[lac-discuss-en] Message from David Olive on At-Large Staff Transitions

Heidi Ullrich Heidi.Ullrich at icann.org
Sun Feb 13 23:48:28 UTC 2011

Dear All,

Please see a note on upcoming At-Large staff transitions sent on behalf of David Olive, Vice President, Policy Development Support.


Dear At-Large community,

I would like to inform you of some At-Large staff transitions that will begin following the 40th ICANN Meeting in Silicon Valley in San Francisco.

It is with mixed emotions that I announce the departure of Matthias Langenegger, Manager, At-Large Regional Affairs, effective 21 March 2011. Matthias, who first joined ICANN in February 2008 as the At-Large Coordination Officer, has been an exceptional member of the Policy Team and provided outstanding support to the At-Large community, due in part, to his unique combination of technical and language skills.

The position of Manager, At-Large Regional Affairs has been posted on the ICANN website (see: At-Large Regional Affairs Officer (OHREGAFFRSOFFCR)<http://hostedjobs.openhire.com/epostings/submit.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=213511&company_id=16025&version=1&source=ONLINE&jobOwner=973076&aid=1>). However, in the interim period,  we have asked Seth Greene, currently the At-Large Improvements Project Manager, to take on some of  responsibilities of this position, with assistance from Gisella Gruber and Marilyn Vernon.  This interim arrangement has been designed in order to ensure continuity in At-Large staff support.

Along with the At-Large staff, I would like to warmly thank Matthias for his considerable contribution to ICANN and the At-Large community and wish him all the best in his new endeavors. I am confident that Seth, with assistance from Gisella and Marilyn, will provide the same level of outstanding service to the At-Large community.

Kind regards,

David A. Olive
Vice President, Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
1101 New York Avenue, NW - Suite 930 - Washington, D.C.    20005
Office: 202.570.7126      Mobile:  202.341.3611


Kind regards,

Heidi Ullrich
Director for At-Large
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Telephone: + 1 (310) 578 - 8647
Fax: +1 (310) 823 - 8649
Cell/Mobile: +1 (310) 437 - 3956

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