[lac-discuss-en] Fw: RESULT OF THE VOTE: Reviewed supply of the letter of ALAC JAS

apisan at servidor.unam.mx apisan at servidor.unam.mx
Thu Mar 3 14:27:52 UTC 2011

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Re: Fw: RESULT OF THE VOTE: Reviewed supply of the letter of ALAC JAS
From: apisan at servidor.unam.mx

I add to me to which here it affirms to Carlos Aguirre on the recognition of  
new "constituencies". 
I believe that we must support a reasonable increase of the diversity  
institutional through the recognition of new constituencies. In  
individual in the noncommercial space, seems valuable to increase  
institutional sometimes competition since it has been gotten toconsider  
that that space has been kidnapped by a very close point of view that  
it does not represent to us. 
Also, in the commercial space the necessity to diversify and to give  
rotation to the representative voices is an old necessity. 
Like Carlos, I believe that we cannot vote in abstract to favor or against  
the specific organizations who have seted out and we must request a  
our representatives a concrete analysis. In individual, nonencounter  
clear the added value of one "constituency" of organizations of  
consumers and not the support. I believe that its existence issample of  
institutional pathology of the NCUC more than expression of a necessity  
deep. But I wait for the analysis of those who is more near  
information and of the promoters of that group. 
Finally, with respect to the request of which the process of recognition of  
new groups are shortened, I believe that it is originating that LACRALO supports it. 
Warm greeting. 
Alexander Pisanty 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Dr Alexander Pisanty 
UNAM, Av. University 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico 
Tels. +52-(1)-55-5105-6044, +52-(1)-55-5418-3732 
* My blog/My blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com 
* LinkedIn procases out: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty 
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty 
* Unete to group UNAM in LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/22285/Â106C0C8614 
* They see ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org.mx, ISOC http://www.isoc.org 
* It participates in ICANN, http://www.icann.org 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
On Thu, 3 Sea 2011 carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com wrote: 
> Date: Thu, 3 Sea 2011 13:06:12 GMT > From: carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com > Reply-To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] Fw: RESULT OF THE VOTE: Supply reviewed of > letter of ALAC JAS >  > -- ===============1968962516 == > > > [ [ - - Translated text (in - > is)--]] > > > Subject: Re: Fw: RESULT OF THE VOTE: Reviewed supply of the letter of ALAC JAS > Of: carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com > > > Wanted All: > > With respect to the new electoral districts in GNSO, this one is part of the improvements http://gnso.icann.org/en/improvements/of GNSO and invites our representatives in ALAC that read. > to understand the process that I also invite to read doccuments - the new process of contituency - in http://gnso.icann.org/en/improvements/newco-process-en.htm, to read later and to understand those doccuments, safe I`m you will be able todecide to fill your responsabilities. > My certain point of view i!
 s that one: I`m in favor to the new electoral districts, but not totally surely in all the cases for example I use to electoral district of the consumers. > I`m not totally surely in case that of it does not stop the electoral district of the benefit, in this case I have doubts with respect to the difference between the cubical centimeter, NFPC, NCSG, NCUC (I know that it could be an appropriate deficiency of the knowledge of me). And finally I`m almost surely against the other wichof the electoral districts has presented/displayed its requests. > > My two cents. > Carlos Dionisio Aguirre > Advice of NCA GNSO - ICANN > previous member of ALAC of LACRALO > In Right of the Businesses of Lawyer - of Specialist > Sarmiento 71 - 4to. 18 Cordova - Argentina - > * 54-351-424-2123/423-5423 > http://ar.ageiadensi.org > > > > > Date: Thu, The 3 Of March 2011 11:45:07 Of +0000 > Of: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar >: lac-discuss-en at atlarge-lists.icann.org > cubical Centimeter: > Subj!
 ect: Re: [ lacquer-discuss-lac-discuss-in ] Fw: RESULT OF THE !
viewed supply of the letter of ALAC JAS > > > [ [ - - translated text (is - >)--]] of in > > > Subject: Re: Fw: RESULT OF THE VOTE: Reviewed supply of the letter of ALAC JAS > Of: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar > > As él indicates it Carlos well in its mail was one of which they represented > of the LACRALO that podría not to vote on the supply of ALAC JAS. > > That representing era. > > razón by which I have not been able to vote is the breakageof myHD in my PC > invalido cuà l to emit my vote, I request to excuses all to him by > this, but without the computer was without a doubt impossible to me to do it. > > I must indicate inside that él was going to make affirmative, like expressedit > my mail when envié the alert of the consultation in the list in this subject > did the 01/03, lamentably él was not contribuciónnuestrasexes > representing, that of insurance very había been enriching for all. > > Because to animate the box t!
 hat I must indicate that, él was sí the contribuciónvaliosa of > other members of región that preocupó to answer itself the mail and > to contribute to its ends of visión and the knowledge for the decision making, > those ends of visión habían been suitable with ours intención of the vote. > > Deseó to take advantage of this mail to request Carlos to him who offers us to his > point of view in the processes of the recognition of the new GNSO > surpasses to the electoral district, from of término of día 04/03/2011 voting. > > También wanted to listen what the other members think ours > región, as as he is of order in this management serà takeninside > counts at the time of defining our vote in ofvoting of the processes of > the subjects that are discussed in ALAC, for él envío one conexión that can > to be one guía in the subject: > > https://community.icann.org/display/alacdocs/ALAC+Comment+on+the+Draft+!
 Process+for+Recognition+of+New+GNSO+Constituencies > > hot Gre!
 etings >
 > * saline Sergio I take asociación of president Internauta Argentina > Internet of Argentina de Usuarios of <http://www.internauta.org.ar>FLUI- > Latin American Federación of users of the Internet > <http://www.fuilain.org>LACRALO - member facebook:salinasporto of ALAC > twitter:sergiosalinas MSN/MSN YAHOO/Talk: salinasporto... > Skype:internautaargentina Mobi:+54 9 223 5 215819 * > > > the 02/03/2011 12:39 P.M., carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com escribió: &gt; [ [ - - text translated (in - &gt; is)--]] &gt; &gt; &gt; subject: Fw: RESULT OF THE VOTE: Reviewed OfALAC of the supply of letter JAS &gt; of: carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com &gt; &gt; &gt; Deseó All: I`ve finishes seeingof the email down, and my surprise was very great, because: 1 of 2 that our ALAC eligió regionalrepresentatives, the NINGÚN to decide participates in the survey  Deseó to know by quÃ&copy;?  quÃ&copy; in you?  cuà l was motivacióna to decide? despuÃ&copy;s of which Ã&copy;l!
  asksabout that ours maximun of opinión when there are three members of LACRALO in the WG (a Co-chair), and Ã&copy;l watch like I who everything deserves our aid (even being I one of Ã&copy;l). &gt; &gt; Carlos Dionisio Aguirre &gt; advice of NCA GNSO - ICANN &gt; previous member of ALAC of LACRALO &gt; in the right of the businesses of the lawyer - of the specialist &gt; of Sarmiento 71 - 4to. 18 Cordova - Argentina - &gt; * 54-351-424-2123! > /423-5423 &gt; http://ar.ageiadensi.org &gt; &gt; date: Wed, the 2 of march 2011 of 09:55:11 of +0100 &gt; of:  staff at atlarg! > e.icann.org &gt; a: alac-announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org &gt; subject: RESULT [ of ALAC-Anuncie ] of the VOTE: The reviewed letter ProposalofALAC JAS &gt; &gt; deseó all, &gt; &gt; with 11 members of outside 15 of ALACen which votes in the recent votes &gt; proposed the reviewed letter of ALACJAS, we can confirm that quorate is the results &gt;. &gt; &gt; ********* &gt; &gt; you use ratificació!
 n of the supply repasadade the letter of ALAC JAS &gt; &gt; sÃ!
 ƒÂ­: 11 
(100.00%) &gt; Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Carlton Samuels, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Sandra &gt; Hoferichter, Evan Leibovitch, James Seng, Sylvia Leite, Olivier &gt; CrÃ&copy;pin-Leblond, the Bashir, Dewandranath Kissoondoyal, Gareth De Mohammed &gt; Shearman &gt; &gt; not: 0 (0.00%) &gt; &gt; abstains: 0 (0.00%) &gt; &gt; ***********&gt; &gt; you can verify the results independently underneath:  &gt; https://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=1592gybVUyKuQsbcf9DLza2g &gt; &gt;we can confirm that! > did not participate the following members of ALAC! > in &gt; votación:  &gt; &gt; Edmon Chungking &gt; Orujo Of memory! > &g of nberg > t; Árbol Jemaa of rà bano sharp of saline Tijani &gt; I take accepts Sergio &gt; &gt; you who you can underneath find the results detodosthe closed votes of ALAC:  &gt; https://www.bigpulse.com/m7097 &gt; &gt; respect to --&gt;, &gt; &gt; Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-Blanco, &gt; Marilyn Vernon, Kristina!
  Nordström &gt; personal En-Grande-Grande of ICANN &gt;! &gt; &gt; email: staff[at]atlarge.icann.org &gt; site of the Web: www.atlarge.icann.org &gt; _______________________________________________&gt; ALAC-Anuncie listthatenvía &gt; ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org &gt; https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/alac-announce &gt; &gt; official En-Grande-Grande of the site:  http://atlarge.icann.org &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; [ [ - - the original text (inside) &gt; http://mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/11êb0a6f5.html &gt; --]] &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;! > _______________________________________________ &gt; lacquer-to discussestà sending the list &gt; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann! > org &gt; https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-is &gt; &gt; http://www.lacralo.org > _______________________________________________ > > > > > [ [ - - original text (it is) > http:/!
 /mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/19a716b172.html > --]] > > > > !
_______________________________________ > > > > > [ [ - - Original text (in) > http://mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/db65d40da3.html > --]] > > > > -- ===============1968962516 == > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > Content-Disposition: inline > > _______________________________________________ > lac-discuss-is mailing list > lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-is > > http://www.lacralo.org > -- ===============1968962516 ==-- > 

[[--Original text (es)

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