[lac-discuss-en] opening a door

carlosaguirre62 carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 7 14:03:18 UTC 2013

Dear Sylvia, I was remotely , and my feelings about are a litle bit different than you are saying. I think we need to be carefully in our words. I heard "ALAC can advice to the board at any time" and this was the sentence more important last nigth (for us in LAC). Is a good thing, but a thing totally different than an objection possible. 
On the other side the document signers forget the .cba in their presentation, wich is other of our regional claims, and only focus on two applications already accepted by GAC (early warning) and Independent Objector, so, the presentation was one thing more in the defense of our regional properties, important, but not the essential or more important action made till now.
Again, we need to be carefully with our words to no create false expectations or giving to same fact an importance that it have not, in my opinion the subject "opening the door" is too much, and could be change by " a ratification in defence of .amazon, .patagonia and .cba". Also is important and honest to say that the signers of document are three guys to whom I give my congratulations.
My two cents.

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre.

Enviado desde Samsung tabletsylvia at internautabrasil.org escribió:
[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: opening a door 
From: sylvia at internautabrasil.org

Dear Members of LACRALO: 

I am writing to tell from Beijing that has opened a door for 
support by the ALAC objecin point and consequently Patagonia 
point by Amazon. 

In today gives three ALS (Internauta Argentina, Association of Software 
Free ADIT Ecuador and Chile) have submitted a pro-declaracina 
objecin of. patagonia (see Annex). Also coincide with the 
Declaration of ECLAC da April 5, reaffirming its commitment to 
strengthen regional collaboration on issues of the Information Society. 
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The participation of Sergio Salinas Porto was clear and vital for all 
ALAC has a global vision that will have repercussion on the 
community of Patagonia, Argentina and Chile in the case that the new gTLDs 
be given. 

This same document serpresentado these give to the GAC, for 
express the view of civil society on this issue. 

Maana, yourself, will have the opportunity to hear the participation 
Sergio when the staff posted the MP3 of Reunin of lderes 
ALAC Regional April 7. 

Greetings to all 


PD: Quera use to remind those who want participate 
remote can listen / participate in meetings in English ALAC 
on page directly from Adobe and in Spanish by via Telefnica (if 
want to participate actively as did Sergio) and this link 
http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream06-2 to accompany everything EST 
being treated. 


Sylvia Herlein 

<mailto:sylvia at internautabrasil.org> sylvia at internautabrasil.org 

Secretary LACRALO-ICANN / 2012-2013 - <http://atlarge.icann.org>

2009-2012 Secretary FLUI 

sylvia_leite = Skype 

Descrio: Assinatura_Sylvia_Internautabrasil 

[[--Original text (es)

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