[lac-discuss-en] LACRALO Bylawas - Statutes

andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 25 23:16:17 UTC 2010

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: LACRALO Bylawas - Statutes
From: andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com

previous teleconferencings of Regional Organization AT-Large 
Latin American and of the Caribbean (LACRALO) they have identified two 
questions nail on the way in which LACRALO works, according to 
our organizacionales documents (to which it is possible to be acceded 
in https://st.icann.org/lacralo/index.cgi?ralo_organising_documents). 
two questions nail son:co  
The mandate terms for the president of LACRALO and for 
LACRALO secretary. There was general agreement (consensus) that 
mandate terms for the civil employees who occupy these 
positions must be of two years instead of a year and in which 
people chosen for these positions only can evolve in 
such during two consecutive mandates.  
The way to deal with those Structures AT-Large (ALSes) that 
they belong to Latin American Regional Organization AT-Large and of 
The Caribbean (LACRALO) and that is inactive or does not participate in LACRALO. 
Those Structures AT-Large (ALSes) inactive affect the quorum stops 
the successful adoption of the taken proposals to motion in 
LACRALO meetings, including a the General Assemblies. By this 
means, the president and the secretary of LACRALO suggest the following one 
action plan: 
the creation of a work group (WG) each question. Both 
work groups, denominated WG1 and WG2, will work of way 
simultaneous and independent to propose modifications to 
organizacionales documents of Regional Organization AT-Large 
Latin American and of the Caribbean (LACRALO). 
of Work 1 (WG1): 
The reach of this work group is to suggest the writing of 
modifications for organizacionales documents of LACRALO 
relative to the positions of president and secretary of of 
Latin American Regional organization AT-Large and of the Caribbean 
objectives suggested for the WG1 are: 
The duration of the mandate term of the president and secretary of 
LACRALO must be increased of a year to two years. 
The chosen people to hold the position of president and secretary 
of LACRALO they only can evolve during a maximum of two 
consecutive mandate terms. 
It must have specific dates of the moment at which one begins 
mandate term of the president and the secretary. 
The mandate terms of the president would have to be staggered and of 
secretary so that the selection of both positions does not happen 
at the same time? 
The people who evolve like president and secretary of 
LACRALO must be of different countries and different Structures 
AT-Large (ALSes). 
The selection of the president and the secretary of the Organization 
Regional Latin American AT-Large and of the Caribbean (LACRALO) would take 
to end by means of a general assembly of LACRALO (virtual or 
actual), that will summon a period determined before 
beginning of the mandate terms of the president and the secretary 
(for example, 6 months). 
of Work 2 (WG2): 
The reach of this work group is to suggest options and 
procedures in reference to the deal with Structures AT-Large 
(ALSes) inactive and to propose the writing of possible modifications 
to organizacionales documents of the Regional Organization 
Latin American AT-Large and of the Caribbean (LACRALO) in relation to 
way to deal with Structures AT-Large (ALSes) inactive in 
that one talks about the quorum.  
objectives suggested for the WG2 are:  
To establish a clear definition of what it is a Structure AT-Large 
(ALS) it inactivates. If Estructura At-Large (ALS) inactivatesshe is that 
that it does not participate, then which are the minimum requirements of 
participation for Estructura At-Large (ALS)? 
A continuous process of recertificación for all would have toexist 
Structures AT-Large (ALSes) within LACRALO, by means of which 
Structures AT-Large (ALSes) must renew his actively 
condition of members of Regional Organization AT-Large 
Latin American and of the Caribbean (LACRALO)? 
For the Structures AT-Large (ALSes) that fulfill this definition 
of ALS it inactivates, what can be made to assure that such 
Structures AT-Large (ALSes) inactive do not affect the quorum in 
motions and votes made by LACRALO? It must have a new one 
definition of which it constitutes the quorum in the meetings of 
LACRALO? The people who in previous teleconferencings expressed his 
desire to work in the LACRALO statutes is (without an order 
Aislan Basilio  
Andres Piazza  
Antonio Medina Gomez  
Carlos Aguirre  
Dev Anand Teelucksingh  
Fatima Cambronero  
Jose Ovid Salgueiro  
Sylvia Herlein Leite  
Vladimir Davalos  
, the call of people to be united to the Work group 
1 (WG1) and Work group 2 (WG2) will be open to all 
Structures AT-Large (ALSes) of Regional Organization AT-Large 
Latin American and of the Caribbean (LACRALO). When creating the guide for 
LACRALO statutes, probably identify and indicate others 
subjects in relation to organizacionales documents. A subject 
clear already identified it is Rule 12,9 of the Rules of Procedure 
of ponderación of votes that incorrectly is written up. 
procedure for the modification of 
the statutes of Latin American Regional Organization AT-Largeand 
of the Caribbean (LACRALO) it was debated and approved during 
teleconferencing of LACRALO of day 19 of August of 2010 
Anand Teelucksingh 
Dear all, 
Previous LACRALO teleconferences have identified two key issues in how LACRALO operates, according to our LACRALO organising documents (which dog be found athttps://st.icann.org/lacralo/index.cgi?ralo_organising_documents) 
The two key issues: 
1) for The terms the LACRALO to chair and the LACRALO secretariat. It was generally agreed that the terms of these to officer positions should be for two years instead of one to year and that persons elected to these to officer positions for dog only serve two consecutive terms. 
2) how to deal with AT Large Structures (ALSes) in LACRALO that plows inactivates and not participating in LACRALO. Such inactivates ALSes affect the for quorum successful adoption of motions in LACRALO meetings, including General Assemblies. 
The LACRALO to chair and secretariat hereby suggests the following course 
of action: 
- to working group (WG) to be created for each issue 
- The two working groups, called WG1 and WG2, will work simultaneously and independently to suggest draft modifications to theLACRALO organising document 
WG1: The scope of this WG is suggest draft modifications to the 
LACRALO organising documents pertaining to the LACRALO to chair and LACRALO secretariat positions. 
Suggested goals of WG1: 
- The term of the LACRALO to chair and secretariat should be increasedfrom one to year to two years. 
- Persons elected to the LACRALO to chair and secretariat for dog onlyserve two consecutive terms. 
- there should be specific you date when the term of the to chair and the term of the secretariat starts. 
- Should the terms of the to chair and secretariat be staggered under that the election for both positions does not occur AT the same Time? 
- Persons serving ace LACRALO to chair and LACRALO secretariat should be from different countries and from different ALSe 
 - the election of the LACRALO to chair and secretariat would be donates by to general LACRALO assembly (virtual or phase to phase) convened for to Seth period (e.g 6 months) prior to the start of the terms of the to chair and the secretariat. 
WG2: The scope of this WG is to suggest options and procedures in dealing with inactivates possible ALSes and draft modifications to deal the LACRALO organising documents to with inactivates ALSes in LACRALO ace it you relate to quorum. 
Suggested goals of WG2: 
- to clear definition of what is an inactivates At Large Structure (ALS). If an inactivates ALS is one that is not participating, what then plows the for minimum participation requirements an ALS? 
- should there be to ongoing re-certification process for all ALSes inLACRALO, by which ALSes must actively renew to their membership in LACRALO? 
- for ALSes that meet this definition of an inactivates ALS, what dog be donates to ensure that such inactivates ALSes do not affect quorum in motions and you vote by LACRALO? Should there be to re-defintion ofwhat constitutes to quorum in LACRALO meetings? 
Persons who on previous LACRALO teleconferences who wanted to work on 
LACRALO bylaws (in nonparticular order): 
- Aislan Basilio 
- Andres Piazza 
- Antonio Medina Gomez 
- Carlos Aguirre 
- Dev Anand Teelucksingh 
- Fatima Cambronero  
- Jose Ovid Salgueiro 
- Sylvia Herlein Leite 
- Vladimir Davalos 
However, the call for persons to join WG1 and WG2 will be open to all ALSes in LACRALO. 
In creating the guide to the LACRALO bylaws, to other issues with the organising documents will likely be identified and bought to the attention of LACRALO. One to clear issue already identified is Rule 12. in the Rules of Procedure on weighted voting which is worded 
For This procedure the LACRALO bylaws modification will be discussed during the LACRALO teleconference call on August 19th, 2010. 
Andrés Piazza 
Dev Anand Teelucksingh  
LACRALO Secretariat 

[[--Original text (es)

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