[lac-discuss-en] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- Update on Registrar Accreditation Agreement Amendments

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 23:40:46 UTC 2012

So here we are.  What do we know? And, when did we know it?

Under the label 'Current Situation and Recent Developments' in the  *RAA
Negotiations Update* document, it says:

 "six additional negotiating sessions, including two all-day in-person
meetings held in Washington DC (one of which was attended by Governmental
Advisory Committee members and representatives from the law enforcement
representatives)...........the negotiations since Prague has largely
focused on the key areas of Whois verification and data retention, which
are part of 12 GAC/law enforcement recommendations."

In case you missed the significance, there is further contextualization:

n Prague, we highlighted four critical elements of the law enforcement
(1)verification / validation of Whois data;
(2)enhanced collection of information related to registrants (data retention);
(3)clarification of registrar responsibility regarding resellers and
privacy/proxy services;
(4)creation of contacts for reports of domain name abuse.

The ALAC and At-Large have certainly not been mute on said 'critical
elements'. And while the ALAC is also on record demanding transparent
negotiations if only because of the pivotal role the RAA plays in consensus
policy development,  I personally do not have any the current information
regarding At-Large/ALAC dispositions at these sessions.  All things being
equal, it appears the At-Large [and the ALAC] were treated like unloved
country cousins on your father's side, thrice removed.

I'm pleased to hear negotiations have progressed in certain areas. See the
Summary of Negotiations Status. Look closely at Item #10: Registrar
Validation of Registrant Data. Apply the stoplight status here and
contextualize what this means.

I have attached both documents for ease of access.

- Carlton Samuels
  [Chair, At-Large WHOIS WG]

Carlton A Samuels
Mobile: 876-818-1799
*Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ICANN News Alert <communications at icann.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 12:56 PM
Subject: ICANN News Alert -- Update on Registrar Accreditation Agreement
To: carlton.samuels at gmail.com

 [image: ICANN] <http://www.icann.org/> News Alert

Update on Registrar Accreditation Agreement Amendments

24 September 2012

In advance of the ICANN meeting in Toronto, ICANN and the Registrars are
posting two documents on the status of negotiations of amendments to the
Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). Since Prague, significant progress
has been made, though certain key issues remain open. There were six
negotiation sessions, including a full day session with participants from
the Governmental Advisory Committee and representatives of law enforcement.
As reported earlier, there is agreement in many areas, including nearly all
law enforcement recommendations. In the two remaining recommendations still
under discussion, ICANN and the registrars are much closer to reaching a
negotiated position on Whois verification and data retention.

On Whois verification, a framework for improving Whois accuracy has been
developed, however, ICANN and the registrars still have not reached
agreement on the number of fields that are to be verified.

On data retention, discussion among law enforcement representatives,
registrars and ICANN indicates there is agreement in principle on a
two-tiered retention schedule to account for differing data privacy
obligations. More detail on each of these items, as well as status of
negotiations on the other law enforcement requests, are provided in the
documents posted today:

*RAA Negotiation
:* A memo providing detail on the negotiations since the Prague meeting and
providing some questions for further community input.

*Summary Chart of Status of
:* Detailed status of negotiation on each of the 12 law enforcement
requests, noting the remaining items remaining for discussion. Key requests
from Registrars and ICANN for additional terms in the RAA are also
identified at the end of the chart.

Because the negotiations have been focused on these key areas, ICANN and
the Registrars have not yet reached a fully negotiated agreement on all
terms and provisions within the RAA. When available, a full draft will be
posted for public comment. Until that time, ICANN and the Registrars
welcome feedback on the discussion topics identified in the summary memo to
help inform the community discussions in Toronto. Comments can be forwarded
to the RAA Negotiations Status
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