order, authorities copyright protection and ownership 
 industry) may access such data, generate situations 
 informacinms privileged access full benefit of these latest 
 to the detriment of he was not given access to the end user.

 In this context we consider important to accurately determine the 
 situations in which the authorities will have access to legtimo 
 data provided by the new system to prevent illegal situations 
 knowledge in making data storage and mocking the 
 respective laws and related court orders. 

 In this context it seems appropriate to remind the EWG's revision of the 
 SSAC in document 58 which handles the validation of the 
 log data and includes use cases, which we consider 
 convenient study and review them in the context of the new model 
 proposed registration. 

 Finally we consider appropriate to analyze the effects that the 
 new model may result in the rights of users 
 Internet that have already been acquired and recognized by both instruments 
 international as national legislation, such as its 
 privacy, personal data protection, the principle of legality, 
 the presumption of innocence, due process, among others, that although 
 escape the mission of ICANN have a direct impact on users 
 Internet end. 

 * Fatima Cambronero * 

 Phone: +54 9351 5282 668 
 Twitter: @ facambronero 
 Skype: fatima.cambronero 

 * Join the LACRALO / ICANN discussions: * 

 * Join the Diplo Internet Governance Community discussions: * 

 * Join to the Internet Society (ISOC): * http://www.internetsociety.org/ 

[[--Original text (es)

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