[lac-discuss-en] =? Iso-8859-1? Q? RES = 3A__Statement_de_ALSs_de_LACR? = =? Iso-8859-1? Q? ALO_sobre_Regiones_Geogr = E1ficas? =

apisan at unam.mx apisan at unam.mx
Mon Nov 21 21:21:19 UTC 2011

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: Re: =? Iso-8859-1? Q? RES = 3A__Statement_de_ALSs_de_LACR? = =? Iso-8859-1? Q? ALO_sobre_Regiones_Geogr = E1ficas? = 
 From: apisan at unam.mx


 I think we should do everything possible for inclusin, and what's more, in the spirit of RFC 1591, do not enter areas such as a pas Defining the extent of forests, and extensin a region, based on decisions that may be temporary and that we ourselves have supplied. It seems important to exhaust inclusin conciliacine efforts. 

 Alejandro Pisanty 
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Dr. Alejandro Pisanty 
 UNAM, University Avenue 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico 

 Ph. +52- (1) -55-5105-6044, +52- (1) -55-5418-3732

 * My blog / My blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com 
 * LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty 
 * Join the UNAM group on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/22285/4A106C0C8614 
 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty 
 ---->> Join ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org 
 Participate in ICANN, http://www.icann.org 
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org [lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] on behalf of Vanda UOL [vanda at uol.com.br] 
 Posted on: Monday, November 21, 2011 15:10 
 To: presidencia at internauta.org.ar; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 Subject: [lac-discuss-en] RES: Statement of ALS Geogrficas LACRALO on Regions 

 Dear. I understand that the various representatives of the passes will 
 leave our Regin, had the opportunity to answer and I still 
 oppose this division. If they did not seem to me 
 participants felt better to be involved with Regin 
 Northern Hemisphere.Donkey decisin see why this question, 
 sovereign of our colleagues. Trinidad and Tobago for example, whether or 
 English decided to stay in our region. Are we not 
 metindonos in matters that are internal to these passes and its members? 

 ----- Mensagem original ----- 
 From: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 [Mailto: lac-discuss-es-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] Em nome 
 Argentina presidency Internauta 
 Posted in: second-feira, 21 novembre 2011 14:02 
 To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org 
 Assunto: [lac-discuss-en] Statement of ALS LACRALO on Regions 

 Dear companions of LACRALO: In reunin opportunity to be 
 given in the day today and in the context of discussions on the regions 
 geogrficas and possible removal of some of our colleagues at the 
 Regin Regin for inclusion in other than us, some ALS us 
 We have summoned to express our views on 
 this, we invite the member organizations of the DEMs sign regina 
 this document as expression of our commitment and solidarity with the 
 passes and ALS can you get out of this despus Regin 
 determinacin, I comply with the mandate given in its envipara reuniny 
 adhesin list: 

 * Statement of ALS LACRALO on Geogrficas Regions * 

 The undersigned LACRALO full members wish to express our 
 vision about the work of the Group and Regions Geogrficas 
 particularly in regard to Latinoamrica Regina and the Caribbean.

 We wish to express our vision to maintain the same-ended 
 geogrfica, as it was determined by the ICANN bylaws gave 
 The region origin (Article VI Section 5). 

 The paper discusses benefits when used as a criterion for CLASSIFICATION 
 Pass or territories within the region, the system used by 
 Regional Internet Registry, RIR, (Item 47 section e) are not 
 such, and also disadvantages (item 48 section 
 b) that affect all of the countries of the region. 

 Regin We believe that our rich cultural diversity, Ethnic, religious, 
 historically, and idiomtica geogrfica has shown in practice that can 
 advance on a serious and fruitful within ICANN. We 
 convinced that the current scheme respects the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof 
 spoken of in the ICANN bylaws in Art 1, section 2, paragraph 4. 

 We adhere to that construction undertaken since the year 2006 to date has 
 been successful and that is why we understand as the non-primary 
 innovate, or ALS that no member of the Regina go.The region 
 should remain as a whole and this is the best argument to suggest 
 follow and respect. 

 If the recommendations of the Working Party of Regions are Geogrficas 
 considered and approved by the ICANN Board, we 
 undermining the work of many years and dividing more than one territory. 

 A LACRALO passes us together members of common problems that require 
 common solutions. And for these reasons we must stick together 
 working for a global Internet. 

 "... The Amrican must promote everything that brings the people, and 
 abhor all that aside. In this as in all problems 
 humans, prevention is of peace ... " 


 Internauta Argentina - Marcelo Telecast 
 AGEIA DENSI Argentina - Brazil Fatima Internauta Cambronero - Sylvia 
 Gladys Leite Herlein Faria - APADIT 



 President Sergio Salinas Porto Internauta Argentina Argentina Association of 
 Internet Users <http://www.internauta.org.ar> -CTA- 
<http://www.ctamdq.org.ar> Federacin fluid Latin American Users 
 Internet <http://www.fuilain.org> ICANN / LACRALO - ALAC Member 
 facebook: salinasporto twitter: sergiosalinas MSN / YAHOO MSN / Talk: 
 salinasporto ... Skype: Mobi internautaargentina: +54 215 819 9223 5 



 &quot;Ojalpodamos be disobedient, every time we receive orders that 
 humiliate our conscience or violate our common sense &quot;-Edward 



[[--Original text (es)

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