[lac-discuss-en] Head of cattle: Re: Pamphlet

aislan at uol.com.br aislan at uol.com.br
Tue Dec 22 08:02:55 CST 2009

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Head of cattle: Re: Pamphlet
From: aislan at uol.com.br

This very clear the pamphlet and professional. My phrase I willsend to Fátima. 
Merry Christmas to all you, my friends and who in proximo year are of many successes to Lacralo. 
Aislan Vargas Basilio 
Ageia Densi Brazil 
-----Original Message 
From: Andres Piazza <andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com> 
Date: Mon, 21 DEC 2009 19:43:52  
To: <asoto at ibero-americano.org>; <presidencia at internauta.org.ar>; LACRALO Español<lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org>; Staff AT Large<staff at atlarge.icann.org> 
Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] Pamphlet 
Good Work People: 
I already sent the 2 details in suggestion form to Fátima. And my phrase.  
Andrés Piazza 
> From: asoto at ibero-americano.org > To: to presidencia at internauta.org.ar; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org; staff at atlarge.icann.org > Date: Mon, 21 DEC 2009 11:55:47 -0300 > Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] Pamphlet >  > Hello to all! I agree with the subject of the abbreviations,would have > to clarify them. With respect to the rest of the document, in principle it saw something it > technician in the thematic one who interests to us, but if we are inviting a > to participate, I believe that that is interested, it would have to interpret perfectly > that thematic one. And I believe that that is the spirit of the document. > Excellent work Fátima and Sergio! >  > warm Greetings and very happy celebrations for all! >  > Alberto Grove >  > original -----Mensaje > Of: lac-discuss-it is -bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org > [ mailto:lac-discuss-is -bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] In name of > Presidency Internaut > Envoy: Monday, 21 of December of 2009 09:41 a.m. > For: Pres!
 idency Internaut; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org; > AT-Large Staff > Subject: Re: [ lac-discuss-is ] Pamphlet >  > Considered, as I suppose that it has not arrived at the listthe images from > pamphlets, them shipment a URL to be able to lower them fromthere: > http://www.4shared.com/file/177982783/e5159c71/FOLLETO_LACRALO.html >  > warm Greetings > Sergio >  >  > Original Message  > From: Presidency Internaut  > To: lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org; AT-Large Staff  > Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 10:00 P.m. > Subject: Pamphlet >  >  > Considered them shipment by this means the pamphlet in whichwe have worked > with Fátima. >  > same the this subject to corrections, we put it to consideration for his > evaluation and suggestions. >  > Single lacks the phrases that had to send to us and that soon we will select > with Fátima to put in the same one, until now the only one that has sent them > was Sylvia. >  > Tomamos the necessary collections so that each on!
 e from the organizations > can put its isologo, or form of con!
 tact in 
the pamphlet, forthat > model we put a space in target to place those data, or > sending it to print to the press by each one of the ALS, putting to him > raised it single seal or writing by hand. >  > Some of the ilustrativas photographies can change, in fact two of > they were removed from the good serious WEB and that if somehad > photographies of good quality of the members of the LACRALO of the meetings of > San Pablo, San Juan of Puerto Rico or Mexico please háganmelas to arrive for > to choose them and to put them in, since those that I placedin the pamphlet they are not of > good quality and can be in danger the good printing of this.Also > needs some good photography the Public Meetings of ICANN... if > some could send photographies of very good affability we would receive them. >  > we have pautado with Fátima to receive suggestions until day 28 of December > of 2009 to have time in the remaining days to close this work and > to send it to that corresponds for it!
 s printing. >  > Sepan to excuse if there are desprolijidades and errors of tipeo, but although already > this in his completes stage is necessary to correct some aesthetic questions and of > style.  >  >  >  > Sergio Saline I carry >  > President >  > Internaut >  > Argentina Association de Usuarios de Internet >  > to http://www.internauta.org.ar >  >  >  >  >  >_______________________________________________ > lac-discuss-is mailing list > lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es_atlarge-lists > icann.org >  > http://www.lacralo.org >  >  >_______________________________________________ > lac-discuss-is mailing list > lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es_atlarge-lists.icann.org >  > http://www.lacralo.org 

[[--Original text (es)

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