[lac-discuss-en] RES: RES: News LACRALO!

johnnylaureano at yahoo.com johnnylaureano at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 1 17:44:04 UTC 2011

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: RES: RES: News LACRALO! 
 From: johnnylaureano at yahoo.com

 + 1 

 From: &quot;jam at jacquelinemorris.com&quot; <jam at jacquelinemorris.com>
 To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 4:02 PM 
 Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] RES: RES: News LACRALO! 

 [[- Translated text (in -&gt; is )--]] 

 Subject: Re: RES: RES: News LACRALO! 
 From: jam at jacquelinemorris.com 

 It&#39;s a great idea to try financiacin source / sponsorship. I liked 
 ALSes challenge all to raise at least some (perhaps 10-25%) of the 
 necessary funds from local businesses, governments, etc. I think 
 This is an organization LACRALO demostrarque viable and strong, increasing 
 the profile of the LAC passes and also work on the reduction in the 
 we ask the Economic amount to ICANN, making the application more likely to 

 Jacqueline A. Morris 
 The technology should be like oxygen: ubiquitous, necessary, and Invisible 
 Free. (AfterChris Lehmann) 

 On Thu, December 1, 2011 at 8:25 AM, <sylvia at prontocl.com.br> wrote: 
> [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
>  Subject: RES: RES: News LACRALO!
>  From: sylvia at prontocl.com.br
>  Totally agree Albert. Go ATRS these answers!
>  Regards
>  Sylvia
>  ----- Mensagem original -----
>  From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>  [Mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] Em nome of Alberto
>  Copse
>  Posted in: Thursday, December 1, 2011 1:51
>  To: sylvia at internautabrasil.org; 'JosFrancisco Arce', 'LACRALO Espaol'
>  Assunto: Re: [lac-discuss-en] RES: LACRALO News!
>  I agree with Sylvia. And I add a query, because I do not understand
>  planificacin followed to the activities of ICANN. In one of the
>  preguntcomo teleconferences strategically plan modified to three years
>  If such comments are received, only until December. They said
>  which provides an annual hotfix. If this is as, as we have to order now
>  Costa Rica funds being already approved the budget for 2012? Not
>  Costa Rica was scheduled at the time of the Adoption of the budget?
>  The answer manifestque recibno conformy me throughout
>  planificacin three stages: strategically (long term - 5 years),
>  operational (medium - three years) ytctica (short term - a year). If
>  tuviramos such planning, a move that may not know of a
>  anticipaciny reunin with no funds exist for the same. In addition to
>  This way you can plan activities with seriousness and professionalism,
>  and execute them. Individuals may conducting of capacitacin
>  then ALS ALS quizs each end user actually take
>  everything necessary to meet the objectives pursued, and within
>  capacitacin the end user, take the information concerns
>  necessary to have that all capacitacin realimentacin, and very
>  particularly everything related to Internet required. Also serve to
>  write less and make more understandable the law, and therefore its difusin
>  and aplicacin.
>  Best Regards
>  Alberto Soto
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>  [Mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] On Behalf Of
>  sylvia at internautabrasil.org Posted on: Thursday, December 1, 2011
>  12:21 am
>  To: 'JosFrancisco Arce', 'LACRALO Espaol'
>  Subject: [lac-discuss-en] RES: LACRALO News!
>  Dear Josh:
>  I would like to comment on the letter with the minimum of
>  understand and clarify some points of it.
>  First, the letter shows that we are working to
>  Regina is located in Costa Rica, and that is why I need to emphasize
>  on the General Assembly. We need to fully understand this point,
>  I think it is the starting point for all activities estn
>  programming for this important meeting.
>  Our last General Assembly was in Mjico in 2009. Is aware
>  All we are facing serious problems in the administracin
>  LACRALO by deficiencies in our bylaws, which makes it imperative that
>  change as soon as possible and the best way to do it, as is known, is
>  a General Assembly face.
>  When we were working in Cartagena in 2010 and not
>  we do, one of the answers given by ICANN was problems
>  budget and hopes were fixed in our upcoming reunin
>  continent in 2012.
>  The development of global Internet requires the participation of each and
>  each of the member organizations LACRALO is now a
>  cuestin of respect for the organizations that signed the MOU.
>  Secondly, we have made a LACRALO Showcase
>  Cartagena where there were very few representatives of ALS, so
>  particularly I think it makes sense to do a similar one with few
>  official representatives of the ALS that form the LACRALO.
>  Third, estclaro that being all together and knowing
>  the real need for InReach in Regina, no doubt that all querrn
>  participate in the course of that estproponiendo Capacity Building (which
>  AFRALO was offered us the model) But again, without a General Assembly
>  makes no sense to organize other activities for the few. And
>  General Assembly, our standards of Regin seguirestancada
>  procedure in place to deal with issues POLICIES!
>  With respect to the proposed budget, I think it is more accurate
>  have the specific information that the ALS submit podrn
>  representatives, as well as organized the Summit in sucedicuando
>  Mjico, not all sent their representatives ALS. So I think that
>  aging is imperative that a survey of 38 to work with ALS
>  precise numbers!
>  Finally, we tell you that I'm trying to get into
>  contact with several bars Latinoamrica areas in search of sponsors.
>  If anyone has any other contacts or ideas, please contact us.
>  Regards,
>  Sylvia Leite Herlein
>  ----- Mensagem original -----
>  From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>  [Mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] Em nome JostbNL&gt; Francisco Arce Posted in: Wednesdays, November 30, 2011 22:59
>  To: LACRALO Espaol
>  Assunto: [lac-discuss-es] LACRALO News!
>  * Dear Colleagues Region *:
>                                                In this mail I leave
>  link
>  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/877052/LACRALO-Costa-Rica-Events-WG/LACRALO-proposal
>  -For-funding-of-Costa-Rica-Events-final.pdfde
>  the note was presented to the Chair of ALAC, to officiate at ICANN
>  soliciting funds for our region can make a series of events,
>  the last etleconferencia discussed at the next meeting of ICANN
>  Costa Rica. Right now we are translated into Spanish, but until
>  that the same I would like to get them the same and to exchange
>  ideas.
>  Regards
>  Jos .-
>  _______________________________________________

[[--Original text (es)

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