[lac-discuss-en] Report of the Working Group translation 07/01/2013

hcarrascob at gmail.com hcarrascob at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 21:11:06 UTC 2013

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Report of the Working Group translation 07/01/2013 
 From: hcarrascob at gmail.com


 First of all, my apologies for this report up later. This is 
 so, that being the coordinator of Translation An, come on 
 extend the comment period until January 15, 2013. 

 Once you do that, you prepararel final report. 

 This is link to the report: 


 In turn, during the conference on Thursday, 10 we can discuss this 


 Dear all, 

 First of all, my apologies for sending this report later. THEREFORE, 
 as coordinator of the WG translation, I extend the period of comments 
 Until the 15th of January, 2013. 

 After That, the final report will be prepared. 

 This is the report's link:


 In turn, During The 10th conference of this thursday We Can Discuss this 


[[--Original text (es)

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