[lac-discuss-en] Application for ALAC member

asoto at ibero-americano.org asoto at ibero-americano.org
Mon Jul 16 23:15:50 UTC 2012

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: Application for ALAC member 
 From: asoto at ibero-americano.org

 I agree with everything said by Juan Manuel Rojas. I believe that to Fátima 
 Cambronero rene the character and qualifications to occupy and 
 honor by ALAC Member. 

 Best Regards 

 Alberto Soto 
 Director IIISI 

 ----- Original Message ----- 
 From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 [Mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] On Behalf Of John 
 Manuel Rojas 
 Posted on: Monday, July 16, 2012 1:46 pm 
 To: LACRALO Espaol; lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 Subject: [lac-discuss-en] Candidacy for ALAC member 

 Dear members of LACRALO 

 Since you have opened the nominations and nominations to choose 
 the new ALAC member of our region, I would like to apply for Fatima 
 Cambronero to fill this position because in its path within LACRALO 
 has demonstrated commitment, leadership, knowledge of relevant issues 
 ICANN and passion.It is no secret of Fatima has been Fellowship 
 ICANN Program on 3 occasions and that, given a broad topic 
 experience in how to develop the policies are taken ycmo 

 His commitment to the issues of Internet governance is reflected in the 
 multiple spaces to win representation for smisma and 
 for our region. 
 For all these reasons and many others that escape from this text is 
 I consider the candidature of Fatima of importance to our countries. 

 Social Communicator 
 President-AGEIA DENSIColombia 

 Twitter: @ JmanuRojas 


[[--Original text (es)

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